
Prologue of the Christmas party(开场白):

A: Merry Christmas! Good afternoon! Respectable leaders, teachers and dear classmates. Welcome to our Christmas party. I am Jesse. It’s my great honor to be the host this afternoon. It is Christmas. As we all know, it is the most important festival in western countries. During the festival people exchange their presents to celebrate. Now we're here to celebrate Christmas together, and next we are going to give you a very exciting performance as a Xmas present to all of you! We hope you’ll enjoy it. In addition, our five groups have planned various interesting performance. We hope you will join us and have much fun.

Now , let’s welcome our Santa Claus.Dapeng !!!

—Dapeng comes on stage.


B: Merry Christmas my dear friends, glad to see you again on such a special day. I am the Santa Claus,hoping you enjoy everything in our party,Best wishes to you all. A: Santa Clause, what’s wrong with you? Your clothes look so small.

B: Chinese food is so delicious. I eat too much last year. So I become a little fatter. A: Oh, I see. Santa Clause, what’s this?

B: I see many of you showing great interest in this bag? You must be wondering what presents are inside. It is a secret for now. But they will belong to those winners of the games. Join us and you may be the luck one.

A: OK, with the snowflakes falling from the sky.

B: Where’s the snow?

A:Santa Clause,Seriously, please.

A: With the Christmas carols resounding around our ears

B: With the Christmas presents passing through our friends and us.

A: Where is my present?Is this one?

B: Give you a big present secretly after class.

A: Oh, thank you Santa Clause. With the kindest Santa Clause in red walking towards us

A, B: Let's shout,” Christmas is coming! Merry Christmas!”

A: Santa Clause, at this special moment, I can't be more excited. How about you? B: Of course, Jesse, me too. And I dare say that I've never been so happy for long time. I bet you do, yeah?

A: Sure, you are right. So why are we still waiting? I guess the audience can't wait

to enjoy our exciting performance. Do you think so?

B: Absolutely! So now, let's get our party started!

Well. Ladies and gentlemen, the first performance.Welcome our handsome men in group one, they will sing a popular song. Come on guys. Please enjoy. Welcome group one.

Group one sing the song.

What ’s an amazing performance! Unbelievable,Tracy, your voice is so strong and powerful. It’s so cool. And Lee, I didn’t expect you can sing so well. For me, I like and admire people who are good at singing. I fall in love with you, Lee. And would you mind teaching me how to sing the song tonight, please?—Thank you. I can wait you for all night long. I believe I can satisfy all your requirements and I can raise you up.—Ha, just a joke. Come back to our performance. The following program is a short drama,showed by group two. Wow, they have prepared. Welcome group two.

Group two shows the drama.


Group three shows.

Thank you. Thanks for your kind applause. Our group has prepared this performance in a rush time and it’s quite a little difficult for us.Now let’s invite our manager Mr. Wang.Please come to the stage to pick our Christmas dreams. 第3节目后邀请王毅老总抽3个圣诞愿望. Sir, you can pick three our Christmas dreams.Please read out our dreams.—Sir, may you talk about your work experience overseas.Could you please give us some wishes and requirements in New Year? — Thank you. Thank you very much. Best wishes for you. Now it’s time for group four to show a short act, I hope you like it. Make some voice for inviting group four.

Group four shows .

What ’s afunnyperformance! Good job, gentlemen. We can see a clever Chinese andlaughingJapanese. Thank you again. Now, take a break. Another exciting time, please pick six lucky numbers randomly.These chosen ones will also be the lucky audience and will get a present.Everyone can pick two numbers.Are you ready?Let we go.第4节目后抽6个奖,2个领导上台颁奖.The next performance, please enjoy a poemby group five. Welcome group five.

Group five shows .

How beautiful the poem is!

B: That is all for our performance. The New Year is coming. Here we want to take this chance to send our wishes. Wish you a healthy body.

A: Wish you a successful career.

B: good luck in everything.


Now, l et’s invite our teacher Wang.She will be the host for the following games and performance. Welcome teacher Wang.

