

Part I listening Comprehension (本大题共15小题, 每小题1分,共计15分)

Section A

Directions: Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.

01. What are the man and woman talking about?

A) What are they planning to do at Christmas.

B) What they traditionally do at Christmas.

C) How they spent their Christmas.

D) How to choose Christmas gifts.

02. Why didn't the woman celebrate Christmas with her family?

A) Because it was inconvenient since she was far away from home.

B) Because she didn't have enough money to go home-again since going home on Thanksgiving

had cost a lot.

C) She had a date with her friends at Christmas.

D) She planned to go to the man's house.

03. What did she do with her friends at Christmas?

A) They decorated the Christmas tree.

B) They ate roast turkey at the Christmas dinner.

C) They sang Christmas songs together.

D) All of the above.

04. Which of the following is NOT true as for how the man spent Christmas with his family?

A) He and his family went to a party at their friend's house.

B) They went to church.

C) They exchanged gifts with each other

D) They spent a lot of time eating and playing games together.

05. What do the man and the woman think of giving and receiving gifts at Christmas?

A) The man prefers receiving gifts while the woman likes giving people gifts.

B) The woman prefers receiving gifts while the man likes giving people gifts.

C) The man thinks receiving gifts can make him very happy.

D) Both the man and woman think it is necessary to exchange gifts on Christmas Day.

Section B

Directions: Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with the missing information

Roommate Wanted

Hello, I am a 07) apartment to share with you. If you are a male, non-smoker; clean and 08) you could be the one I am looking for. The apartment is on 09)__the 6th floor______ of an apartment building, with an elevator and laundry in the basement. It is located on Bright Road, a 10) to the south

entrance of the university. The apartment is medium sized and furnished; equipped with 11) bedroom, closet, telephone, 12) balcony, cable /satellite, _____ Internet; microwave, parking, and yard. The rent is $300 per month, 14)and utilities are not included. If you are interested, please call 15)

Part II Reading Comprehension(本大题共20小题, 每小题2分,共计40分)

Directions: Read the following passages and choose the correct answer according to the information you get from

the each passage.

Passage One

In sport the sexes are separate. Women and men do not run or swim in the same races. Women are less strong than

men. That at least is what people say. Women are called

And women live longer than men. A European woman can expect to live until the age of 74, a man only until he is

68. Are women's bodies really weaker?

The fastest men can run a mile in 4 minutes. The best women need 4.5 minutes, Women's speeds are always

slower than men's, but some facts are surprising. Some of the fastest women swimmers today are teenage girls. One of them swam 400 meters in 4 minutes 21.2 seconds when she was only 16, The first

16. Women are called

A) women do as much work as men.

B) people think women are weaker than men.

C) sport is easier for men than for women.

D) in sport the two sexes are always together.

17. Which of the following is true?

A) Boys and girls study separately everywhere.

B) Women do not run or swim in races with men.

C) Famous Prime Ministers are women.

D) Men can expect to live longer than women in Europe.


A) say other things too B) don't say this much

C) say this but may not think so D) only think this

19. What problems does sport have?

A) Some women athletes are actually men.

B) Some women athletes are given hormone injections.

C) Women and men do not run or swim in the same races.

D) It is difficult to check whether women athletes are really women.

20. In this passage the author implies that ____________

A) women are weaker than men, but faster

B) women are slower than men, but stronger

C) men are not always stronger and faster than women

D) men are faster and stronger than women

Passage Two

American Style Friendship

Steve and Yaser first met in their chemistry class at an American university. Yaser was an international student

from Jordan. He was excited to get to know an American He wanted to learn more about American culture. Yaser hoped that he and Steve would become good friends.

At first,Steve seemed very friendly. He always greeted Yaser warmly before class. Sometimes he offered to

study with Yaser. He even invited Yaser to eat lunch with him. But after the semester was over, Steve seemed more distant. The two former classmates didn't see each other very much at school. One day Yaser decided to call Steve. Steve didn't seem very interested in talking to him. Yaser was hurt by Steve's change of attitude. “Steve said we were friends,” Yaser complained,

Yaser is a little confused. He is an outsider to American culture. He doesn't understand the way Americans

view friendship. Americans use the word friend in a very general way. They may call both casual acquaintances and close companions “friends”。 Americans have school friends, work friends,sports friends and neighborhood friends. These friendships are based on common interests. When the shared activity ends, the friendship may fade.他们共同 Now Steve and Yaser are no longer classmates. Their friendship has changed.

In some cultures friendship means a strong life-long bond between two people. In these cultures friendships

develop slowly, since they are built to last. American society is one of rapid change. Studies show that one out of five American families moves every year. American friendships develop quickly, and they may change just as quickly.

