

1、 拿到一个从句,首先要正确判断从句类型。










主语从句What I say is true.

宾语从句He won’t believe what I say.

表语从句That is what I said.

同位语从句I told them the news that Rockets won the game today.

· 怎样选择名词性从句里的引导词:名词性从句中缺什么意思就用什么意思的引导词。缺名词性成份时,指人用who/whom,指物用what;不缺意思和成份时用that。That 只有在宾语从句中可以省略。例题如下:

1.___ the Olympic Games will be held in Beijing is known.

A.不填 B. Whenever C. What 2.There is a common belief among them ___ rubbish can and should be put to good use.

A. which B. if C. whether 3.He‟s bought a cottage for ___ he retires, with the money he saved. B. where C. what D. which

4.It is known to all --Do you think it possible

--Of course.

· It 经常在句中当形式主语、宾语,代替真正的主语、宾语,以避免头重脚轻。 例题如下:

1. It is pretty well understood ___ controls the flow of carbon dioxide in and out of the atmosphere today.

A. That B. when D. how

2.Why don‟t you bring ___ to his attention that you are too busy to do it?

A. This B. what C. that

· 在名词性从句中,表“是否”时只用whether不用if。例题如下:



3. Whether the president will come is not known yet. (主语从句) The problem is whether we need it.(表语从句) The problem whether we will build another school hasn‟t been settled.(同位语从句)




He was worried about whether he passed the English examination. (介词之后) It doesn‟t matter whether she will come or not.(whether… or /or not) I don‟t know whether to go.(动词不定式之前)

形容词性从句——定语从句 · 先行词是什么:先行词是被定语从句所修饰的名词、代词。在定语从句中充当一定的成


· 引导词是什么:引导词就是紧跟在主句后,用于引导从句的词。我们根据先行词选择不


物:which /that / whose

人:who / whom / that / whose

时间:when / which / that

地点:where /which /that

reason:从句完整why / for which;从句不完整which /that /--

way:从句完整 in which / that /--; 从句不完整which / that /- 例子:I don‟t like the way in which/that/-- you speak to your parents.

He found the way was reasonable to solve the problem.

· 关于of whose和of which:当先行词与连接词后面的名词n存在所属关系时(什么的什


物:whose + n. = of which + the + n. = the + n. + of which

人:whose + n. = of whom + the + n.= the + n. + of whom

例子:She is my sister whose shirt is blue.

· 先行词只能用that不能用which(重点前5种情况)


none,the one等。

All that can be done has been done.

(2)先行词被all, few,little,no,every 等词修饰时。

There is no difficulty that we can‟t overcome.


This is the first letter that I‟ve written in Japanese.

(4)先行词被the only, the very, the last 等修饰时

This is the very book that I am looking for.


They talked about the teachers and schools that they had visited.


China isn‟t the country that she used to be 50 years ago.


Who is the man that is waiting at the bus stop?

· 永远不用that:介词或逗号之后。

· 当先行词是时间或地点时,引导词要是:when / where / that / which / --

When = 介词+which = 介词+时间

Where = 介词+which = 介词+地点

Which / that = 时间或地点

当从句完整时,用when / where / 介词+which

当从句不完整时,用which / that/ --

例子:I still remember the days that/which/-- we spent at the seaside last summer.

his parents used to work. I’ll never forget the day __I’ll never forget the time _I’ll never forget the time _· as与which的比较:


They failed in the exam,as/which is natural.

As is known to all,the earth moves around the sun.


which “这一点/这个/这件事”

He passed the College Entrance Examination, made his parents very happy.

A. as B. which C. that D. it

He is careless, caused the accident.

He is late again, we expected.

· 当先行词被the same,such,so修饰时,引导词用as或that。 (1)当从句中“主谓宾”齐全时,用that。


在the same as结构中,as也可用that代替。但严格地说,the same as强调相同, the same that注重同一。

This was so difficult a problem as we couldn‟t work out.(后面句子不完整)

This was so difficult a problem that we couldn‟t work it out.(后面句子完整)

定语从句练习题part 1

1. The old man returned to China, he left 20 years ago.

A. where B. which C. that D. how

2. – When is your husband‟s birthday?

-- The same day of my birthday, ___ I can‟t forget.

A. that B. when C. which D. it

3. Let‟s put off the picnic until next week, __ the weather may be better.

A. which B. when C. that D. if

4. Mr Green drove his car very slowly until he came to the freeway, __ the speed limit was 60 miles an hour.

A. which B. that C. when D. where.

5. The hours ___ the children spend in their one-way relationship with television people undoubtedly affect their relationship with real-life people.

A. that B. when C. in which D. on which

6. I know the boy ____________ you gave the book____________.

A.whom;to B.which;to

C.to whom;to D.that;to him

7. Harbin is the very place ____________ I‟m anxious to pay a visit.

A.that B.which

C.on which D.to which

8. Have you been to Hangzhou,____________ West Lake is the most beautiful in our country?

A.whose B.which C.that D.where

9. I know the student ____________ you borrowed the pen.

A.that B.from whom

C.from which D.whom

10. Here are players from Japan,____________ are our old friends.

A.that B.where C.they D.who

11.They arrived at the farmhouse,in front of ____________ sat a small boy.

A.the place B.it C.which D.that

12. That is the day ____________ I‟ll never forget.

A./ B.on which

C.in which D.when

13.The letter is from my sister,____________ is working in Beijing.

