frog rabbit bee bird fish
bear monkey tiger panda lion wolf elephant dog cat pig cow sheep duck chick hen 食物food:
rice soup egg noodles
jelly ice cream biscuit sweet
cola milk water juice tea
cake pizza hamburger pie hotdog
ball doll kite bicycle football rope
see hear taste smell touch drink eat help like
dance read sing draw write fold look make come ride play fly skip sit give swim
song birthday colour party gift firework firecraker card flower tree grass house sun moon cloud rain rainbow star face eye mouth nose ear
book ruler pencil rubber pen ink pencil-box 人物:
grandmother grandfather father mother brother sister baby narrator boy girl teacher pupil farmer
I you she he me my your his her 形容词:
red blue yellow green brown orange white black pink nice yummy super good sweet happy fine old new fat thin tall short small big bad good 拟声词:
oink quack peep tweet glug baa
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 水果fruit:
apple pear peach orange banana lemon
Alice Danny Eddie Kitty Tom Ben Ann Jack
spring summer autumn winter
warm hot cool cold
sunny rainy cloudy windy snowy
dress skirt blouse shorts shirt T-shirt
who what where how this that here it
down up can need many morning afternoon is am are evening
frog rabbit bee bird fish
bear monkey tiger panda lion wolf elephant dog cat pig cow sheep duck chick hen 食物food:
rice soup egg noodles
jelly ice cream biscuit sweet
cola milk water juice tea
cake pizza hamburger pie hotdog
ball doll kite bicycle football rope
see hear taste smell touch drink eat help like
dance read sing draw write fold look make come ride play fly skip sit give swim
song birthday colour party gift firework firecraker card flower tree grass house sun moon cloud rain rainbow star face eye mouth nose ear
book ruler pencil rubber pen ink pencil-box 人物:
grandmother grandfather father mother brother sister baby narrator boy girl teacher pupil farmer
I you she he me my your his her 形容词:
red blue yellow green brown orange white black pink nice yummy super good sweet happy fine old new fat thin tall short small big bad good 拟声词:
oink quack peep tweet glug baa
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 水果fruit:
apple pear peach orange banana lemon
Alice Danny Eddie Kitty Tom Ben Ann Jack
spring summer autumn winter
warm hot cool cold
sunny rainy cloudy windy snowy
dress skirt blouse shorts shirt T-shirt
who what where how this that here it
down up can need many morning afternoon is am are evening