People from the United States may at first seem friendly. Americans often chat easily with strangers. They

exchange information about their families, hobbies and work. They may smile warmly and say,

After an experience like Yaser's, outsiders may consider Americans to be fickle.人 Learning how Americans

view friendship can help non-Americans avoid misunderstandings. It can also help them make friends the American way.

21. We know from the passage that______________.

A) Yaser and Steve used to be classmates

B) Steve doesn't like Yaser because Yaser did something wrong

C) Yaser wants to have a short-term friendship with Steve

D) Yaser thinks Steve and he should keep a distance

22. According to the text, why did Yaser feel hurt?

A) Because he didn't pass the exam. B) Because he quarreled with Steve.

C) Because of Steve's change of attitude. D) Because he missed his family.

23. How do Americans define their friendships?

A) Their friendships last forever.

B) Their friendships are valuable.

C) Their friendships are based on common interests.

D) Their friendships are as important as their career.

24. What can we infer from Paragraph 5?

A) You can't easily make-friends with an American.

B) Americans are not willing to talk about their information.

C) People from other countries always feel like outsiders themselves.

D) Don't treat American friendliness as a true friendship.

25. Learning how Americans view friendship __________ .

A) can help foreigners to know how to count on Americans

B) can help non-Americans avoid misunderstandings

C) can help make friends

D) can show American friendliness

Passage Three

Friends of Friends

Back in 1967, social psychologist Stanley Milgram had an idea. Stanley Milgram 有了一个观点 —。 Everybody

knows at least a few other people, he reasoned, and those people know another people. Therefore, just going through the people you know, you should be able to contact any person on earth.

Milgram conducted experiments by sending letters to asking them to pass the letter on

through their friends to an unknown person. Milgram 。His experiments, confirmed later with e-mail tests, showed that we're all connected by no more than

It might be comforting to know that your friend's friend's friend's friend's friend knows Bill Gates or Jennifer

Lopez Bill Gates 或Jennifer Lopes but it's not really that useful. Tracing the chain is time-consuming and inconvenient. While many people use their PCs to

keep track of their contacts and address books, new services like Friendster and Spoke combine these address books together. This way you're not only in touch with your own-friends, but with their friends and their friends' friends.这 Looking for someone who works in marketing at Sony Music in Tokyo? Going to Paris for the weekend and looking for someone to have dinner with? Just check the Friendster files — there's sure to be a friend of a friend of a friend in there.

So what's the catch? 找什么呢? If you want to use Friendster or similar services, you need to build a

profile including your real name, where you work, your job, where you went to school and who your friends are. This lack of anonymity might seem likely to scare users off, but apparently people are hungry for contact with real people: in less than nine months, Friendster has already signed up over four million users.

26. The experiments conducted by Stanley Milgram are intended to_______________.

B) test his reasoning A) show the law of“six degrees of separation

C) reach any person in the world D) ask his friends to pass the letter on

27. The first sentence in the fifth paragraph can be replaced by“_____________”

A) So what's the problem? B) So what gets your attention?

C) So what's the discovery? D) So what can you take?

28. The passage mainly discusses_____________.

A) the theory of

B) he results caused by Stanley Milgram's experiments

C) the way to trace a chain of six people

D) online services like Friendster

29. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A) E-mail tests by Stanley Milgram revealed that we are able to reach any person.

B) Through a chain of six people, you can know Bill Gates.

C) Online databases enable people to keep track of their address books.

D) The lack of anonymity drives people to contact real people.

30. The passage most probably is__________.

A) an official document B) a research report

C) a news report D) an advertisement

Passage Four

Many new students find it hard to do all the studying that has to be done; they find themselves putting off

required reading, jumping from one subject to another and rarely being quite certain what they are trying to do during a particular study session. The best way to overcome these difficulties and to start studying efficiently is to plan your time and organize your work.

When to study

Let us assume that you have 15 hours per week of classes (lectures and tutorials) and that you decide to allow

yourself a 40-hour working week (a reasonable figure, leaving you 70 waking hours for other activities). You now have to decide how to allocate and occupy the remaining 25 hours of private study time. Naturally the decisions you make will vary from week to week according to what essays have to be written and what reading has to be done. Many people find it helpful to draw up each week a seven-day timetable showing the occasions on which they will be working independently and the particular subjects that they will be studying on each occasion By checking such a plan at times during the week, you can see what work you have done and what you still have to do; the whole enterprise then becomes manageable.

Where to study

There are a number of places where you can study — college library, public library, lodgings, home, vacant

classrooms, on a bus or train — and each has several obvious advantages and disadvantages. The college library is least busy in the evenings, on Wednesday afternoons, and all day Friday and Sunday.

