1. Improve Athletic Performance: Research suggests, caffeine is effective for improving athletic performance. Caffeine can improve performance in endurance sports like running, swimming and cycling. It also may help you recover from exercise. The optimal window to consume caffeine is 30-60 minutes before exercise, although it has sometimes been shown to improve performance as quickly as 15 minutes prior. Keep in mind, caffeine works at low-to-moderate doses (about 3-6 mg caffeine per kg of body weight) and does not provide greater benefit at higher doses (9 mg/kg). Remember, even the low end of the range is sufficient, so 16 oz of home-brewed coffee is enough for most people. 1.增强运动能力:研究表明,咖啡因能有效增强人体的运动能力。咖啡因不仅能让人在跑步,游泳和自行车等耐力运动中表现更佳,而且还有助于人在运动后恢复体力。尽管有时在运动前15分钟喝咖啡能有效增强运动能力,但研究发现,摄取咖啡因的最佳时间是运动前半个小时到一个小时。注意,喝低浓度和中等浓度的咖啡(以人体重为标准,每公斤摄入3~6mg咖啡因)能有效改善运动机能,但是喝高浓度的咖啡(每公斤摄入9mg)并不能使这种效果得到更进一步的提高。
2. Cancer Prevention: Dark roasted coffee is known to have certain antioxidant qualities. In order to understand the source and mechanism of this quality, a study was conducted to look into the chemical nature of roasted coffee, with respect to its antioxidant properties. The chemical components obtained from roasting coffee beans at high temperatures were analyzed and quantified. The results showed that in roasted coffee, compounds called Maillard reaction products (MRPs) had high antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help protect cells from free radicals and oxidative stress, which may help prevent cancer. 2.预防癌症:深度烘焙的咖啡具有一定的抗氧化特性。研究人员为了搞清楚这种特性的原理机制,就其抗氧化性能进行了化学性质方面的研究。他们对咖啡豆经过高温烘焙后生成的化学成分进行量化分析。结果显示,一种被称为梅拉德反应产物(MRPs)的化合物具有很强的抗氧化性。抗氧化物能保护细胞不受自由基和氧化应激反应的伤害,从而可以预防癌症。
3. Reduce Risk of Gout: New research shows that long-term coffee consumption is associated with reduced risk of gout in women. The significant risk reduction in this study was seen with more than four cups per day. Gout, a condition characterized by painful inflammatory arthritis, has historically been considered a male disease. Up until now, most of the research on gout prevention and treatment has been focused on men exclusively and a 2007 study revealed that regular coffee consumption was linked to a significantly lower incidence of gout among men. However, this new study shows that women who drink even just one cup a day can lower their risk of gout by 22 percent. 3.降低患痛风病的风险:新的研究表明,长期饮用咖啡能降低女性患痛风病的风险。这项研究显示每天饮用超过4杯咖啡的人能有效降低患痛风病的风险。痛风病以发炎性关节炎引起的疼痛为特征,一直被认为是一种女性疾病。到目前为止,痛风病的预防和治疗研究大部分只针对男性,2007年的一份研究发现,有规律的饮用咖啡能有效地降低男性患痛风病的风险。这项研究还发现,女性即使每天饮用1杯咖啡也能将患痛风病的风险降低22%。
4. Lower Coronary Heart Disease Risk: If drinking coffee has become part of your daily routine, you might wonder what it’s doing to your long-term heart health. New research from Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, a journal of the American Heart Association, found that high tea consumption and moderate coffee consumption may be associated with decreased rates of death from coronary heart disease (CHD). For coffee drinkers, more moderate consumption levels (2-3 cups per day) were associated with the greatest risk reduction for death from heart disease (21 percent) compared to drinking less than one cup of coffee per day. 4.降低患冠心病的风险:如果饮用咖啡已经成为你生活的一部分,你可能想知道这会对你的心脏健康产生什么影响。美国心脏协会杂志《动脉硬化、血栓和血管生物学》发表的一项新的研究称,经常喝茶和适量饮用咖啡可以降低患冠心病的死亡率。对于习惯饮用咖啡的人来说,每天适量饮用2~3杯咖啡的人比那些每天只喝一杯或者不喝咖啡的人的心脏病死亡率要低21%。
