综 述 石油规划设计 2005年7月 7
申建华* 喻立杰 张杉德
申建华等. 我国催化裂化催化剂的需求及发展. 石油规划设计,2005,16(4):7~9
摘 要 介绍了炼油工业对催化裂化催化剂性能的需求,特别指出:(1)其性能应适应重油深加工和调整产品结构;(2)能提高汽油质量;(3)能提高柴油和丙烯的产出率。对催化裂化催化剂的销售前景以及催化材料和催化剂的最新技术发展趋势进行了分析和预测。阐述了国内外许多公司利用不同分子筛对复杂反应的选择性差异以及进行不同类型分子筛复合匹配的情况。
关键词 炼油厂 催化裂化 催化剂 需求 性能 基质材料 分子筛 技术 发展趋势
1 中国大陆需求量
2 世界市场
2002年全球催化裂化能力为70 947万t/a,消耗FCC催化剂约75万t,与FCC催化剂总生产能力相当。中国和日本FCC催化剂产量合计约11万t,Davison、Akzo、Engelhard 3大公司合计产量达到60万t,全球FCC催化剂销售额约10亿美元。按照1.5%的平均年增长率计算,2010年预计达到约85万t,2020年预计达到约100万t,需要新增催化剂供应能力10万~25万t/a。
1 利用FCC催化剂进行重油深加工和调整产品结构
* 申建华,男,1965年生,高级工程师。1994年毕业于中科院兰州化物所物理化学专业,获硕士学位,现在中国兰州石化公司技术处工作。通信地址:兰州西固区玉门街10号,730060
8 石油规划设计 第16卷第4期 综 述
催化裂化催化剂作为调节操作方案及改善产品分布和质量的灵活手段,在生产操作中发挥重要的作用。 2 提高汽油的产品质量
预计我国的汽油标准将参照欧盟标准,2010年前可能执行的汽油标准的主要指标是:硫含量 0.015%、烯烃25%、芳烃35%、苯含量1.0%。新标准的实行,将对新技术的开发应用和炼油厂装置构成产生重大影响。我国汽油质量升级的可行路线有两种:一是近期方案,以催化裂化工艺和催化剂为主,以加氢、醚化、多组分调合为辅,解决汽油烯烃和硫含量达标问题;二是远期方案,一方面通过增加直馏石脑油重整、加氢裂化石脑油重整、烷基化油,以适当降低催化汽油比例;另一方面加速开发催化汽油改质技术,如催化汽油醚化、芳构化、临氢异构化、深度裂化、加氢精制、加氢-重整等技术和组合技术,以催化汽油自身的质量升级为主,解决质量问题。
3 催化裂化将继续采用增加柴油收率的催化剂等新技术
4 增产丙烯等化工原料
5 催化剂的性能研发必须重视环保
催化裂化消耗的催化剂超过1 kg/t(原料),其中至少有三分之一以粉尘方式排入大气,其它部分需要填埋等处理。另外,催化裂化和油品精制处理
1 催化材料的发展趋势
催化材料是决定催化剂性能的基础,必须适应重油裂化、产品分布和质量、清洁生产及特定工艺等多方面的要求。因此,分子筛的酸性中心强度。类型必须有合理的分布,而且与孔径分布相匹配。Y型分子筛的改性工艺和条件要考虑其晶胞尺寸、硅铝比、骨架外铝的类型和含量、稀土或其它阳离子含量和分布、适度的2~5 nm中孔、活性中心的可接近性等因素。催化剂中分子筛类型多样化及利用不同分子筛对复杂反应的选择性差异,进行不同类型分子筛的复合与匹配,实现综合目标,是分子筛技术的发展方向之一。
综 述 石油规划设计 2005年7月 活性相匹配。因此,硅溶胶、铝溶胶等黏结材料要能满足高分子筛含量的强度需要,高岭土、改性高岭土、氧化铝等填料必须具有所需要的孔结构和活性中心。硅溶胶基质的催化剂虽然在生产中的腐蚀性小、成本较低、焦炭选择性好,适合加工低重金属的VGO(减压蜡油)或加氢处理原料,但不适合加工高金属的直馏减压渣油。与铝溶胶基质催化剂相比,市场容量较小,尤其不适合目前中国的催化裂化装置。将来随着渣油加氢-催化裂化联合工艺的应用,硅溶胶基质催化剂会有一定的市场。改性氧化铝、改性高岭土等材料具有活性调节灵活、可提供大分子裂化所需的10~60 nm的基质孔道及易于实现Ni、V、Fe等的失活处理等优点,将在新催化剂生产中得到广泛应用。
2 催化剂最新技术进展