A.which B.that C.who D.she

14. I lost a book,____________ I can‟t remember now.

A.its title B.whose title

C.the title of it D.the title of that

15. I want to use the same dictionary ____________ was used yesterday.

A.which B.what C.like D.as

16. He is good at English,____________ we all know.

A.that B.as C.this D.what

17. I‟ll never forget the days ____________ we spent together in the countryside.

A.when B.on which C.which D.in which

18. This is the best film ____________ I have ever seen.

A.that B.which C.now that D.if

19. He is the only one of the students ____________ from Shanghai.

A.who is B.who are

C.they are D.that come

20. Mr Scott is one of the foreign experts who ____________ in China.

A.works B.is working

C.are working D.has been working

21. I,who ____________ in America,feel proud of being a Chinese.

A.is B./ C.am D.being

22.The boy failed in the exam again,____________ made his parents disappointed.

A.that B.which C.it D.what

23.The doctors and nurses did ____________ they could to help the wounded.

A.all what B.all which C.everything what D.all that

They did all (that they could do) to help the boy.

24. He‟ll never forget the people and the place ____________ she visited in Beijing last year.

A.that B.which C.whom D.where

25. Do you know the reason ____________ he was late?

A.for what B.which C.for which D.that

Do you believe the reason he gave for his being late?


定语从句练习题part 2

1. Guilin is the most beautiful place _____ everyone all over the world wants to visit?

A. that B. which C. what D. where

2. Has everything ____ can be done been done?

A. that B. which C. what D. /

3. I don‟t like the way _____ you speak to her.

A. which B. in which C. in that D. of which

4. She heard a terrible noise, _____ brought her heart into her mouth.

A. it B. that C. this D. which

5. The Smiths will move into their new house next Wednesday, ____ it will be completely finished.

A. by which time B. by the time C. that D. which

6. In the dark street, there wasn't a single person ____ she could turn for help.

A. that B. who C. from whom D. to whom

7. Mrs. Brown,____ department I work, is a friendly woman.

A. whose B. which C. in whose D.in which

8. Could you suggest a time __ it would fit you to visit us and try out the machine?

A. that B. which C. when D. in that

9. Next winter, __ you will spend in Hong Kong, I am sure, will be another exciting holiday.

A. which B. that C. when D. in which

10. Is this the research center _____ you visited the modern equipment last month?

A. which B. where C. that D. the one that

11. Is this the research center _____ you visited last month?

A. in which B. where C. that D. the one that

12.例1. Is this museum ___ you visited a few days ago?

例2. Is this the museum __ you visited a few days ago?

例3. Is this the museum ____ the exhibition was held?


①. This museum is __________________ you visited a few days ago.

②. This is the museum ___________you visited a few days ago.

③. This is the museum__________ the exhibition was held.

A. where B. that C. on which D. the one

13. Can you tell me the reason ________ you wanted to break the window?

A. which B. that C. because D. Why

14. I don‟t believe the reason _____ you told me yesterday.

A. for which B. that C. because D. why

15. _____ is expected, the French team won the football match.

A. Which B. As C. That D. What

16. Don‟t read such books _____ are not worth reading.

A. that B. which C. as D. /

17. _____ is reported in the newspaper, Doctor Li will visit our town next week.

18.He is late for school again, ___is often the case.

19. ____we know, smoking is harmful to one's health.

20.The sun heats the earth, __ is very important to us.

A. as B which C. that D. It

21. He is ____brave a man_____ ever lived.

22. Don„t read _____books ____ are not worth reading.

23. He is _____ an honest man _____ we respect him.

24. He is _____ an honest man _____we respect.

A. such…as B. such.. that

A. as B. that

27. It was in the small house _____ was built with stones by his father _____ he spent his childhood.

A. which; that B. that; where

C. which; which D. where; that

28. The meeting was put off, _____ was exactly _____ we wanted.

A. which; which B. as; that

C. which; what D. it; that

29. It is such a good place _____ everybody wants to visit _____ it is well-known all over the


A. which; that B. as; as

C. as; that D.that; as

30.---- “Where did you meet your old friend?”

---- “It was in the hotel _____ I was staying.”

A. that B. when C. where D. Which

II. Find out mistakes in the following sentences:

1) He is the only one of the boys who are praised.

2)Is this school the one that you worked last year?

3)Is this the school where you visited last year?

4)He failed in the examination, it made his mother angry.

5)The rich, for whose money is not a problem, always buy big houses and expensive cars.

6)I'll never forget the days when I spent in the country.

7) With everything she needed buying, she went home.

8)It was so difficult a problem that no one can work out.

9) It is this house that I was brought up.

10) It is known to all, he is the best student in our class

11) Thanks for your gift. This is exactly that I wanted.

12) Jack is a man whom I believe is honest.


· 如何判断一个句子是状语从句:主句完整,从句和主句之间不存在修饰关系,即从句不


· 关于when、while和as:它们都表示“当„„时”


be about to do…. When … 当某人或某事正要(马上就)„,这时„

be on the point of doing … when… 同上

be doing … when… 当某人正在做„或某事正在发生„,这时„

had just done… when… 当某人刚完成„或某事刚结束„,这时„


Mary asked me to care for her pet while she was away. (当…时)

He likes pop music while I am fond of classical music. (而)

While I understand what you say, I can‟t agree with you. (虽然)



as time went by;as the economy develops;


It looks a little ugly as it is .


treat / regard / consider / think of / look on …… as (把 … 作为…来对待)

④.表示“因为”+句子 = because / since / for As you are Senior 3 students, you should spare no effort / pains to study.

