Nam Ben HPP 1# Unit running test
工 作 报 告
work report
目 录
table of contents工程概况
Project Overview
The work content
the work plane
Commissioning and acceptance before starte-up
water-filled test
the first start-up test
Test of governing system in no-load running
Unit automatic start-up and stop test with no excitation
Unit overspeed test
Test of governing system in no-load running
Main transformer and GIS power distribution equipment single-grouting test
Preparation for synchronization
unit test with load
Load rejection test
Unit 72h commission
Conclusions and problems
一、工程概况Project Overview
Nam Beng HPP ower reservoirs with a total capacity 5.39 million m3,Normal water level is 430m, Lowest level is 430m, Regulating storage is 3180 thousand.
water-filled test
the first start-up test
Test of governing system in no-load running
Unit automatic start-up and stop test with no excitation
Unit overspeed test
Test of increasing current
Test of boosting voltage
Generator increasing current test with main transformer and GIS 115KV设备及主变冲击受电试验
Main transformer and GIS power distribution equipment single-grouting test
Preparation for synchronization
unit test with load
Load rejection test
Unit 72h commission
三、1#机组试运行大事记the Event recordco of mmissioning of unit 1
四、充水试验water-filled test
Filled with water into The flow channel be divided into two steps . the first ,confirm that all Inlet valve is turned off, all Locking device of Inlet valve is Putted in, Operation method of Inlet valve is On the spot; confirm that the Vanes 0f unit 1# is turned off, the Operation method of 1# Speed governor is On the spot. open the Bypass valve of Tail water sluice 1#,open spiral case Drain valve of unit 1#,open spiral case exhaust valve of unit 1#,fill water into draft tube and spiral case of unit 1#. Affter Inspecting tube、spiral case、Inlet valve and guide no leakage, The amount of work the seal leakage suffice operational requirements, Plant maintenance drain pump, drain pump leakage suffice operational requirements, open Tail water sluice 1#.
The second step, close Manual bypass valve of unit 1# Inlet valve is turned off, close spiral case exhaust valve of unit 1#,close the Bypass valve of Tail water gate 1#,then open Hydraulic bypass valve ,open Manual bypass valve slowly, Affter Inspecting tube、spiral case、Inlet valve and guide no leakage, The amount of work the seal leakage suffice operational requirements, Plant maintenance drain pump, drain pump leakage suffice operational requirements, open Inlet sluice.
五、机组首次开机unit first start-up
in accordance with requirements of the first time start and idling tests in《tart test run procedures》、《unit 1# Start test run Outline》, Initial unit start-up after unit 1# suffice operational requirements.
1 手动打开主轴密封排水阀,退出空气围带、风闸,顶起转子5-7mm,保持10min,保证推力瓦润滑。落转子,打开蝶阀,打开技术供水电动阀,调整技术供水水压0.4MPa。
1. Open unit 1# exhaust valve of work the seal leakage with Manually, Removal Pressure of unit 1# the maintenance seal, Jacking Rotor 5-7mm keeping 10 min. go down Rotor, open 1# Inlet valve, open electric valve adjusting Pressure of Cooling water to 0.2-0.4MPa.
2 手动拔出接力器锁定,打开调速器的导叶开度限制机构,待机组开始转动后将导叶关回,由各部观察人员检查和确认机组转动与静止部件之间有无摩擦、碰撞及其它异常情况。
drop out locking of Servomotor, open the guide vane opening of Speed governor, as soon as unit run ,close the guide vane , inspect unit ,all are normal when unit “running” and “stop”.