Davison公司开发了钝镍的LCM基质、重油裂化的活性氧化铝RAM基质、SAM和TMA基质和Z-17、Z-21、CSX、CSSN改性分子筛及硅溶胶、铝溶胶、XP 3种类型黏结剂材料,以不同基质材料建立了DACS技术平台,组合了活性适中的铝溶胶黏结剂;焦炭选择性好的硅溶胶黏结剂;增强抗磨损强度的黏结剂技术;钝镍基质LCM、捕钒技术;GSR技术及多种改性分子筛,可根据需要进行催化剂设计。2002年以来推出了MIDAS、IMPACT、PHOENIX、DACS等新型渣油裂化催化剂和汽油降烯烃、降硫助剂、OlefinsMax/extra增产烯烃助剂。最近推向市场的DACF催化剂采用铝溶胶和LCM基质技术并结合了降硫的GSR、降烯烃的RFG、DACS等多项技术,重油裂化和抗重金属能力强,可降低汽油烯烃8%~13%(体积)、硫含量20%~35%。
Engelhard公司以高岭土原位晶化技术为主,研发的催化剂具有分子筛富集表面、可接近性好、稳定性好、适合短接触时间催化反应等特点。以重油分子裂化为目的,采用6~7 nm、20~30 nm、200 nm以上3级优化的基质孔结构,建立了DMS技术平台;基质稳定性优于氧化铝和高岭土,活性中心可接近性好,与分子筛技术相结合,推出了性能优良的渣油裂化催化剂Rescue、Advantage、MaxiMet、NaphthaMax、Endurance、Flex-Tec;降烯烃催化剂
ContrOlefin;降硫催化剂NaphthaClean、NaphthaMax-LSG;重油裂化助剂Converter;增产丙烯助剂Select Z Plus;降硫助剂SulfurGate等,现已经被约70套催化裂化装置所选用。NaphthaMax催化剂以DMS基质技术与Pyrochem-Plus分子筛结合,专门为短接触时间催化裂化工艺设计,增强了重油转化能力,焦炭、干气选择性好,可以提高轻质油品收率。在美国某装置使用以后,油浆下降2.5个体积百分点,总液体收率提高了3.5个体积百分点。适用于渣油裂化的Endurance催化剂在某装置对比使用,总液体收率提高2.43个体积百分点。NaphthaMax-LSG重油裂化助剂在某装置使用,在汽油收率增加的同时,汽油中硫含量从0.04%下降到0.022%,下降幅度达45%。基于DMS的催化剂技术,也可以设计用于常规催化裂化装置的催化剂。
参 考 文 献
[1] 汤海涛等. 含硫原油加工过程中的硫转化规律,炼油技
[2] 肖 菊等. LV-23重油裂化催化剂的工业应用. 炼油技
[3] 宋家剑等. LRC-99催化剂在工业装置上的评价. 炼油
[4] 付燕生,任 铎. LST-1液体硫转移助剂工业应用. 炼
50 Vol.16 No.4 July. 2005 Petroleum Planning & Engineering
Analysis of Recent Developments in Chinese Petroleum Refining and Marketing
Zhang Li’
an,et al.
Under the speeding-up situation of economic development,China has entered into the WTObeen changed. After the ending of the first reformation of refining ,
and the functions of government have industry,
the Chinese refining industry is facing new opportunities for development. The industries of refining framework,refining
corporation,market competition and the substitute of petroleum products are all showing new developing trends. In this article
situation in face of refining industry is analyzed,
and the new ,the new developing trends in the refining industry are discussed. Moreover,some new suggestions for promoting grow of the refining industry are
Demand and Developments in FCC Catalysts of China
Shen Jianhua,et al.