When you are deciding where to study, keep the following suggestions in mind:

* Always try to study in the same places. After a while the familiar surroundings will help you to switch into the

right frame of mind as soon as you sit down.

* Find somewhere with as few distractions as possible.

* Make sure that your study place has good light and is warm (but not too warm)and well-ventilated.

31. We know from the first paragraph that_________________.

A) it is often really difficult for new students to study efficiently.

B) new students are willing to plan their time and organize their work.

C) new students are sure how to arrange their time.

D) new students are allowed to put off one required subject.

32. New students might have___________ .

A) 15 hours per week of classes. B) 25 hours of working time.

C) 70 hours for entertainment. D) 40 hours per week of classes.

33. Why does the author say

A) Because new students have enough time to arrange their activities.

B) Because fewer courses are required for new students.

C) Because new students know what they need to do if they draw up a seven-day timetable each


D) Because new students have done all the assignments required by the school.

34. Which time is least suitable for students studying in the college library?

A) Tuesday evenings. B) Monday mornings.

C) Sunday evenings. D) Wednesday afternoons.

35. Concerning where to study, which of the following is NOT mentioned?

A) A place that is warm. B) A place students are familiar with.

C) A place with background music. D) A well-lighted place.

Passage Two

Every chance she gets, five-year-old Gina visits Grandma Lilly. Gina likes to talk with her grandma and watch her

cook. Everything Grandma Lilly makes is delicious, but Gina especially loves the little cookies shaped like teddy bears, dolls, flowers, and hearts.

And Grandma Lilly, who enjoys this precious time with her granddaughter, uses the cookies to teach Gina certain

things she will need to know as she grows up by helping her to develop the five senses and her imagination. Perhaps

the most important lesson Grandma Lilly teaches Gina is that most of the foods and the cookies she prepares taste so

delicious because they are made with love.

One day Gina’s mother tells her she cannot visit Grandma Lilly because she has become very sick and is in the

hospital. Gina begs and cries, but her mother explains that Grandma Lilly is so ill that she is in a very deep sleep and

needs her rest. Gina tries to think of something that will help her grandmother and suddenly remembers the cookies.

She will bake a batch of them all by herself, and because she will make them with all the love she has in her heart,

Grandma Lilly will feel better!

Touched by her daughter’s love and determination, Gina’s mother finally agrees to take her to the hospital with

her cookies to visit her grandmother. There, Grandma Lilly teaches her little granddaughter another lesson about love

that she will be able to pass on to her own children and grandchildren in the years to come.

36.—40 D) B) D) A) C) C

A) B)

C) D)

36. Which of the following is not mentioned as a reason why Gina visits Grandma Lilly whenever she can?

A) She likes to talk with Grandma .

B) She likes to watch Grandma cook.

C)She loves the delicious cookies Grandma cooks

D. She loves the flowers in Grandma’s garden.

37. The delicious cookies are used by the Grandma to _________ .

A) teach Gina something about teddy bears, dolls and flowere

B) help Gina develop the five senses and imagination

C) make Gina well fed

D) teach Gina how to prepare and cook delicious food

38. One day, Gina is told that she cannot visit her Grandma Lilly because __________ .

A) Grandma is busy preparing for cooking more cookies

B) Gina cannot make Grandma fell better

C) Gina needs more sleep and rest.

D) Grandma is not very well and is in hospital.

39.Gina’s mother finally agrees to take Gina to visit the Grandma because she is moved by Gina’s __________ .

A) love B) begs

C) cries D) cookies.

40. The theme of this passage is _________ .

A) the relationship with grandma and granddaughter

B) cooking delicious food

C) love

D) visiting grandma

Part III Vocabulary (本大题共20小题, 每小题0.5分,共计10分)

Directions: Complete each sentence by choosing the correct answer from the given four choices.

41. The headmaster(领导) ____________ the situation (处境)very well.

A) adjusted B) handled(展现)

C) isolated D) persisted

42. The final results of the experiment are __________ on December 9. (考试结果在9.9出成绩)

A) put B) depended

C) due D) handled

43. Fog will ___________ throughout the night. (整个晚上都是雾)

A) keep B) faced

D) insist C) persist(坚持,持续)

