
06 自我推荐信

Dear the dean of studies,

I am a Chinese student from International Law class, my name is Min Wang. I am particularly interested in the openning of teaching assistant in our Asian Law department. I have 2 years of teaching assistant experience at department of Law study in Tianjin University. Therefore, with my working experience, knowledge in Asian Law and passion for academic career, I believe I am qualified to do this job. Please consider me for the position.

Sincerely looking forward to hearing from you.

Truly yours,

Min Wang

Dear Min,

Thank you for your application for the openning of teaching assistant. After serious consideration and review of your related documents, we have decided to offer you the job, Professor Alex Walter will be your leader. Please come tohis office at 9:00 next Monday morning. He will arrange your work for this position. If you have any questions, please be free to contact Professor Alex Walter at 38456839.

Kate Ross

Dean of Master studies

Dear Min,

Thanks for your application on the openning of teaching assistant in Asian Law department. I regret to notify you that we have already found someone more suitable for this position.

I hope there will be other opportunities for you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Kate Ross

Dean of Master studies

06 自我推荐信

Dear the dean of studies,

I am a Chinese student from International Law class, my name is Min Wang. I am particularly interested in the openning of teaching assistant in our Asian Law department. I have 2 years of teaching assistant experience at department of Law study in Tianjin University. Therefore, with my working experience, knowledge in Asian Law and passion for academic career, I believe I am qualified to do this job. Please consider me for the position.

Sincerely looking forward to hearing from you.

Truly yours,

Min Wang

Dear Min,

Thank you for your application for the openning of teaching assistant. After serious consideration and review of your related documents, we have decided to offer you the job, Professor Alex Walter will be your leader. Please come tohis office at 9:00 next Monday morning. He will arrange your work for this position. If you have any questions, please be free to contact Professor Alex Walter at 38456839.

Kate Ross

Dean of Master studies

Dear Min,

Thanks for your application on the openning of teaching assistant in Asian Law department. I regret to notify you that we have already found someone more suitable for this position.

I hope there will be other opportunities for you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Kate Ross

Dean of Master studies


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