3 确认各部正常后再次打开导叶启动机组。当机组转速升至接近50%额定转速时暂停升速,观察各部无异常后继续升速,机组在额定转速下运行。上游水库水位432.5m,尾水水位351m,机组额定转速下的导叶开度20.7%。 After confirm all are normal, open the the guide vane and start-up unit 1#. Stop increasing speed when speed nears 50% Rated speed. Continue to increase speed to 428.6r/min running if all are normal . Resevoir Level is 432.5m, Tail Water Level is351m, the guide vane opening is 20.7% when speed
4 在机组升速过程中派专人严密监视推力瓦和各导轴瓦的温度,无急剧升高或下降现象。机组达到额定转速后,前阶段每隔5分钟记录瓦温,之后可适当延长时间间隔,机组空转4小时后瓦温稳定,此时的最高温度见下表.
In the process of Unit increasesing the speed, keep watch over Thrust Pad Temp、Upper Guide Temp、Lower Guide Temp、Turbine Guide Temp,all Temp can not Sudden increase 、Upper Guide Temp、Lower Guide Temp、Turbine Guide Temp. After unit running 4h, Temp is steady. this time the highest of Thrust Pad Temp、Upper Guide Temp、Lower Guide Temp、Turbine Guide Temp
Upper Guide Adjusting Total gap is 0.20mm. Lower Guide Adjusting Total gap is 0.24mm, Arial Adjusting Total gap is 0.28mm.the highest Running swing suffice operational requirements. Upper bearing swing is 0.098mm, Lower bearing swing is 0.08mm, Turbine bearing swing is 0.1mm.
6 机组运行过程中,主轴密封漏水通过自排,满足设计要求。检修排水泵调整至自动位置,自动启动排水间隔时间为72h,满足运行要求。渗漏排水泵调整至自动位置,自动启动启动排水间隔为8h,满足运行要求。
In the process of unit running , The amount of work the seal leakage suffice
operational requirements, Plant maintenance drain pump and drain pump leakage suffice operational requirements, Plant maintenance drain pump automatic start-up Every Seventy-two hours. drain pump leakage automatic start-up Every eight hours.
7 机组运行过程中,机组各部位振动值最大值满足规范及设计要求。
In the process of unit running ,unit Vabration suffice operational
governing system in no-load running
Frequency signal of speed governor suffice operational requirements. 机组瓦温基本稳定后,调速器测频装置工作正常,进行调速器手动和自动切换,接力器无明显摆动。
After all Temp suffice operational requirements and Frequency measuring device is correct, Switch Operation mode of speed governor between manual and automatic, Servomotor has not Significant swing.
Adjustment range of Frequency given suffice operational requirements.
When the speed governor running stable with automatically, Join different disturbance(±1%、±2%、±4%Rated frequency), Electrical installations of speed governor can automatic regulate, running Stable at Rated speed.
Unit automatic start-up and stop test with no excitation
automatic start-up unite 1#.
automatic start-up unite 1#, Action correct, signal of Automation components Feedback correct, suffice operational requirements.
Send out stopping order, unit 1# stop automatic. When speed at 30% Rated speed (128.6r/min), brake is Putted in automatic, Stopping Action correct. In the center control room and Low-pressure room operate Emergency stopping Push button On the spot, unit stop and Action correct . Simulate Mechanical and electrical Accident signal ,unit stop and Action correct. In all Accident stopping Action , Inlet valve is closed, Vanes is close, regulating valve is opened, closed regulating valve on the speed governor with Manually, others is the same as Normal stopping action. Only break pin is breaked in the process of unit stopping action, Brakes do not automatic drop out after Brakes Putted in , dropping out Brakes need operating with Manually On the spot in governor room.
All automatic starting-up and stopping action are correct with distance.
overspeed test
Overspeed test of Unit 1# suffice operational requirements. In the process of
overspeed test, Resevoir Level is 432.5m, Tail Water Level is 351m, Alarm signal is accepted at 115% Rated speed, stopping signal is accepted at 140% Rated speed and the unit is stopped, Vanes opening 38.56%,the highest frequency is 70.01Hz, Spiral case pressure before overspeed test is 0.74MPa, in the process of overspeed test the biggest Spiral case pressure is 0.81MPa, Spiral case pressure Rate of rise is 9.46%, Inlet valve is closed, Vanes is close, regulating valve is opened, closed regulating valve on the speed governor with Manually, Action correct. in the process
After Stopping unit , inspect unit Comprehensivly, Fixing member and Rotating member are not bnormal.