44. Our main ____________is that they are not receiving enough help.我们主要的观点是他们没有得到足够的帮


A) concern 观念观点 B) mind 想法

C) staff D) thought想法n词

45.A new born baby needs ____________ care and attention.刚出生的婴儿需要持久的关心和注意

A) worry B) approach

C) reliable D) constant持久

46. Smoking is one of the ____________ causes of lung cancer. 吸烟就是肺癌的主要原因之一

B) big A) major主要的

C) broaden D) available

47. We don't have enough books so you'll have to ____________. 我们没有足够的书本,所以你们要分享给我们

A) buy B) share 分享

C) read D) enjoy

48. Because of its geographical______, the area developed its own unique culture. 由于其地理隔离的位置不同,


A) approach B) isolation 隔离、分离

C) environment D) face

49. Some former soldiers have difficulty in _______ to civilian life. 一些退休前士兵很难调整到平民生活

A) listening B) making

D) going C) adjusting 适应

50. We'll send you a copy as soon as the book becomes _____________ 我们会给你一张复印件直到出版为止

B) bearable A) available 出版

C) imaginable D) workable

51. Young children sometimes cannot distinguish between ________ and reality. 年幼的孩子不能区分幻想与现实

A) trick B) tension

D) behavior C) fantasy幻想

52. At the end of the game players traditionally ______ shirts with each other. 游戏结束了,根据传统双方交换了


A) apologized B) changed

D) announced C) exchanged交换 改变

53. She knew she'd been ________, but it was too late. 她发现她被骗了,但是已经太迟了。

B) produced A) tricked欺骗

C) told D) persisted

54. If she hasn't __________ by ten o'clock I will go without her. 如果她没有在10点之前到达,没有她我们也将离

A) gone B) announced

C) got D) appeared到达 出现

55. At first, the bank was __________ to lend me the money. 首先银行很勉强的借给我钱

A) apologized B) tricked

D) unbearable C) reluctant 勉强

56. Trains may be subject to delay on the northern line. We __________for any inconvenience caused. 火车班次晚


A) sorry B) persist

C) reaction D) apologize 道歉 解释

57. It gave me a big __________ to meet my favorite author in person. 遇到这个最喜欢的作家,我内心非常激动

A) fantasy B) attention

C) information D) thrill激动

58. Her blonde hair was hidden __________ a baseball cap. 她的头发隐藏在棒球帽子下面

B) below A) underneath 在什么下面

C) over D) above

59. I'm so _____________ to hear that nobody was hurt. 我们是如此的安心听到没有人受伤

A) sad B) relieved 安心放心

C) thrill D) unbearable

60. These technological developments were hardly___________ 30 years ago. 在30年前科技水平发展到现在是


A) imaginary B) workable

D) available C) imaginable 无法想象的

Part IV Structure (本大题共5小题, 每小题1分,共计5分)

Directions: Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese into English

61. If you don't hurry up,



change another.

63.Obviously, if we don't control the problem, (很可能我们会陷人危险)

64. They kept the window closed


65. He is (不像他弟弟那样聪明)

Part V Translation from English to Chinese(本大题共5小题, 每小题2分,共计10分)

66. However, if feelings of homesickness and depression persist as a result of college dorm life,make sure you talk to

someone about them.


67. The more you get out of your dorm room, the more you'll get out of college dorm life.


68. And that fantasy of a fat jolly man who flies through the sky in a sleigh and arrives via chimney with presents----

that single belief says everything about the innocence of children.


69. I could see he was trying to think of a way, any to explain our behavior so it wouldn't sound quite as



70. He said he was wrong, that he shouldn't have tricked her, that he should have answered her questions about Santa

Claus the week before.


Part VI Applied Wring (本大题共2小题, 每小题5分,共计10分)


72. 新年即将到来,假如你是Jack, 给你的好朋友Kate 写一张新年贺卡,祝她新年快乐。并祝她身体健


1. 复习范围:《创新大学英语 综合教程》第一册 1,2, 5, 6 共计四个单元

《创新大学英语自主学习用书》第一册 1,2,3,4,5,6,共六个单元。每单元中含有A)B)C)D)选项的阅读材料共计8篇.(不含Fast Reading)分别为 Unit 1 2篇; Unit 2 1篇 Uint 3 2篇 Unit 4 1篇 Unit 5 1篇 Unit 6 1篇

2. 期末考试题型及分数分布:与半期练习一致.

3. 期末试题覆盖范围:上述两教材中列举的单元。


5. Unit 5和 6 Writing 练习 是写作的重点。 请同学们务必认真练习请柬及各种便条的写法 (格式,常用套


附言:凡有意参加成人本科申报学士学位英语考试的同学,此举学院非常支持。现在就应作准备。如你需要, 可去C区 2教学楼底楼复印室复印以下资料:

1. 《成人本科学位英语考试总词汇表》(很多根据自己的情况决定是否要)

2. 《成人本科学位英语考试高频词汇》(很有用)

3. 《成人本科学位英语考试常见短语》 (很有用)

4. 《成人本科学位英语考试大纲》 (很有用)

另外该处还有很多模拟题。请别盲目复印, 因为明年的模拟题会变。建议你复印1,2份来看看成人学位英语考试的难度,要求,题型,以指导你复习。如有疑问可打电话[1**********] 找陈老师。


Part I listening Comprehension (本大题共15小题, 每小题1分,共计15分)

Section A

Directions: Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.