5. Reduce Risk of Diabetes: Drinking coffee might reduce the risk of diabetes, but when it comes to reaping the health benefits of java, timing is everything. A new study of nearly 70,000 women without diabetes found that those who drank more than one cup of coffee at lunchtime were 34 percent less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than non-coffee drinkers. The women in the group who drank at least three cups of coffee a day were 27 percent less likely to develop the disease compared to women who drank no coffee at all. However, when the researchers examined the data more closely, they discovered that the specific timing of coffee intake was the factor associated with the protective effect: only those women who drank more than one cup of coffee every day at lunchtime reduced their risk of type 2 diabetes, by 34 percent, compared to women who drank no coffee at lunchtime. 5.降低患糖尿病的风险:饮用咖啡可以降低患糖尿病的风险,但要想让咖啡发挥出良好的健康功效,有规律性地饮用是很重要的。对70000名未患糖尿病的妇女做的一项新的研究表明,那些每天午饭时间饮用至少两杯咖啡的人比那些不喝咖啡的人患2型糖尿病的风险低34%。那些每天至少饮用3杯咖啡的妇女比那些从不喝咖啡的妇女患糖尿病的风险低27%。研究人员对数据进行更近一步的份分析发现,只有那些每天在午饭时间至少饮用两杯咖啡的妇女患2型糖尿病的风险比不喝咖啡的妇女低34%,也就是说只有在特定时间饮用咖啡才有那种效果。
The DOWNSIDE of coffee drinking. 应减少咖啡摄入量的人群
There are some people, however, for whom regular or higher coffee intake may cause more harm than good, either because of its acidity or caffeine content. These include people who regularly experience acid reflux/heartburn, insomnia, heart palpatations, or caffeine sensitivity. For migraine sufferers, caffeinated coffee may demonstrate a dose-dependent effect: higher intakes (more than a cup or two of coffee per day) may trigger headaches, while lower doses can actually have a headache-relief effect. Also, pregnant women are advised to moderate their coffee intake, although one caffeinated beverage per day appears to be perfectly safe. 对于一部分患有胃酸、烧心、失眠、心悸或者对咖啡因过敏的人,经常饮用大量咖啡,咖啡的酸性或者过量的咖啡因很可能对他们的身体造成伤害。对于患有偏头痛的人,咖啡因可能会引起剂量依随效应:饮用大量的咖啡(每天饮用超过一两杯)会引起头痛,饮用少量的咖啡会减轻头痛。另外,对于孕妇,尽管每天喝一杯含咖啡因的饮品是绝对安全的,但专家还是建议孕妇应适当减少咖啡的摄入量。
Finally, new research suggest that coffee may make getting pregnant harder. So if you’ve been struggling to conceive, it may be wise to ditch the morning cup of joe. 最后要强调的是,新的研究表明,咖啡有可能会引起妇女怀孕难。如果你正在准备怀上一个宝宝,最好是停止每天早上喝咖啡的习惯。
1. Improve Athletic Performance: Research suggests, caffeine is effective for improving athletic performance. Caffeine can improve performance in endurance sports like running, swimming and cycling. It also may help you recover from exercise. The optimal window to consume caffeine is 30-60 minutes before exercise, although it has sometimes been shown to improve performance as quickly as 15 minutes prior. Keep in mind, caffeine works at low-to-moderate doses (about 3-6 mg caffeine per kg of body weight) and does not provide greater benefit at higher doses (9 mg/kg). Remember, even the low end of the range is sufficient, so 16 oz of home-brewed coffee is enough for most people. 1.增强运动能力:研究表明,咖啡因能有效增强人体的运动能力。咖啡因不仅能让人在跑步,游泳和自行车等耐力运动中表现更佳,而且还有助于人在运动后恢复体力。尽管有时在运动前15分钟喝咖啡能有效增强运动能力,但研究发现,摄取咖啡因的最佳时间是运动前半个小时到一个小时。注意,喝低浓度和中等浓度的咖啡(以人体重为标准,每公斤摄入3~6mg咖啡因)能有效改善运动机能,但是喝高浓度的咖啡(每公斤摄入9mg)并不能使这种效果得到更进一步的提高。
2. Cancer Prevention: Dark roasted coffee is known to have certain antioxidant qualities. In order to understand the source and mechanism of this quality, a study was conducted to look into the chemical nature of roasted coffee, with respect to its antioxidant properties. The chemical components obtained from roasting coffee beans at high temperatures were analyzed and quantified. The results showed that in roasted coffee, compounds called Maillard reaction products (MRPs) had high antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help protect cells from free radicals and oxidative stress, which may help prevent cancer. 2.预防癌症:深度烘焙的咖啡具有一定的抗氧化特性。研究人员为了搞清楚这种特性的原理机制,就其抗氧化性能进行了化学性质方面的研究。他们对咖啡豆经过高温烘焙后生成的化学成分进行量化分析。结果显示,一种被称为梅拉德反应产物(MRPs)的化合物具有很强的抗氧化性。抗氧化物能保护细胞不受自由基和氧化应激反应的伤害,从而可以预防癌症。