九、 机组空载试验
1# Unit No load Characteristic Test
(一)、发电机升流试验Test of boosting Current with generator
Put in earthing switch JD2 of generator.
Start-up the unit to running at Rated speed,all are normal.
natural ventilation of Excitating transformer works well, Air Cooling System in rectifier cubicle works well.
Adjust Current Setpoint of rectifier to the Least, put in other Excitating power. Secondary current of CT is not Open circuited.
Close de-excitation switch, Increase generator current slowly at (3~4)% Rated generator current, Secondary current of CT is not Open circuited. Keeping on Increase generator current slowly at 10% Rated generator current, Three-phase current Phase sequence and Phase are correct, Amplitude and Phase of generator protection/excitation /1# transformer protection/ Measuring circuit are correct.
drop out electric protection.
When generator current is Rated, drop out de-excitation switch ,all are normal.
8、额定电流下的机组振动与摆度满足设计要求,碳刷与集电环工作情况正常。 Vabration and Run-out suffice operational requirements unit running at the Rated current, carbon brush and Collecting ring worke correctly.
In the process of Test boosting voltage with generator, generator /Excitating transformer/ Total box bus bar worke correctly
(二)发电机带主变、GIS升流试验Test of boosting Current with MT & GIS
Open generator grounding Knife JD2,close grounding Knife FES13.
2、合上发电机断路器GCB及GIS断路器CB21、CB11,合上隔离开关DS22、DS21、DS11、DS12, 检查升流范围以外的断路器、隔离开关、接地开关在分闸位置。 Close GCB / GIS CB21 and CB11,close DS22/ds21/ds11 and DS12 ,open other CB / grounding Knife FES and DS.
Start-up unit and running at rate speed, unit works correct.
Natural ventilation of Excitating transformer works well, Air Cooling System in rectifier cubicle works well.
Adjust Current Setpoint of rectifier to the Least, put in other Excitating power. Secondary current of CT is not Open circuited.
Close de-excitation switch, Increase generator current slowly at (3~4)% Rated generator current, Secondary current of CT is not Open circuited. Keeping on Increase generator current slowly at 10% Rated generator current, Three-phase current Phase sequence and Phase are correct, Amplitude and Phase of generator protection/excitation /1# transformer protection/ Measuring circuit are correct. 6、退出电气事故回路保护。
drop out electric protection.
When generator current is Rated, drop out de-excitation switch ,all are normal.
8、额定电流下的机组振动与摆度满足设计要求,碳刷与集电环工作情况正常。 Vabration and Run-out suffice operational requirements unit running at the Rated current, carbon brush and Collecting ring worke correctly.
In the process of Test boosting voltage with generator, generator /Excitating transformer/ Total box bus bar work correctly. (三)发电机升压试验
Test of boosting voltage with generator 投入发电机各保护.机组在空转位置运行。
Put in all generator protection.Start-up unit and be running at rated speed and de-excitation.
测量发电机升流试验后的残压值,并检查三相电压的对称性满足试验要求。 Measure Residual voltage value after boosting Current with generator, Three-phase voltage suffice skills requirements. 手动升压至25%额定电压,检查:发电机及引出母线、分支回路等设备带电正常。机组各部振动及摆度正常。测量发电机PT二次侧三相电压相序、幅值正常,测量PT二次开口三角电压值满足设计要求。
Boost voltage with Manually at 25% rated speed, inspect generator
/ Bus bar and circuit, these work correctly . Vabration and Run-out of unit suffice skills requirements. Measure Secondary side voltage of generator PT,
Three-phase voltage suffice skills requirements.
逐级升压至发电机额定电压,检查带电范围内一次设备的运行情况正常。 Boost voltage with Manually step by step until speed arrives rated voltage (11KV).