01. What are the man and woman talking about?

A) What are they planning to do at Christmas.

B) What they traditionally do at Christmas.

C) How they spent their Christmas.

D) How to choose Christmas gifts.

02. Why didn't the woman celebrate Christmas with her family?

A) Because it was inconvenient since she was far away from home.

B) Because she didn't have enough money to go home-again since going home on Thanksgiving

had cost a lot.

C) She had a date with her friends at Christmas.

D) She planned to go to the man's house.

03. What did she do with her friends at Christmas?

A) They decorated the Christmas tree.

B) They ate roast turkey at the Christmas dinner.

C) They sang Christmas songs together.

D) All of the above.

04. Which of the following is NOT true as for how the man spent Christmas with his family?

A) He and his family went to a party at their friend's house.

B) They went to church.

C) They exchanged gifts with each other

D) They spent a lot of time eating and playing games together.

05. What do the man and the woman think of giving and receiving gifts at Christmas?

A) The man prefers receiving gifts while the woman likes giving people gifts.

B) The woman prefers receiving gifts while the man likes giving people gifts.

C) The man thinks receiving gifts can make him very happy.

D) Both the man and woman think it is necessary to exchange gifts on Christmas Day.

Section B

Directions: Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with the missing information

Roommate Wanted

Hello, I am a 07) apartment to share with you. If you are a male, non-smoker; clean and 08) you could be the one I am looking for. The apartment is on 09)__the 6th floor______ of an apartment building, with an elevator and laundry in the basement. It is located on Bright Road, a 10) to the south

entrance of the university. The apartment is medium sized and furnished; equipped with 11) bedroom, closet, telephone, 12) balcony, cable /satellite, _____ Internet; microwave, parking, and yard. The rent is $300 per month, 14)and utilities are not included. If you are interested, please call 15)

Part II Reading Comprehension(本大题共20小题, 每小题2分,共计40分)

Directions: Read the following passages and choose the correct answer according to the information you get from

the each passage.

Passage One

In sport the sexes are separate. Women and men do not run or swim in the same races. Women are less strong than

men. That at least is what people say. Women are called

And women live longer than men. A European woman can expect to live until the age of 74, a man only until he is

68. Are women's bodies really weaker?

The fastest men can run a mile in 4 minutes. The best women need 4.5 minutes, Women's speeds are always

slower than men's, but some facts are surprising. Some of the fastest women swimmers today are teenage girls. One of them swam 400 meters in 4 minutes 21.2 seconds when she was only 16, The first

16. Women are called

A) women do as much work as men.

B) people think women are weaker than men.

C) sport is easier for men than for women.

D) in sport the two sexes are always together.

17. Which of the following is true?

A) Boys and girls study separately everywhere.

B) Women do not run or swim in races with men.

C) Famous Prime Ministers are women.

D) Men can expect to live longer than women in Europe.


A) say other things too B) don't say this much

C) say this but may not think so D) only think this

19. What problems does sport have?

A) Some women athletes are actually men.

B) Some women athletes are given hormone injections.

C) Women and men do not run or swim in the same races.

D) It is difficult to check whether women athletes are really women.

20. In this passage the author implies that ____________

A) women are weaker than men, but faster

B) women are slower than men, but stronger

C) men are not always stronger and faster than women

D) men are faster and stronger than women

Passage Two

American Style Friendship

Steve and Yaser first met in their chemistry class at an American university. Yaser was an international student

from Jordan. He was excited to get to know an American He wanted to learn more about American culture. Yaser hoped that he and Steve would become good friends.

At first,Steve seemed very friendly. He always greeted Yaser warmly before class. Sometimes he offered to

study with Yaser. He even invited Yaser to eat lunch with him. But after the semester was over, Steve seemed more distant. The two former classmates didn't see each other very much at school. One day Yaser decided to call Steve. Steve didn't seem very interested in talking to him. Yaser was hurt by Steve's change of attitude. “Steve said we were friends,” Yaser complained,

Yaser is a little confused. He is an outsider to American culture. He doesn't understand the way Americans

view friendship. Americans use the word friend in a very general way. They may call both casual acquaintances and close companions “friends”。 Americans have school friends, work friends,sports friends and neighborhood friends. These friendships are based on common interests. When the shared activity ends, the friendship may fade.他们共同 Now Steve and Yaser are no longer classmates. Their friendship has changed.

In some cultures friendship means a strong life-long bond between two people. In these cultures friendships

develop slowly, since they are built to last. American society is one of rapid change. Studies show that one out of five American families moves every year. American friendships develop quickly, and they may change just as quickly.