analyzed and prospected. The property of FCC catalysts needs to meetThe market of FCC catalysts for refining industry in China is the demands of heavy oil cracking and the products of refineries. The quality of gasoline and the yields of LCO and propene can be enhanced by using FCC catalystdevelopment of FCC catalysts are introduced. The recent developments . The materials and the new technology for in new catalysts prepared with the complex molecular sieves all over the world are discussed. Developmental Prospect of Delayed Coking Technique
Qian Bozhang
The delayed coking technology is a main process for the residuum transform technique. At presentscales of delayed coking unit and coke column. The ,it is necessary to enlarge the developments of the delayed coking technology and the equipments have improved the delay coking technique enormously. The cycle time is reduced from 24 hours to 18 hours. The liquid output is improved,and the coke yield is lowered. The applications of antifoaming additive in the coke columnworking time of delayed coking units is p,rolonged. The anti-welding agent in heating furnace and the advanced control system are introduced. High-Strength Steel Pipes Applied to Gas Transmission Pipelines
Chu Yanfang,et al.
natural gas transmission pipelines with large diameter and high The demand of energy sources stimulates the development of pressure,which accelerates the technical progress of high-strength steel pipe. The cost for constructing gas transmission pipeline can be reduced by using high-strength steel pipes. Some examples for describing the application and developments of high-strength steel pipe are given. Some problems about the technical limits for utilization of high-strength steel pipes are discussed. Study on Simplifying Facilities for Oil Production in Aging Oilfields
Huang Xiaoli,et al.
The experiences of various oilfields of the PetroChina Company
Limited are investigated PetroChina Company Limited set up the guidelines and basic principles and reviewed. The experts from the for upgrading facilities of oil production in aging oilfields. It is pointed out that the simplification of the process flow should be taken as the key. The issues including determination of layout and scale of facilities,promotion of good technologies, simplification of processing flowsafety and environmental protection,enhancement of the management ,the and reduction of energy consumption during the upgrade of production facilities in aging oilfields are described. In addition,some problems for ensuring the implementation of simplification of facilities are discussed.
Application of Tabu Search Algorithm to Optimal Arrangement of Stations for Gas Gathering and Transferring Network
Zhen Baojun,et al.
The Tabu search algorithm with rapid search ability is introduced into the optimal arrangement of stations for gas gathering and transportation network. The Tabu search algorithm is independent of gradient and especially suitable to solve the large-scale complicated problems. This algorithm can control the obvious decline of optimization effect of the simplex algorithm with the increase of functional dimension. The calculated results of some examples demonstrate the feasibility and validity of better than that of the simplex algorithm. the Tabu search algorithm Status of Sewage Disposal and Comprehensive Utilization Technology Used in Oilfield
Dang Wei,et al.
The characters and applied scope of sewage disposal technology are analyzed. According to the status of water supply,the characters of redundant sewage and the utilization state of waste heat energy in oilfieldsadopting the three-phase fluid technology,the three-phase fluid technology ,the sewage was heated by is discussed chiefly. By the high-temperature exhaust gas from gas turbine or boiler and then condensed into vapor-liquid-solid three-phase fluid suitable to industry and agriculture. The craft flow and key procissing of the new type evaporator economic analyses and evaluation for the sewage disposal are given in contrast against the technology are introduced. The traditional sewage injection technology. By using the new technology,the cost of sewage disposal is lowered,and the great economic benefit has been achieved. On the other handwhich is beneficial to the environmental protection. ,the wastewater will decrease,
Research on Softening Process for Heavy Oil Sewage Reused in Thermal Steam Generator
Ding Wancheng,et al.
The sewage produced from heavy oil recovery was treated by using the softening process and hardness reduction technologies and reused to thermalion-exchange resin steam generator in Xinjiang and the ion-exchanger are used to handle the Oilfield. The sodium hardness of sewage produced from heavy oil recovery. The large-scale industrial experiments in two years showed that the chosen softening process could be reused and completely meet the demand of the thermal steam generatorproduced from oilfields. ,which provides a new way for reusing sewage
Sealing of Center Deck Supporter in Outer Floating-Roof Tank
Yang Zengliang,et al.
The outer floating-roof tank is widely used in volatile oil product storages. The supporting structure of the center deck for the primary floating-roof tank designed by domestic designer could not control the evaporation of oil products at present. The constant observation shows that there is a gap between supporter and sleeve, which increases the evaporation of oil products. Some suggestions for modifying the supporting structure and sealing methods to decrease the loss of oil products are presented.