⑤. 表示“正如,就像”

As is known to all/we all know, Taiwan belongs to China.

As an old saying goes, it‟s not until the Dragon Boat Festival that we can put away warm clothes. ⑥. 表示“虽然”+倒装句 = though放句首 (下面的小写abcd分别列出不同的倒装句情况) a.表语提前

Young as/though he is, he speaks English fluently.

Child as he is, he knows a lot. (冠词去掉)


Much as he likes her, he dare not tell her.

= Although(Though) he likes her very much, he dare not tell her.


Try as she may, she still couldn‟t convince her parents that she was more suitable for a lawyer than a teacher.


Pleasant as they made it to travel, we felt tired after the long journey.

= Although they made it pleasant to travel, we felt tired after the long journey.

· 关于since,before和until

(1)since的用法:译作“自从…以来” “自从那时起”“由于,因为”

①.接时间点:如 I have stayed in that country since 1995.


②.接一段时间 + ago:如 They have lived in that house since two years ago.

要求:谓语动词用现在完成时,而且须是延续性动词。 ③.接时间状语从句:如 I have loved her since I met her last time. / Lily has stayed at home since she left school. 要求:主句的谓语动词用现在完成时,而且须是延续性动词;从句的谓语动词用一般过去时,而且须是终止性动词。 ④. 用于句型“It‟s / It has been + 一段时间 + since + 时间状语从句”中,译作“自从…以来, 已经…(时间)了”。如 It‟s / has been three months since he moved to this city.

要求:主句的谓语动词用一般现在时或现在完成时;从句的谓语动词用一般过去时,而且须是终止性动词。 ⑤. 用于句型 “一段时间+ has passed since +时间状语从句”中,译作“自从…以来, … (时间)已经过去了”。如上一例句还可写成:Three months has passed since he moved to this city. 要求:主句的谓语动词用现在完成时,而且动词必须是has passed;从句的谓语动词用一般过去时,而且须是终止性动词。

⑥. 注意!当since用于否定句时,主句的谓语动词可以是终止性动词。如 He hasn‟t seen the film since last month.

⑦. 相关词组:“从那时起”:ever since、since then、from then on.

注:ever since作为一个词组,放句尾可单独使用。如I have given up smoking ever since. 另外,还可在since后接句子。since前加ever,只是加重语气而已。如 I have given up smoking ever since I caught a bad cough.

⑧. since还可引导原因状语从句,译作“由于,因为”,相当于because。如Since he was lazy, he didn‟t finish his homework. (2)before的基本含义是“在……之前”,又可以根据不同语境灵活翻译成“才” “还没来得及就……” “趁……” “就” 等。具体用法如下:

①. 与情态动词can/could连用


Before I could get in a word,he had measured me.


Before she could move,she heard a loud noise,which grew to a terrible roar.


②. 用于肯定句中强调主句所表达的时间,距离长,或花费的精力大,译成“才”。 We had sailed four days and four nights before we saw lands.


We waited a long time before the train arrived.


③. 用于否定句中,强调主句所表达的时间,距离短,或花费的精力小,译成“不到……就”。 We hadn„t run a mile before he felt tired.


④. 主句含有hardly,scarcely等半否定副词时可以译为“刚……就”。

这时候主句应用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时。还可以用when替代before如: We had scarcely reached the school before/when the bell rang.


⑤. 有时还有“宁愿”的意思.

I would shoot myself before I apologized to him.我宁死也不向他道歉。

⑥. 用于It +be/take+时间段+before句型。



It will be two weeks before everything returns to normal.


It will be many years before the situation improves.


It won„t be long before we meet again.用不了多久我们就会再见面的。


It was some time before I realized the truth.


It wasn„t long before she became a brave solider.


After that it still took seven years before they got married.


⑦ . 注意!当主句的谓语动词为延续性动词时,before与until有时可以互换。 It was an hour before/until the police arrived.


not… until…表示“直到„才开始„”,即直到某一时间,某事件才放生,在此之前,该事件还没发生。当句子是否定句,且主句谓语动词是短暂性时,则用not„until„。 例句:George worked for IBM until/till 2000. (work是持续性动词,用until或till) Until he came up to me, I recognized him. 此句错误,应改为

I didn‟t recognize him until he came up to me. (recognize是短暂性动词,用not„until„)

· 关于“一„就„”

Hardly… when…

No sooner… than…

As soon as…

The moment/time/minute/second +句子

Immediately/Instantly/Directly +句子

On doing / 名词(如arrival)

Hardly (No sooner) had I got home when (than) the rain poured down.

As soon as the bell rang, Tom ran out of the classroom.

The moment she saw the robber, she screamed.

Instantly he saw the drowning girl, he jumped into the river.

Upon arrival/ On arrival / On arriving, I will pay a visit to you first.