Prologue of the Christmas party(开场白):

A: Merry Christmas! Good afternoon! Respectable leaders, teachers and dear classmates. Welcome to our Christmas party. I am Jesse. It’s my great honor to be the host this afternoon. It is Christmas. As we all know, it is the most important festival in western countries. During the festival people exchange their presents to celebrate. Now we're here to celebrate Christmas together, and next we are going to give you a very exciting performance as a Xmas present to all of you! We hope you’ll enjoy it. In addition, our five groups have planned various interesting performance. We hope you will join us and have much fun.

Now , let’s welcome our Santa Claus.Dapeng !!!

—Dapeng comes on stage.


B: Merry Christmas my dear friends, glad to see you again on such a special day. I am the Santa Claus,hoping you enjoy everything in our party,Best wishes to you all. A: Santa Clause, what’s wrong with you? Your clothes look so small.

B: Chinese food is so delicious. I eat too much last year. So I become a little fatter. A: Oh, I see. Santa Clause, what’s this?

B: I see many of you showing great interest in this bag? You must be wondering what presents are inside. It is a secret for now. But they will belong to those winners of the games. Join us and you may be the luck one.

A: OK, with the snowflakes falling from the sky.

B: Where’s the snow?

A:Santa Clause,Seriously, please.

A: With the Christmas carols resounding around our ears

B: With the Christmas presents passing through our friends and us.

A: Where is my present?Is this one?

B: Give you a big present secretly after class.

A: Oh, thank you Santa Clause. With the kindest Santa Clause in red walking towards us

A, B: Let's shout,” Christmas is coming! Merry Christmas!”

A: Santa Clause, at this special moment, I can't be more excited. How about you? B: Of course, Jesse, me too. And I dare say that I've never been so happy for long time. I bet you do, yeah?

A: Sure, you are right. So why are we still waiting? I guess the audience can't wait

to enjoy our exciting performance. Do you think so?

B: Absolutely! So now, let's get our party started!

Well. Ladies and gentlemen, the first performance.Welcome our handsome men in group one, they will sing a popular song. Come on guys. Please enjoy. Welcome group one.

Group one sing the song.

What ’s an amazing performance! Unbelievable,Tracy, your voice is so strong and powerful. It’s so cool. And Lee, I didn’t expect you can sing so well. For me, I like and admire people who are good at singing. I fall in love with you, Lee. And would you mind teaching me how to sing the song tonight, please?—Thank you. I can wait you for all night long. I believe I can satisfy all your requirements and I can raise you up.—Ha, just a joke. Come back to our performance. The following program is a short drama,showed by group two. Wow, they have prepared. Welcome group two.

Group two shows the drama.


Group three shows.

Thank you. Thanks for your kind applause. Our group has prepared this performance in a rush time and it’s quite a little difficult for us.Now let’s invite our manager Mr. Wang.Please come to the stage to pick our Christmas dreams. 第3节目后邀请王毅老总抽3个圣诞愿望. Sir, you can pick three our Christmas dreams.Please read out our dreams.—Sir, may you talk about your work experience overseas.Could you please give us some wishes and requirements in New Year? — Thank you. Thank you very much. Best wishes for you. Now it’s time for group four to show a short act, I hope you like it. Make some voice for inviting group four.

Group four shows .

What ’s afunnyperformance! Good job, gentlemen. We can see a clever Chinese andlaughingJapanese. Thank you again. Now, take a break. Another exciting time, please pick six lucky numbers randomly.These chosen ones will also be the lucky audience and will get a present.Everyone can pick two numbers.Are you ready?Let we go.第4节目后抽6个奖,2个领导上台颁奖.The next performance, please enjoy a poemby group five. Welcome group five.

Group five shows .

How beautiful the poem is!

B: That is all for our performance. The New Year is coming. Here we want to take this chance to send our wishes. Wish you a healthy body.

A: Wish you a successful career.

B: good luck in everything.


Now, l et’s invite our teacher Wang.She will be the host for the following games and performance. Welcome teacher Wang.


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