综 述 石油规划设计 2005年7月 7
申建华* 喻立杰 张杉德
申建华等. 我国催化裂化催化剂的需求及发展. 石油规划设计,2005,16(4):7~9
摘 要 介绍了炼油工业对催化裂化催化剂性能的需求,特别指出:(1)其性能应适应重油深加工和调整产品结构;(2)能提高汽油质量;(3)能提高柴油和丙烯的产出率。对催化裂化催化剂的销售前景以及催化材料和催化剂的最新技术发展趋势进行了分析和预测。阐述了国内外许多公司利用不同分子筛对复杂反应的选择性差异以及进行不同类型分子筛复合匹配的情况。
关键词 炼油厂 催化裂化 催化剂 需求 性能 基质材料 分子筛 技术 发展趋势
1 中国大陆需求量
2 世界市场
2002年全球催化裂化能力为70 947万t/a,消耗FCC催化剂约75万t,与FCC催化剂总生产能力相当。中国和日本FCC催化剂产量合计约11万t,Davison、Akzo、Engelhard 3大公司合计产量达到60万t,全球FCC催化剂销售额约10亿美元。按照1.5%的平均年增长率计算,2010年预计达到约85万t,2020年预计达到约100万t,需要新增催化剂供应能力10万~25万t/a。
1 利用FCC催化剂进行重油深加工和调整产品结构
* 申建华,男,1965年生,高级工程师。1994年毕业于中科院兰州化物所物理化学专业,获硕士学位,现在中国兰州石化公司技术处工作。通信地址:兰州西固区玉门街10号,730060
8 石油规划设计 第16卷第4期 综 述
催化裂化催化剂作为调节操作方案及改善产品分布和质量的灵活手段,在生产操作中发挥重要的作用。 2 提高汽油的产品质量
预计我国的汽油标准将参照欧盟标准,2010年前可能执行的汽油标准的主要指标是:硫含量 0.015%、烯烃25%、芳烃35%、苯含量1.0%。新标准的实行,将对新技术的开发应用和炼油厂装置构成产生重大影响。我国汽油质量升级的可行路线有两种:一是近期方案,以催化裂化工艺和催化剂为主,以加氢、醚化、多组分调合为辅,解决汽油烯烃和硫含量达标问题;二是远期方案,一方面通过增加直馏石脑油重整、加氢裂化石脑油重整、烷基化油,以适当降低催化汽油比例;另一方面加速开发催化汽油改质技术,如催化汽油醚化、芳构化、临氢异构化、深度裂化、加氢精制、加氢-重整等技术和组合技术,以催化汽油自身的质量升级为主,解决质量问题。
3 催化裂化将继续采用增加柴油收率的催化剂等新技术
4 增产丙烯等化工原料
5 催化剂的性能研发必须重视环保
催化裂化消耗的催化剂超过1 kg/t(原料),其中至少有三分之一以粉尘方式排入大气,其它部分需要填埋等处理。另外,催化裂化和油品精制处理
1 催化材料的发展趋势
催化材料是决定催化剂性能的基础,必须适应重油裂化、产品分布和质量、清洁生产及特定工艺等多方面的要求。因此,分子筛的酸性中心强度。类型必须有合理的分布,而且与孔径分布相匹配。Y型分子筛的改性工艺和条件要考虑其晶胞尺寸、硅铝比、骨架外铝的类型和含量、稀土或其它阳离子含量和分布、适度的2~5 nm中孔、活性中心的可接近性等因素。催化剂中分子筛类型多样化及利用不同分子筛对复杂反应的选择性差异,进行不同类型分子筛的复合与匹配,实现综合目标,是分子筛技术的发展方向之一。
综 述 石油规划设计 2005年7月 活性相匹配。因此,硅溶胶、铝溶胶等黏结材料要能满足高分子筛含量的强度需要,高岭土、改性高岭土、氧化铝等填料必须具有所需要的孔结构和活性中心。硅溶胶基质的催化剂虽然在生产中的腐蚀性小、成本较低、焦炭选择性好,适合加工低重金属的VGO(减压蜡油)或加氢处理原料,但不适合加工高金属的直馏减压渣油。与铝溶胶基质催化剂相比,市场容量较小,尤其不适合目前中国的催化裂化装置。将来随着渣油加氢-催化裂化联合工艺的应用,硅溶胶基质催化剂会有一定的市场。改性氧化铝、改性高岭土等材料具有活性调节灵活、可提供大分子裂化所需的10~60 nm的基质孔道及易于实现Ni、V、Fe等的失活处理等优点,将在新催化剂生产中得到广泛应用。
2 催化剂最新技术进展