· It is/was +时间点+when (注意与强调句的区别)

It was midnight _____I fell asleep. B. that C. while D. because

It was at noon ______we arrived in the village.(强调句)

A. before B. while C. when

· Unless 如果不(除非)/ If 如果,引导条件状语从句。

__________ you go all out to do the work, I don't think you can achieve your goal as planned. B. Even C. Since D. Till

He never speaks _____ he is spoken to,



· as if (though) 似乎/仿佛/好像,引导方式状语从句。(常用虚拟语气) 在as if / as though引导的从句中,若表对现在的虚拟,与现在事实相反,从句的谓语用过去时态;例句:He acts as if he knew me. 他显得认识我似的。

若表对过去的虚拟,与过去事实相反,则用过去完成时态;例句:They treat me as though I were a stranger. 他们待我如陌生人。

若表对将来的虚拟,用would + 动词原形。例句:It looks as if he would not marry her. · even if /though 即使,引导让步状语从句。

例句:Even if / though she is my best friend, I still criticize her at times.

· in case /for fear that 以防/惟恐,引导目的状语从句。

· 例句:

· what / whatever / no matter what;→ what(ever) +名词

how/however/no matter how;→ how(ever) +形容词/副词

例句:Whatever difficulties we meet with, it is best to face them and try to solve them。

However late it is, I‟ll wait for you.

No matter how busy he is, he is ready to help others.

注意!No matter + 疑问词 → 只引导状语从句

疑问词 + ever → 引导状语从句或名词性从句

you say, I won‟t believe you. = No matter what(状语从句)

Whoever / No matter who comes, don‟t let him in. (状语从句)

I won‟t believe (宾语从句)

Whoever / Anyone who leaves last should turn off the lights. (主语从句)

· Where + 句子,引导地点状语从句。(特别注意和引导定语从句的区别)

例句:You‟d better make a mark where you have any questions.

You‟d better make a mark at the place where you have any questions.


定语从句有先行词THE PLACE,而状语从句没有。状语从句中where引导的句子做地点状语,不出现the place。定语从句出现先行词place,再用where引导的定语来修饰the place。 请你区分:Oh! This is where we came yesterday.

This is the place where/in which we came yesterday.

· 引导原因状语从句的一些特殊引导词:

now that=since,表示“既然,由于”,引导原因状语从句。 例句:Now that / Since you can't answer the question, I'll ask someone else. 既然你回答不出这个问题,我就问别人了。

in that =because,表示“因为”,引导原因状语从句。

not that…but that…=not because…but because…表示“不是因为„而是因为„”,引导原因状语从句。

· 先行词被the same,such,so修饰时,



we couldn‟t work out.(后面句子不完整)

we couldn‟t work it out.(后面句子完整)


1.The famous scientist grew up ____ he was born and in 1930 he went to Shanghai.

A. when B. whenever C. where D. wherever

2. The photo was taken ______ stood a famous high tower.

A. where B. in which C. which D. there

3.You must be firm ______ you think yourself to be right.

A. in which B. where C. what D. no matter how

4. The writer has written many English poems, _______ his teachers and friends hadn‟t expected.

A. as B. which C. of which D. that

5. Such things _____ you described are rare now.

A. like B. as C. that D. which

6.______ life pace continues to speed up, we are quickly losing up the art of enjoyment.

A. With B. As C. when D. While

7.______ the day went on, the weather got worse.

A. With B. Since C. While D. As

8.After the war, a new school was put up _______ there had been a theater.

A. that B. where C. which D. what

9.You should make it a rule to leave things _______ you can find them again.

A. when B. where C. what D. which

10.______ it is true that a successful businessman or inventor will usually become rich, many other people who are outstanding in their fields take little notice of personal possessions.

A. While B. Since C. Unless D. If

11. As we all know, it was _______ that resulted the terrible accident.

A. because of her carelessness B. her being careless

C. because she was careless D. she was careless

12.The whole country cheered on Nov.15th _______ China completed a clean sweep for the first victory in 18 years in regaining the Women‟s Volleyball World Cup title.

A. that B. when C. until D. which

13.He had to be reminded two or three times______ he could avoid making the same mistake

A.before B. when C. until D. as

14. ______ you don‟t have my phone number, it‟s 780-7842. I look forward to meeting you soon.

A In case B. On purpose C. As long as D. By the way

15. Take this baggage and hang it _____ you can find enough space.

A. which B. in which C. at the place D. where

16. We shall never give in _____ they might do or say about our plan.

A. no matter how B. what C. whatever D. although


1、 拿到一个从句,首先要正确判断从句类型。










主语从句What I say is true.

宾语从句He won’t believe what I say.

表语从句That is what I said.

同位语从句I told them the news that Rockets won the game today.

· 怎样选择名词性从句里的引导词:名词性从句中缺什么意思就用什么意思的引导词。缺名词性成份时,指人用who/whom,指物用what;不缺意思和成份时用that。That 只有在宾语从句中可以省略。例题如下:

1.___ the Olympic Games will be held in Beijing is known.

A.不填 B. Whenever C. What 2.There is a common belief among them ___ rubbish can and should be put to good use.

A. which B. if C. whether 3.He‟s bought a cottage for ___ he retires, with the money he saved. B. where C. what D. which

4.It is known to all --Do you think it possible

--Of course.

· It 经常在句中当形式主语、宾语,代替真正的主语、宾语,以避免头重脚轻。 例题如下:

1. It is pretty well understood ___ controls the flow of carbon dioxide in and out of the atmosphere today.

A. That B. when D. how

2.Why don‟t you bring ___ to his attention that you are too busy to do it?