People from the United States may at first seem friendly. Americans often chat easily with strangers. They

exchange information about their families, hobbies and work. They may smile warmly and say,

After an experience like Yaser's, outsiders may consider Americans to be fickle.人 Learning how Americans

view friendship can help non-Americans avoid misunderstandings. It can also help them make friends the American way.

21. We know from the passage that______________.

A) Yaser and Steve used to be classmates

B) Steve doesn't like Yaser because Yaser did something wrong

C) Yaser wants to have a short-term friendship with Steve

D) Yaser thinks Steve and he should keep a distance

22. According to the text, why did Yaser feel hurt?

A) Because he didn't pass the exam. B) Because he quarreled with Steve.

C) Because of Steve's change of attitude. D) Because he missed his family.

23. How do Americans define their friendships?

A) Their friendships last forever.

B) Their friendships are valuable.

C) Their friendships are based on common interests.

D) Their friendships are as important as their career.

24. What can we infer from Paragraph 5?

A) You can't easily make-friends with an American.

B) Americans are not willing to talk about their information.

C) People from other countries always feel like outsiders themselves.

D) Don't treat American friendliness as a true friendship.

25. Learning how Americans view friendship __________ .

A) can help foreigners to know how to count on Americans

B) can help non-Americans avoid misunderstandings

C) can help make friends

D) can show American friendliness

Passage Three

Friends of Friends

Back in 1967, social psychologist Stanley Milgram had an idea. Stanley Milgram 有了一个观点 —。 Everybody

knows at least a few other people, he reasoned, and those people know another people. Therefore, just going through the people you know, you should be able to contact any person on earth.

Milgram conducted experiments by sending letters to asking them to pass the letter on

through their friends to an unknown person. Milgram 。His experiments, confirmed later with e-mail tests, showed that we're all connected by no more than

It might be comforting to know that your friend's friend's friend's friend's friend knows Bill Gates or Jennifer

Lopez Bill Gates 或Jennifer Lopes but it's not really that useful. Tracing the chain is time-consuming and inconvenient. While many people use their PCs to

keep track of their contacts and address books, new services like Friendster and Spoke combine these address books together. This way you're not only in touch with your own-friends, but with their friends and their friends' friends.这 Looking for someone who works in marketing at Sony Music in Tokyo? Going to Paris for the weekend and looking for someone to have dinner with? Just check the Friendster files — there's sure to be a friend of a friend of a friend in there.

So what's the catch? 找什么呢? If you want to use Friendster or similar services, you need to build a

profile including your real name, where you work, your job, where you went to school and who your friends are. This lack of anonymity might seem likely to scare users off, but apparently people are hungry for contact with real people: in less than nine months, Friendster has already signed up over four million users.

26. The experiments conducted by Stanley Milgram are intended to_______________.

B) test his reasoning A) show the law of“six degrees of separation

C) reach any person in the world D) ask his friends to pass the letter on

27. The first sentence in the fifth paragraph can be replaced by“_____________”

A) So what's the problem? B) So what gets your attention?

C) So what's the discovery? D) So what can you take?

28. The passage mainly discusses_____________.

A) the theory of

B) he results caused by Stanley Milgram's experiments

C) the way to trace a chain of six people

D) online services like Friendster

29. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A) E-mail tests by Stanley Milgram revealed that we are able to reach any person.

B) Through a chain of six people, you can know Bill Gates.

C) Online databases enable people to keep track of their address books.

D) The lack of anonymity drives people to contact real people.

30. The passage most probably is__________.

A) an official document B) a research report

C) a news report D) an advertisement

Passage Four

Many new students find it hard to do all the studying that has to be done; they find themselves putting off

required reading, jumping from one subject to another and rarely being quite certain what they are trying to do during a particular study session. The best way to overcome these difficulties and to start studying efficiently is to plan your time and organize your work.

When to study

Let us assume that you have 15 hours per week of classes (lectures and tutorials) and that you decide to allow

yourself a 40-hour working week (a reasonable figure, leaving you 70 waking hours for other activities). You now have to decide how to allocate and occupy the remaining 25 hours of private study time. Naturally the decisions you make will vary from week to week according to what essays have to be written and what reading has to be done. Many people find it helpful to draw up each week a seven-day timetable showing the occasions on which they will be working independently and the particular subjects that they will be studying on each occasion By checking such a plan at times during the week, you can see what work you have done and what you still have to do; the whole enterprise then becomes manageable.

Where to study

There are a number of places where you can study — college library, public library, lodgings, home, vacant

classrooms, on a bus or train — and each has several obvious advantages and disadvantages. The college library is least busy in the evenings, on Wednesday afternoons, and all day Friday and Sunday.