Davison公司开发了钝镍的LCM基质、重油裂化的活性氧化铝RAM基质、SAM和TMA基质和Z-17、Z-21、CSX、CSSN改性分子筛及硅溶胶、铝溶胶、XP 3种类型黏结剂材料,以不同基质材料建立了DACS技术平台,组合了活性适中的铝溶胶黏结剂;焦炭选择性好的硅溶胶黏结剂;增强抗磨损强度的黏结剂技术;钝镍基质LCM、捕钒技术;GSR技术及多种改性分子筛,可根据需要进行催化剂设计。2002年以来推出了MIDAS、IMPACT、PHOENIX、DACS等新型渣油裂化催化剂和汽油降烯烃、降硫助剂、OlefinsMax/extra增产烯烃助剂。最近推向市场的DACF催化剂采用铝溶胶和LCM基质技术并结合了降硫的GSR、降烯烃的RFG、DACS等多项技术,重油裂化和抗重金属能力强,可降低汽油烯烃8%~13%(体积)、硫含量20%~35%。
Engelhard公司以高岭土原位晶化技术为主,研发的催化剂具有分子筛富集表面、可接近性好、稳定性好、适合短接触时间催化反应等特点。以重油分子裂化为目的,采用6~7 nm、20~30 nm、200 nm以上3级优化的基质孔结构,建立了DMS技术平台;基质稳定性优于氧化铝和高岭土,活性中心可接近性好,与分子筛技术相结合,推出了性能优良的渣油裂化催化剂Rescue、Advantage、MaxiMet、NaphthaMax、Endurance、Flex-Tec;降烯烃催化剂
ContrOlefin;降硫催化剂NaphthaClean、NaphthaMax-LSG;重油裂化助剂Converter;增产丙烯助剂Select Z Plus;降硫助剂SulfurGate等,现已经被约70套催化裂化装置所选用。NaphthaMax催化剂以DMS基质技术与Pyrochem-Plus分子筛结合,专门为短接触时间催化裂化工艺设计,增强了重油转化能力,焦炭、干气选择性好,可以提高轻质油品收率。在美国某装置使用以后,油浆下降2.5个体积百分点,总液体收率提高了3.5个体积百分点。适用于渣油裂化的Endurance催化剂在某装置对比使用,总液体收率提高2.43个体积百分点。NaphthaMax-LSG重油裂化助剂在某装置使用,在汽油收率增加的同时,汽油中硫含量从0.04%下降到0.022%,下降幅度达45%。基于DMS的催化剂技术,也可以设计用于常规催化裂化装置的催化剂。
参 考 文 献
[1] 汤海涛等. 含硫原油加工过程中的硫转化规律,炼油技
[2] 肖 菊等. LV-23重油裂化催化剂的工业应用. 炼油技
[3] 宋家剑等. LRC-99催化剂在工业装置上的评价. 炼油
[4] 付燕生,任 铎. LST-1液体硫转移助剂工业应用. 炼
50 Vol.16 No.4 July. 2005 Petroleum Planning & Engineering
Analysis of Recent Developments in Chinese Petroleum Refining and Marketing
Zhang Li’
an,et al.
Under the speeding-up situation of economic development,China has entered into the WTObeen changed. After the ending of the first reformation of refining ,
and the functions of government have industry,
the Chinese refining industry is facing new opportunities for development. The industries of refining framework,refining
corporation,market competition and the substitute of petroleum products are all showing new developing trends. In this article
situation in face of refining industry is analyzed,
and the new ,the new developing trends in the refining industry are discussed. Moreover,some new suggestions for promoting grow of the refining industry are
Demand and Developments in FCC Catalysts of China
Shen Jianhua,et al.