A. This B. what C. that

· 在名词性从句中,表“是否”时只用whether不用if。例题如下:



3. Whether the president will come is not known yet. (主语从句) The problem is whether we need it.(表语从句) The problem whether we will build another school hasn‟t been settled.(同位语从句)




He was worried about whether he passed the English examination. (介词之后) It doesn‟t matter whether she will come or not.(whether… or /or not) I don‟t know whether to go.(动词不定式之前)

形容词性从句——定语从句 · 先行词是什么:先行词是被定语从句所修饰的名词、代词。在定语从句中充当一定的成


· 引导词是什么:引导词就是紧跟在主句后,用于引导从句的词。我们根据先行词选择不


物:which /that / whose

人:who / whom / that / whose

时间:when / which / that

地点:where /which /that

reason:从句完整why / for which;从句不完整which /that /--

way:从句完整 in which / that /--; 从句不完整which / that /- 例子:I don‟t like the way in which/that/-- you speak to your parents.

He found the way was reasonable to solve the problem.

· 关于of whose和of which:当先行词与连接词后面的名词n存在所属关系时(什么的什


物:whose + n. = of which + the + n. = the + n. + of which

人:whose + n. = of whom + the + n.= the + n. + of whom

例子:She is my sister whose shirt is blue.

· 先行词只能用that不能用which(重点前5种情况)


none,the one等。

All that can be done has been done.

(2)先行词被all, few,little,no,every 等词修饰时。

There is no difficulty that we can‟t overcome.


This is the first letter that I‟ve written in Japanese.

(4)先行词被the only, the very, the last 等修饰时

This is the very book that I am looking for.


They talked about the teachers and schools that they had visited.


China isn‟t the country that she used to be 50 years ago.


Who is the man that is waiting at the bus stop?

· 永远不用that:介词或逗号之后。

· 当先行词是时间或地点时,引导词要是:when / where / that / which / --

When = 介词+which = 介词+时间

Where = 介词+which = 介词+地点

Which / that = 时间或地点

当从句完整时,用when / where / 介词+which

当从句不完整时,用which / that/ --

例子:I still remember the days that/which/-- we spent at the seaside last summer.

his parents used to work. I’ll never forget the day __I’ll never forget the time _I’ll never forget the time _· as与which的比较:


They failed in the exam,as/which is natural.

As is known to all,the earth moves around the sun.


which “这一点/这个/这件事”

He passed the College Entrance Examination, made his parents very happy.

A. as B. which C. that D. it

He is careless, caused the accident.

He is late again, we expected.

· 当先行词被the same,such,so修饰时,引导词用as或that。 (1)当从句中“主谓宾”齐全时,用that。


在the same as结构中,as也可用that代替。但严格地说,the same as强调相同, the same that注重同一。

This was so difficult a problem as we couldn‟t work out.(后面句子不完整)

This was so difficult a problem that we couldn‟t work it out.(后面句子完整)

定语从句练习题part 1

1. The old man returned to China, he left 20 years ago.

A. where B. which C. that D. how

2. – When is your husband‟s birthday?

-- The same day of my birthday, ___ I can‟t forget.

A. that B. when C. which D. it

3. Let‟s put off the picnic until next week, __ the weather may be better.

A. which B. when C. that D. if

4. Mr Green drove his car very slowly until he came to the freeway, __ the speed limit was 60 miles an hour.

A. which B. that C. when D. where.

5. The hours ___ the children spend in their one-way relationship with television people undoubtedly affect their relationship with real-life people.

A. that B. when C. in which D. on which

6. I know the boy ____________ you gave the book____________.

A.whom;to B.which;to

C.to whom;to D.that;to him

7. Harbin is the very place ____________ I‟m anxious to pay a visit.

A.that B.which

C.on which D.to which

8. Have you been to Hangzhou,____________ West Lake is the most beautiful in our country?

A.whose B.which C.that D.where

9. I know the student ____________ you borrowed the pen.

A.that B.from whom

C.from which D.whom

10. Here are players from Japan,____________ are our old friends.

A.that B.where C.they D.who

11.They arrived at the farmhouse,in front of ____________ sat a small boy.

A.the place B.it C.which D.that

12. That is the day ____________ I‟ll never forget.

A./ B.on which

C.in which D.when

13.The letter is from my sister,____________ is working in Beijing.

A.which B.that C.who D.she

14. I lost a book,____________ I can‟t remember now.

A.its title B.whose title

C.the title of it D.the title of that

15. I want to use the same dictionary ____________ was used yesterday.

A.which B.what C.like D.as

16. He is good at English,____________ we all know.

A.that B.as C.this D.what

17. I‟ll never forget the days ____________ we spent together in the countryside.

A.when B.on which C.which D.in which

18. This is the best film ____________ I have ever seen.

A.that B.which C.now that D.if

19. He is the only one of the students ____________ from Shanghai.

A.who is B.who are

C.they are D.that come

20. Mr Scott is one of the foreign experts who ____________ in China.

A.works B.is working

C.are working D.has been working

21. I,who ____________ in America,feel proud of being a Chinese.

A.is B./ C.am D.being

22.The boy failed in the exam again,____________ made his parents disappointed.

A.that B.which C.it D.what

23.The doctors and nurses did ____________ they could to help the wounded.

A.all what B.all which C.everything what D.all that

They did all (that they could do) to help the boy.

24. He‟ll never forget the people and the place ____________ she visited in Beijing last year.

A.that B.which C.whom D.where

25. Do you know the reason ____________ he was late?

A.for what B.which C.for which D.that

Do you believe the reason he gave for his being late?