3. Reduce Risk of Gout: New research shows that long-term coffee consumption is associated with reduced risk of gout in women. The significant risk reduction in this study was seen with more than four cups per day. Gout, a condition characterized by painful inflammatory arthritis, has historically been considered a male disease. Up until now, most of the research on gout prevention and treatment has been focused on men exclusively and a 2007 study revealed that regular coffee consumption was linked to a significantly lower incidence of gout among men. However, this new study shows that women who drink even just one cup a day can lower their risk of gout by 22 percent. 3.降低患痛风病的风险:新的研究表明,长期饮用咖啡能降低女性患痛风病的风险。这项研究显示每天饮用超过4杯咖啡的人能有效降低患痛风病的风险。痛风病以发炎性关节炎引起的疼痛为特征,一直被认为是一种女性疾病。到目前为止,痛风病的预防和治疗研究大部分只针对男性,2007年的一份研究发现,有规律的饮用咖啡能有效地降低男性患痛风病的风险。这项研究还发现,女性即使每天饮用1杯咖啡也能将患痛风病的风险降低22%。
4. Lower Coronary Heart Disease Risk: If drinking coffee has become part of your daily routine, you might wonder what it’s doing to your long-term heart health. New research from Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, a journal of the American Heart Association, found that high tea consumption and moderate coffee consumption may be associated with decreased rates of death from coronary heart disease (CHD). For coffee drinkers, more moderate consumption levels (2-3 cups per day) were associated with the greatest risk reduction for death from heart disease (21 percent) compared to drinking less than one cup of coffee per day. 4.降低患冠心病的风险:如果饮用咖啡已经成为你生活的一部分,你可能想知道这会对你的心脏健康产生什么影响。美国心脏协会杂志《动脉硬化、血栓和血管生物学》发表的一项新的研究称,经常喝茶和适量饮用咖啡可以降低患冠心病的死亡率。对于习惯饮用咖啡的人来说,每天适量饮用2~3杯咖啡的人比那些每天只喝一杯或者不喝咖啡的人的心脏病死亡率要低21%。
5. Reduce Risk of Diabetes: Drinking coffee might reduce the risk of diabetes, but when it comes to reaping the health benefits of java, timing is everything. A new study of nearly 70,000 women without diabetes found that those who drank more than one cup of coffee at lunchtime were 34 percent less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than non-coffee drinkers. The women in the group who drank at least three cups of coffee a day were 27 percent less likely to develop the disease compared to women who drank no coffee at all. However, when the researchers examined the data more closely, they discovered that the specific timing of coffee intake was the factor associated with the protective effect: only those women who drank more than one cup of coffee every day at lunchtime reduced their risk of type 2 diabetes, by 34 percent, compared to women who drank no coffee at lunchtime. 5.降低患糖尿病的风险:饮用咖啡可以降低患糖尿病的风险,但要想让咖啡发挥出良好的健康功效,有规律性地饮用是很重要的。对70000名未患糖尿病的妇女做的一项新的研究表明,那些每天午饭时间饮用至少两杯咖啡的人比那些不喝咖啡的人患2型糖尿病的风险低34%。那些每天至少饮用3杯咖啡的妇女比那些从不喝咖啡的妇女患糖尿病的风险低27%。研究人员对数据进行更近一步的份分析发现,只有那些每天在午饭时间至少饮用两杯咖啡的妇女患2型糖尿病的风险比不喝咖啡的妇女低34%,也就是说只有在特定时间饮用咖啡才有那种效果。
The DOWNSIDE of coffee drinking. 应减少咖啡摄入量的人群
There are some people, however, for whom regular or higher coffee intake may cause more harm than good, either because of its acidity or caffeine content. These include people who regularly experience acid reflux/heartburn, insomnia, heart palpatations, or caffeine sensitivity. For migraine sufferers, caffeinated coffee may demonstrate a dose-dependent effect: higher intakes (more than a cup or two of coffee per day) may trigger headaches, while lower doses can actually have a headache-relief effect. Also, pregnant women are advised to moderate their coffee intake, although one caffeinated beverage per day appears to be perfectly safe. 对于一部分患有胃酸、烧心、失眠、心悸或者对咖啡因过敏的人,经常饮用大量咖啡,咖啡的酸性或者过量的咖啡因很可能对他们的身体造成伤害。对于患有偏头痛的人,咖啡因可能会引起剂量依随效应:饮用大量的咖啡(每天饮用超过一两杯)会引起头痛,饮用少量的咖啡会减轻头痛。另外,对于孕妇,尽管每天喝一杯含咖啡因的饮品是绝对安全的,但专家还是建议孕妇应适当减少咖啡的摄入量。
Finally, new research suggest that coffee may make getting pregnant harder. So if you’ve been struggling to conceive, it may be wise to ditch the morning cup of joe. 最后要强调的是,新的研究表明,咖啡有可能会引起妇女怀孕难。如果你正在准备怀上一个宝宝,最好是停止每天早上喝咖啡的习惯。