analyzed and prospected. The property of FCC catalysts needs to meetThe market of FCC catalysts for refining industry in China is the demands of heavy oil cracking and the products of refineries. The quality of gasoline and the yields of LCO and propene can be enhanced by using FCC catalystdevelopment of FCC catalysts are introduced. The recent developments . The materials and the new technology for in new catalysts prepared with the complex molecular sieves all over the world are discussed. Developmental Prospect of Delayed Coking Technique
Qian Bozhang
The delayed coking technology is a main process for the residuum transform technique. At presentscales of delayed coking unit and coke column. The ,it is necessary to enlarge the developments of the delayed coking technology and the equipments have improved the delay coking technique enormously. The cycle time is reduced from 24 hours to 18 hours. The liquid output is improved,and the coke yield is lowered. The applications of antifoaming additive in the coke columnworking time of delayed coking units is p,rolonged. The anti-welding agent in heating furnace and the advanced control system are introduced. High-Strength Steel Pipes Applied to Gas Transmission Pipelines
Chu Yanfang,et al.
natural gas transmission pipelines with large diameter and high The demand of energy sources stimulates the development of pressure,which accelerates the technical progress of high-strength steel pipe. The cost for constructing gas transmission pipeline can be reduced by using high-strength steel pipes. Some examples for describing the application and developments of high-strength steel pipe are given. Some problems about the technical limits for utilization of high-strength steel pipes are discussed. Study on Simplifying Facilities for Oil Production in Aging Oilfields
Huang Xiaoli,et al.
The experiences of various oilfields of the PetroChina Company
Limited are investigated PetroChina Company Limited set up the guidelines and basic principles and reviewed. The experts from the for upgrading facilities of oil production in aging oilfields. It is pointed out that the simplification of the process flow should be taken as the key. The issues including determination of layout and scale of facilities,promotion of good technologies, simplification of processing flowsafety and environmental protection,enhancement of the management ,the and reduction of energy consumption during the upgrade of production facilities in aging oilfields are described. In addition,some problems for ensuring the implementation of simplification of facilities are discussed.
Application of Tabu Search Algorithm to Optimal Arrangement of Stations for Gas Gathering and Transferring Network
Zhen Baojun,et al.
The Tabu search algorithm with rapid search ability is introduced into the optimal arrangement of stations for gas gathering and transportation network. The Tabu search algorithm is independent of gradient and especially suitable to solve the large-scale complicated problems. This algorithm can control the obvious decline of optimization effect of the simplex algorithm with the increase of functional dimension. The calculated results of some examples demonstrate the feasibility and validity of better than that of the simplex algorithm. the Tabu search algorithm Status of Sewage Disposal and Comprehensive Utilization Technology Used in Oilfield
Dang Wei,et al.
The characters and applied scope of sewage disposal technology are analyzed. According to the status of water supply,the characters of redundant sewage and the utilization state of waste heat energy in oilfieldsadopting the three-phase fluid technology,the three-phase fluid technology ,the sewage was heated by is discussed chiefly. By the high-temperature exhaust gas from gas turbine or boiler and then condensed into vapor-liquid-solid three-phase fluid suitable to industry and agriculture. The craft flow and key procissing of the new type evaporator economic analyses and evaluation for the sewage disposal are given in contrast against the technology are introduced. The traditional sewage injection technology. By using the new technology,the cost of sewage disposal is lowered,and the great economic benefit has been achieved. On the other handwhich is beneficial to the environmental protection. ,the wastewater will decrease,
Research on Softening Process for Heavy Oil Sewage Reused in Thermal Steam Generator
Ding Wancheng,et al.
The sewage produced from heavy oil recovery was treated by using the softening process and hardness reduction technologies and reused to thermalion-exchange resin steam generator in Xinjiang and the ion-exchanger are used to handle the Oilfield. The sodium hardness of sewage produced from heavy oil recovery. The large-scale industrial experiments in two years showed that the chosen softening process could be reused and completely meet the demand of the thermal steam generatorproduced from oilfields. ,which provides a new way for reusing sewage
Sealing of Center Deck Supporter in Outer Floating-Roof Tank
Yang Zengliang,et al.
The outer floating-roof tank is widely used in volatile oil product storages. The supporting structure of the center deck for the primary floating-roof tank designed by domestic designer could not control the evaporation of oil products at present. The constant observation shows that there is a gap between supporter and sleeve, which increases the evaporation of oil products. Some suggestions for modifying the supporting structure and sealing methods to decrease the loss of oil products are presented.