定语从句练习题part 2

1. Guilin is the most beautiful place _____ everyone all over the world wants to visit?

A. that B. which C. what D. where

2. Has everything ____ can be done been done?

A. that B. which C. what D. /

3. I don‟t like the way _____ you speak to her.

A. which B. in which C. in that D. of which

4. She heard a terrible noise, _____ brought her heart into her mouth.

A. it B. that C. this D. which

5. The Smiths will move into their new house next Wednesday, ____ it will be completely finished.

A. by which time B. by the time C. that D. which

6. In the dark street, there wasn't a single person ____ she could turn for help.

A. that B. who C. from whom D. to whom

7. Mrs. Brown,____ department I work, is a friendly woman.

A. whose B. which C. in whose D.in which

8. Could you suggest a time __ it would fit you to visit us and try out the machine?

A. that B. which C. when D. in that

9. Next winter, __ you will spend in Hong Kong, I am sure, will be another exciting holiday.

A. which B. that C. when D. in which

10. Is this the research center _____ you visited the modern equipment last month?

A. which B. where C. that D. the one that

11. Is this the research center _____ you visited last month?

A. in which B. where C. that D. the one that

12.例1. Is this museum ___ you visited a few days ago?

例2. Is this the museum __ you visited a few days ago?

例3. Is this the museum ____ the exhibition was held?


①. This museum is __________________ you visited a few days ago.

②. This is the museum ___________you visited a few days ago.

③. This is the museum__________ the exhibition was held.

A. where B. that C. on which D. the one

13. Can you tell me the reason ________ you wanted to break the window?

A. which B. that C. because D. Why

14. I don‟t believe the reason _____ you told me yesterday.

A. for which B. that C. because D. why

15. _____ is expected, the French team won the football match.

A. Which B. As C. That D. What

16. Don‟t read such books _____ are not worth reading.

A. that B. which C. as D. /

17. _____ is reported in the newspaper, Doctor Li will visit our town next week.

18.He is late for school again, ___is often the case.

19. ____we know, smoking is harmful to one's health.

20.The sun heats the earth, __ is very important to us.

A. as B which C. that D. It

21. He is ____brave a man_____ ever lived.

22. Don„t read _____books ____ are not worth reading.

23. He is _____ an honest man _____ we respect him.

24. He is _____ an honest man _____we respect.

A. such…as B. such.. that

A. as B. that

27. It was in the small house _____ was built with stones by his father _____ he spent his childhood.

A. which; that B. that; where

C. which; which D. where; that

28. The meeting was put off, _____ was exactly _____ we wanted.

A. which; which B. as; that

C. which; what D. it; that

29. It is such a good place _____ everybody wants to visit _____ it is well-known all over the


A. which; that B. as; as

C. as; that D.that; as

30.---- “Where did you meet your old friend?”

---- “It was in the hotel _____ I was staying.”

A. that B. when C. where D. Which

II. Find out mistakes in the following sentences:

1) He is the only one of the boys who are praised.

2)Is this school the one that you worked last year?

3)Is this the school where you visited last year?

4)He failed in the examination, it made his mother angry.

5)The rich, for whose money is not a problem, always buy big houses and expensive cars.

6)I'll never forget the days when I spent in the country.

7) With everything she needed buying, she went home.

8)It was so difficult a problem that no one can work out.

9) It is this house that I was brought up.

10) It is known to all, he is the best student in our class

11) Thanks for your gift. This is exactly that I wanted.

12) Jack is a man whom I believe is honest.


· 如何判断一个句子是状语从句:主句完整,从句和主句之间不存在修饰关系,即从句不


· 关于when、while和as:它们都表示“当„„时”


be about to do…. When … 当某人或某事正要(马上就)„,这时„

be on the point of doing … when… 同上

be doing … when… 当某人正在做„或某事正在发生„,这时„

had just done… when… 当某人刚完成„或某事刚结束„,这时„


Mary asked me to care for her pet while she was away. (当…时)

He likes pop music while I am fond of classical music. (而)

While I understand what you say, I can‟t agree with you. (虽然)



as time went by;as the economy develops;


It looks a little ugly as it is .


treat / regard / consider / think of / look on …… as (把 … 作为…来对待)

④.表示“因为”+句子 = because / since / for As you are Senior 3 students, you should spare no effort / pains to study.

⑤. 表示“正如,就像”

As is known to all/we all know, Taiwan belongs to China.

As an old saying goes, it‟s not until the Dragon Boat Festival that we can put away warm clothes. ⑥. 表示“虽然”+倒装句 = though放句首 (下面的小写abcd分别列出不同的倒装句情况) a.表语提前

Young as/though he is, he speaks English fluently.

Child as he is, he knows a lot. (冠词去掉)


Much as he likes her, he dare not tell her.

= Although(Though) he likes her very much, he dare not tell her.


Try as she may, she still couldn‟t convince her parents that she was more suitable for a lawyer than a teacher.


Pleasant as they made it to travel, we felt tired after the long journey.

= Although they made it pleasant to travel, we felt tired after the long journey.

· 关于since,before和until

(1)since的用法:译作“自从…以来” “自从那时起”“由于,因为”

①.接时间点:如 I have stayed in that country since 1995.


②.接一段时间 + ago:如 They have lived in that house since two years ago.