检查发电机PT回路相序、电压、频率应正确。 Inspect circuit of generator PT, Phase sequence/ Voltage and frequency are correct.
When Unit run at rated Voltage, Vabration and Run-out suffice skills requirements.
Stator core temp suffice skills requirements.
退出电气事故回路保护。分别在50%、100%发电机额定电压下跳灭磁开关,检查灭弧情况正常。 Drop out electric protection. Open de-excitation switch at 50% and 100% rated Voltage, de-excitation switch works correctly.
Put in electric protection. open de-excitation switch,unit automatic stop urgently.
(四)发电机带主变及GIS一次设备零起升压试验Test of boosting Voltage with MT & GIS
Close generator GCB and put GCB in Working position. open other DS and CB, put in Bus PT in Working position.
2、合上GIS隔离开关DS22、DS21、DS11、DS12、DS31及断路器CB21、CB11,分 DS51隔离开关,检查升压范围以外的断路器、隔离开关、接地开关在分闸位置。
Close GIS DS22/ds21/ds11 / DS 12 and DS31 , Close CB21 and CB11,open DS51,inspect other CB / DS and grounding Knife FES In the openning position.
Start-up unit and be running at rated speed with no excitation. close de-excitation switch,close generator GCB.
4、零起升压至10%的发电机额定电压,检查主变工作情况,检测相关电压互感器二次及开口三角的幅值、相序,检测电压互感器送至保护、测量、同期、调速器、励磁的电压幅值、相序,确定11kV第1段母线的相序与外来电源一致。 Boost Voltage at 10% rated Voltage , Main transformer works well, Secondary side amplitude and Phase sequence of Voltage transformer are correct. Secondary side Voltage amplitude and Phase sequence of Circuit in protection cubicle/measuring cubicle/ Synchronization device/ Speed governor and excitation are correct, Phase of part I Bus bar is same as from outer power.
Boost voltage of generator with Manually step by step until speed arrives rated voltage (11KV) with GIS and MT, GIS and MT appear no abnormal, temp has not boost suddenly .
Boost Voltage at rated Voltage , Secondary side Voltage amplitude / Phase sequence and frequency of Circuit in protection cubicle/measuring cubicle/ Synchronization device/ Speed governor and excitation are correct
Measure Voltage amplitude and Phase sequence of generator GCB sufficing skills requirements.
8、升压完毕,降低励磁电流至零,分灭磁开关,分发电机出口断路器GCB。 After boosting Voltage test finish , cut back Exciting Current until
Exciting Current arrive at 0 KV, open the de-excitation switch,
open generator Export GCB.
十、发电机空载下的励磁调整和试验Test of Excitating system in no-load running
Electrical wiring of Unit 1# Exciting transformer is restored.
Exciting transformer work with Self-motivation.
2、按定值整定并投入发电机保护,水机保护。 Put in protection of generator and Turbine. 3、 自动开机到空转,稳定运行。
Automatic start-up and run at rated speed with no exciting. 4、在发电机额定转速下,检查励磁A、B通道下的调节范围,在调整范围内平滑稳定的调节。
When Unit runs at rated speed with no exciting, inspect extent of
exciting regulator sufficing skills requirements in thoroughfare A and
thoroughfare B.
5、在额定空载励磁电流情况下,检查功率整流桥的均流系数,均流系数大于0.85。 Unit runs at rated Exciting Current, Current coefficient of Power
rectifier bridge is more than 0.85.
In no-load running , excitation/ Inverter/ Switching between Manual and automatic/ Switching between thoroughfare A and thoroughfare B work well . when unit run at 95%~100% rated speed with no exciting , Machine end Voltage boost to rated Voltage from 0 KV with automatic exciting , Overshoot value of Voltage is no more than 10% rated voltage, Overshoot times and Adjustment time sufficing skills requirements .
In no-load running ,
9、Unit runs between 90% rated speed to 100%rated speed, Change value
of Machine end Voltage is no more than 0.25% rated Voltage when
frequency Change 1% rated.