When you are deciding where to study, keep the following suggestions in mind:

* Always try to study in the same places. After a while the familiar surroundings will help you to switch into the

right frame of mind as soon as you sit down.

* Find somewhere with as few distractions as possible.

* Make sure that your study place has good light and is warm (but not too warm)and well-ventilated.

31. We know from the first paragraph that_________________.

A) it is often really difficult for new students to study efficiently.

B) new students are willing to plan their time and organize their work.

C) new students are sure how to arrange their time.

D) new students are allowed to put off one required subject.

32. New students might have___________ .

A) 15 hours per week of classes. B) 25 hours of working time.

C) 70 hours for entertainment. D) 40 hours per week of classes.

33. Why does the author say

A) Because new students have enough time to arrange their activities.

B) Because fewer courses are required for new students.

C) Because new students know what they need to do if they draw up a seven-day timetable each


D) Because new students have done all the assignments required by the school.

34. Which time is least suitable for students studying in the college library?

A) Tuesday evenings. B) Monday mornings.

C) Sunday evenings. D) Wednesday afternoons.

35. Concerning where to study, which of the following is NOT mentioned?

A) A place that is warm. B) A place students are familiar with.

C) A place with background music. D) A well-lighted place.

Passage Two

Every chance she gets, five-year-old Gina visits Grandma Lilly. Gina likes to talk with her grandma and watch her

cook. Everything Grandma Lilly makes is delicious, but Gina especially loves the little cookies shaped like teddy bears, dolls, flowers, and hearts.

And Grandma Lilly, who enjoys this precious time with her granddaughter, uses the cookies to teach Gina certain

things she will need to know as she grows up by helping her to develop the five senses and her imagination. Perhaps

the most important lesson Grandma Lilly teaches Gina is that most of the foods and the cookies she prepares taste so

delicious because they are made with love.

One day Gina’s mother tells her she cannot visit Grandma Lilly because she has become very sick and is in the

hospital. Gina begs and cries, but her mother explains that Grandma Lilly is so ill that she is in a very deep sleep and

needs her rest. Gina tries to think of something that will help her grandmother and suddenly remembers the cookies.

She will bake a batch of them all by herself, and because she will make them with all the love she has in her heart,

Grandma Lilly will feel better!

Touched by her daughter’s love and determination, Gina’s mother finally agrees to take her to the hospital with

her cookies to visit her grandmother. There, Grandma Lilly teaches her little granddaughter another lesson about love

that she will be able to pass on to her own children and grandchildren in the years to come.

36.—40 D) B) D) A) C) C

A) B)

C) D)

36. Which of the following is not mentioned as a reason why Gina visits Grandma Lilly whenever she can?

A) She likes to talk with Grandma .

B) She likes to watch Grandma cook.

C)She loves the delicious cookies Grandma cooks

D. She loves the flowers in Grandma’s garden.

37. The delicious cookies are used by the Grandma to _________ .

A) teach Gina something about teddy bears, dolls and flowere

B) help Gina develop the five senses and imagination

C) make Gina well fed

D) teach Gina how to prepare and cook delicious food

38. One day, Gina is told that she cannot visit her Grandma Lilly because __________ .

A) Grandma is busy preparing for cooking more cookies

B) Gina cannot make Grandma fell better

C) Gina needs more sleep and rest.

D) Grandma is not very well and is in hospital.

39.Gina’s mother finally agrees to take Gina to visit the Grandma because she is moved by Gina’s __________ .

A) love B) begs

C) cries D) cookies.

40. The theme of this passage is _________ .

A) the relationship with grandma and granddaughter

B) cooking delicious food

C) love

D) visiting grandma

Part III Vocabulary (本大题共20小题, 每小题0.5分,共计10分)

Directions: Complete each sentence by choosing the correct answer from the given four choices.

41. The headmaster(领导) ____________ the situation (处境)very well.

A) adjusted B) handled(展现)

C) isolated D) persisted

42. The final results of the experiment are __________ on December 9. (考试结果在9.9出成绩)

A) put B) depended

C) due D) handled

43. Fog will ___________ throughout the night. (整个晚上都是雾)

A) keep B) faced

D) insist C) persist(坚持,持续)