要求:谓语动词用现在完成时,而且须是延续性动词。 ③.接时间状语从句:如 I have loved her since I met her last time. / Lily has stayed at home since she left school. 要求:主句的谓语动词用现在完成时,而且须是延续性动词;从句的谓语动词用一般过去时,而且须是终止性动词。 ④. 用于句型“It‟s / It has been + 一段时间 + since + 时间状语从句”中,译作“自从…以来, 已经…(时间)了”。如 It‟s / has been three months since he moved to this city.

要求:主句的谓语动词用一般现在时或现在完成时;从句的谓语动词用一般过去时,而且须是终止性动词。 ⑤. 用于句型 “一段时间+ has passed since +时间状语从句”中,译作“自从…以来, … (时间)已经过去了”。如上一例句还可写成:Three months has passed since he moved to this city. 要求:主句的谓语动词用现在完成时,而且动词必须是has passed;从句的谓语动词用一般过去时,而且须是终止性动词。

⑥. 注意!当since用于否定句时,主句的谓语动词可以是终止性动词。如 He hasn‟t seen the film since last month.

⑦. 相关词组:“从那时起”:ever since、since then、from then on.

注:ever since作为一个词组,放句尾可单独使用。如I have given up smoking ever since. 另外,还可在since后接句子。since前加ever,只是加重语气而已。如 I have given up smoking ever since I caught a bad cough.

⑧. since还可引导原因状语从句,译作“由于,因为”,相当于because。如Since he was lazy, he didn‟t finish his homework. (2)before的基本含义是“在……之前”,又可以根据不同语境灵活翻译成“才” “还没来得及就……” “趁……” “就” 等。具体用法如下:

①. 与情态动词can/could连用


Before I could get in a word,he had measured me.


Before she could move,she heard a loud noise,which grew to a terrible roar.


②. 用于肯定句中强调主句所表达的时间,距离长,或花费的精力大,译成“才”。 We had sailed four days and four nights before we saw lands.


We waited a long time before the train arrived.


③. 用于否定句中,强调主句所表达的时间,距离短,或花费的精力小,译成“不到……就”。 We hadn„t run a mile before he felt tired.


④. 主句含有hardly,scarcely等半否定副词时可以译为“刚……就”。

这时候主句应用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时。还可以用when替代before如: We had scarcely reached the school before/when the bell rang.


⑤. 有时还有“宁愿”的意思.

I would shoot myself before I apologized to him.我宁死也不向他道歉。

⑥. 用于It +be/take+时间段+before句型。



It will be two weeks before everything returns to normal.


It will be many years before the situation improves.


It won„t be long before we meet again.用不了多久我们就会再见面的。


It was some time before I realized the truth.


It wasn„t long before she became a brave solider.


After that it still took seven years before they got married.


⑦ . 注意!当主句的谓语动词为延续性动词时,before与until有时可以互换。 It was an hour before/until the police arrived.


not… until…表示“直到„才开始„”,即直到某一时间,某事件才放生,在此之前,该事件还没发生。当句子是否定句,且主句谓语动词是短暂性时,则用not„until„。 例句:George worked for IBM until/till 2000. (work是持续性动词,用until或till) Until he came up to me, I recognized him. 此句错误,应改为

I didn‟t recognize him until he came up to me. (recognize是短暂性动词,用not„until„)

· 关于“一„就„”

Hardly… when…

No sooner… than…

As soon as…

The moment/time/minute/second +句子

Immediately/Instantly/Directly +句子

On doing / 名词(如arrival)

Hardly (No sooner) had I got home when (than) the rain poured down.

As soon as the bell rang, Tom ran out of the classroom.

The moment she saw the robber, she screamed.

Instantly he saw the drowning girl, he jumped into the river.

Upon arrival/ On arrival / On arriving, I will pay a visit to you first.

· It is/was +时间点+when (注意与强调句的区别)

It was midnight _____I fell asleep. B. that C. while D. because

It was at noon ______we arrived in the village.(强调句)

A. before B. while C. when

· Unless 如果不(除非)/ If 如果,引导条件状语从句。

__________ you go all out to do the work, I don't think you can achieve your goal as planned. B. Even C. Since D. Till

He never speaks _____ he is spoken to,



· as if (though) 似乎/仿佛/好像,引导方式状语从句。(常用虚拟语气) 在as if / as though引导的从句中,若表对现在的虚拟,与现在事实相反,从句的谓语用过去时态;例句:He acts as if he knew me. 他显得认识我似的。

若表对过去的虚拟,与过去事实相反,则用过去完成时态;例句:They treat me as though I were a stranger. 他们待我如陌生人。

若表对将来的虚拟,用would + 动词原形。例句:It looks as if he would not marry her. · even if /though 即使,引导让步状语从句。

例句:Even if / though she is my best friend, I still criticize her at times.

· in case /for fear that 以防/惟恐,引导目的状语从句。

· 例句:

· what / whatever / no matter what;→ what(ever) +名词

how/however/no matter how;→ how(ever) +形容词/副词

例句:Whatever difficulties we meet with, it is best to face them and try to solve them。

However late it is, I‟ll wait for you.

No matter how busy he is, he is ready to help others.

注意!No matter + 疑问词 → 只引导状语从句

疑问词 + ever → 引导状语从句或名词性从句

you say, I won‟t believe you. = No matter what(状语从句)

Whoever / No matter who comes, don‟t let him in. (状语从句)

I won‟t believe (宾语从句)

Whoever / Anyone who leaves last should turn off the lights. (主语从句)

· Where + 句子,引导地点状语从句。(特别注意和引导定语从句的区别)

例句:You‟d better make a mark where you have any questions.

You‟d better make a mark at the place where you have any questions.


定语从句有先行词THE PLACE,而状语从句没有。状语从句中where引导的句子做地点状语,不出现the place。定语从句出现先行词place,再用where引导的定语来修饰the place。 请你区分:Oh! This is where we came yesterday.

This is the place where/in which we came yesterday.

· 引导原因状语从句的一些特殊引导词:

now that=since,表示“既然,由于”,引导原因状语从句。 例句:Now that / Since you can't answer the question, I'll ask someone else. 既然你回答不出这个问题,我就问别人了。

in that =because,表示“因为”,引导原因状语从句。

not that…but that…=not because…but because…表示“不是因为„而是因为„”,引导原因状语从句。

· 先行词被the same,such,so修饰时,



we couldn‟t work out.(后面句子不完整)

we couldn‟t work it out.(后面句子完整)


1.The famous scientist grew up ____ he was born and in 1930 he went to Shanghai.

A. when B. whenever C. where D. wherever

2. The photo was taken ______ stood a famous high tower.

A. where B. in which C. which D. there

3.You must be firm ______ you think yourself to be right.

A. in which B. where C. what D. no matter how

4. The writer has written many English poems, _______ his teachers and friends hadn‟t expected.

A. as B. which C. of which D. that

5. Such things _____ you described are rare now.

A. like B. as C. that D. which

6.______ life pace continues to speed up, we are quickly losing up the art of enjoyment.

A. With B. As C. when D. While

7.______ the day went on, the weather got worse.

A. With B. Since C. While D. As

8.After the war, a new school was put up _______ there had been a theater.

A. that B. where C. which D. what

9.You should make it a rule to leave things _______ you can find them again.

A. when B. where C. what D. which

10.______ it is true that a successful businessman or inventor will usually become rich, many other people who are outstanding in their fields take little notice of personal possessions.

A. While B. Since C. Unless D. If

11. As we all know, it was _______ that resulted the terrible accident.

A. because of her carelessness B. her being careless

C. because she was careless D. she was careless

12.The whole country cheered on Nov.15th _______ China completed a clean sweep for the first victory in 18 years in regaining the Women‟s Volleyball World Cup title.

A. that B. when C. until D. which

13.He had to be reminded two or three times______ he could avoid making the same mistake

A.before B. when C. until D. as

14. ______ you don‟t have my phone number, it‟s 780-7842. I look forward to meeting you soon.

A In case B. On purpose C. As long as D. By the way

15. Take this baggage and hang it _____ you can find enough space.

A. which B. in which C. at the place D. where

16. We shall never give in _____ they might do or say about our plan.

A. no matter how B. what C. whatever D. although


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  • 句子:单句.从句 句子的分类:所有的英语句子按用途可以分成四个种类:陈述句.疑问句.祁使句和感叹句. 1)陈述句:陈述句是用来说明事实.看法,描述动作.状态,阐明道理.原因,等等.这是日常生活中见得最多的一种句子.它在表达意思上有两种形式, ...查看

  • 中英文标点符号的读法用法大全
  • ⒈汉语中的某些标点符号为英语所没有. ⑴顿号(.):顿号在汉语中起分割句子中的并列成分的作用:英语中没有顿号,分割句中的并列成分多用逗号.如: She slowly, carefully, deliberately moved the bo ...查看

  • 浅谈英语和德语之间的异同_李凯
  • 2008年第3期总第132期 林区教学 TeachingofForestryRegion No.32008 GeneralNo.132 浅谈英语和德语之间的异同 李 凯 (哈尔滨理工大学外国语学院英语系,哈尔滨150080) 摘 要:通过对 ...查看

  • 名词性从句解题技巧
  • 名词性从句精讲 主语从句.宾语从句.表语从句.同位语从句 名词性从句是由if, whether, that 和各种疑问词充当连接词所引导的从句,其功能同名词一样. 一.主语从句 ---主语从句是在复合句中充当主语的从句,通常放在主句谓语动词 ...查看

  • 高中英语语法总结-名词性从句
  • 名词性从句 在句子中起名词作用的句子叫名词性从句(Noun Clauses). 名词性从句的功能相当于名词词组, 它在复合句中能担任主语.宾语.表语.同位语.介词宾语等,因此根据它在句中不同的语法功能,名词从句又可分别称为主语从句.宾语从句 ...查看

  • 英语词性总结大全,教你快速入门.
  • 2.名词的功能:3.名词的复数 名词在句中作主语,宾语,介词宾语,宾语补足语,表语以及名词短语作状语. 3.2ex:tooth→teeth(牙)mouse-mice老鼠 ox-oxen公牛 goose-geese鹅 单复数同形 ex:dee ...查看

  • 英语语法大全语法词典
  • 名词 冠词和数词 代词 形容词和副词 动词 动名词 动词不定式 特殊词精讲 分词 独立主格 动词的时态 动词的语态 句子的种类 倒装 主谓一致 虚拟语气 名词性从句 定语从句 状语从句 连词 情态动词 名词 名词复数的规则变化 其它名词复数 ...查看