44. Our main ____________is that they are not receiving enough help.我们主要的观点是他们没有得到足够的帮


A) concern 观念观点 B) mind 想法

C) staff D) thought想法n词

45.A new born baby needs ____________ care and attention.刚出生的婴儿需要持久的关心和注意

A) worry B) approach

C) reliable D) constant持久

46. Smoking is one of the ____________ causes of lung cancer. 吸烟就是肺癌的主要原因之一

B) big A) major主要的

C) broaden D) available

47. We don't have enough books so you'll have to ____________. 我们没有足够的书本,所以你们要分享给我们

A) buy B) share 分享

C) read D) enjoy

48. Because of its geographical______, the area developed its own unique culture. 由于其地理隔离的位置不同,


A) approach B) isolation 隔离、分离

C) environment D) face

49. Some former soldiers have difficulty in _______ to civilian life. 一些退休前士兵很难调整到平民生活

A) listening B) making

D) going C) adjusting 适应

50. We'll send you a copy as soon as the book becomes _____________ 我们会给你一张复印件直到出版为止

B) bearable A) available 出版

C) imaginable D) workable

51. Young children sometimes cannot distinguish between ________ and reality. 年幼的孩子不能区分幻想与现实

A) trick B) tension

D) behavior C) fantasy幻想

52. At the end of the game players traditionally ______ shirts with each other. 游戏结束了,根据传统双方交换了


A) apologized B) changed

D) announced C) exchanged交换 改变

53. She knew she'd been ________, but it was too late. 她发现她被骗了,但是已经太迟了。

B) produced A) tricked欺骗

C) told D) persisted

54. If she hasn't __________ by ten o'clock I will go without her. 如果她没有在10点之前到达,没有她我们也将离

A) gone B) announced

C) got D) appeared到达 出现

55. At first, the bank was __________ to lend me the money. 首先银行很勉强的借给我钱

A) apologized B) tricked

D) unbearable C) reluctant 勉强

56. Trains may be subject to delay on the northern line. We __________for any inconvenience caused. 火车班次晚


A) sorry B) persist

C) reaction D) apologize 道歉 解释

57. It gave me a big __________ to meet my favorite author in person. 遇到这个最喜欢的作家,我内心非常激动

A) fantasy B) attention

C) information D) thrill激动

58. Her blonde hair was hidden __________ a baseball cap. 她的头发隐藏在棒球帽子下面

B) below A) underneath 在什么下面

C) over D) above

59. I'm so _____________ to hear that nobody was hurt. 我们是如此的安心听到没有人受伤

A) sad B) relieved 安心放心

C) thrill D) unbearable

60. These technological developments were hardly___________ 30 years ago. 在30年前科技水平发展到现在是


A) imaginary B) workable

D) available C) imaginable 无法想象的

Part IV Structure (本大题共5小题, 每小题1分,共计5分)

Directions: Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese into English

61. If you don't hurry up,



change another.

63.Obviously, if we don't control the problem, (很可能我们会陷人危险)

64. They kept the window closed


65. He is (不像他弟弟那样聪明)

Part V Translation from English to Chinese(本大题共5小题, 每小题2分,共计10分)

66. However, if feelings of homesickness and depression persist as a result of college dorm life,make sure you talk to

someone about them.


67. The more you get out of your dorm room, the more you'll get out of college dorm life.


68. And that fantasy of a fat jolly man who flies through the sky in a sleigh and arrives via chimney with presents----

that single belief says everything about the innocence of children.


69. I could see he was trying to think of a way, any to explain our behavior so it wouldn't sound quite as



70. He said he was wrong, that he shouldn't have tricked her, that he should have answered her questions about Santa

Claus the week before.


Part VI Applied Wring (本大题共2小题, 每小题5分,共计10分)


72. 新年即将到来,假如你是Jack, 给你的好朋友Kate 写一张新年贺卡,祝她新年快乐。并祝她身体健


1. 复习范围:《创新大学英语 综合教程》第一册 1,2, 5, 6 共计四个单元

《创新大学英语自主学习用书》第一册 1,2,3,4,5,6,共六个单元。每单元中含有A)B)C)D)选项的阅读材料共计8篇.(不含Fast Reading)分别为 Unit 1 2篇; Unit 2 1篇 Uint 3 2篇 Unit 4 1篇 Unit 5 1篇 Unit 6 1篇

2. 期末考试题型及分数分布:与半期练习一致.

3. 期末试题覆盖范围:上述两教材中列举的单元。


5. Unit 5和 6 Writing 练习 是写作的重点。 请同学们务必认真练习请柬及各种便条的写法 (格式,常用套


附言:凡有意参加成人本科申报学士学位英语考试的同学,此举学院非常支持。现在就应作准备。如你需要, 可去C区 2教学楼底楼复印室复印以下资料:

1. 《成人本科学位英语考试总词汇表》(很多根据自己的情况决定是否要)

2. 《成人本科学位英语考试高频词汇》(很有用)

3. 《成人本科学位英语考试常见短语》 (很有用)

4. 《成人本科学位英语考试大纲》 (很有用)

另外该处还有很多模拟题。请别盲目复印, 因为明年的模拟题会变。建议你复印1,2份来看看成人学位英语考试的难度,要求,题型,以指导你复习。如有疑问可打电话[1**********] 找陈老师。


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