10、进行额定电压的起励、逆变灭磁试验,分别在A、B通道“正常”位置,手动和自动分别进行额定电压下的起励、逆变灭磁试验。试验结果满足设计要求 Excitation and de-excitation test sufficing skills requirements with thoroughfare A or thoroughfare B Switching between Manual and automatic. 11、调速器设置为自动,机组LCU1设置为现地控制,在LCU1上发“开机到空载”令,观察机组自动开机至95%额定转速、自动合灭磁开关、自动起励升压到90%额定电压等过程中的设备运行情况正常。
Operation mode of Speed governor is set automatic place, Put Operation mode of Unit LCU1 On the spot, give an order “start-up to no-load running”, unit start-up automatic and close de-excitation switch automatic, automatic excitating to 90% rated voltage, Equipment Operation suffice skills requirements.
十一、 GIS及主变冲击受电试验
Main transformer and GIS power distribution equipment
single-grouting test
GIS power distribution equipment single-grouting test suffice skills requirements.
Main transformer and GIS power distribution equipment single-grouting test suffice skills requirements. the biggest Inrush current is 8.2A,the end current is 0.2~0.4A. 十二、 机组同期并网试验
Preparation for synchronization test
Choose generator GCB as Synchronization point , electric circuit
of Preparation for synchronization are correct. Preparation for synchronization test are correct. 十三、 机组带负荷试验
Unit synchronization and connected to the grid 1、发电机出口断路器自动、手动同期正常,机组并列。
Choose generator GCB as Synchronization point , Synchronization test with Automatic or manual are correct, Unit runs with load. 3、水轮发电机组带负荷下励磁调节器试验符合设计要求。
Unit runs with load,Increasing the load step by step, Excitation regulator suffice skills requirements.
Unit runs with load ,Increasing the load from 0 MW to 12MW,unit Run-out and Vabration all suffice skills requirements, Stator temp/ Thrust Pad Temp/ Upper Guide Temp/ Lower Guide Temp/ Turbine Guide Temp and Main transformer temp have not Increase or decrease Suddenly, Stator Voltage/ Stator Current
/Exciting Voltage/ Exciting Current suffice skills requirements.
十四、 机组甩负荷试验
Load rejection test
甩负荷试验进行4次,分别为3MW(25%)、6MW(50%)、9MW(75%),12MW (100%)试验过程中机组记录接力器不动时间小于0.2秒,水轮机调速器系统的动态调节性能满足设计要求,转速上升率、水压上升率等,符合设计要求。试验过程中对瓦温进行观测,瓦温稳定,无异常变化,试验结束后对机组内部转动部分进行检查,未发现异常情况。100%甩负荷转速上升率为22.76%,蜗壳压力上升值16.22%。 Load rejection test is happened at 20% rated power (3MW)/ 20% rated power(6MW)/ 20% rated power(9MW) and rated power(12MW), In the process of Load rejection test, No action time of 1# unit Servomotor is less than 0.2s, Dynamically adjusting performance of speed governor suffice skills requirements. Unit Speed Increasing / Spiral case pressure Increasing/ Thrust Pad
Unit 72h commission
十六、 结论 conclusion
According to 《Nam Beng HPP unit 3# start-up and Commissioning Platform》,finished all test , Hydro Group and ancillary equipment / Electrical Equipment/ Hydraulic Machinery equipment woked normal, suffice operational requirements.
Nam Ben HPP 1# Unit running test
工 作 报 告
work report
目 录
table of contents工程概况
Project Overview
The work content
the work plane
Commissioning and acceptance before starte-up
water-filled test
the first start-up test
Test of governing system in no-load running
Unit automatic start-up and stop test with no excitation
Unit overspeed test
Test of governing system in no-load running
Main transformer and GIS power distribution equipment single-grouting test
Preparation for synchronization
unit test with load
Load rejection test
Unit 72h commission
Conclusions and problems
一、工程概况Project Overview
Nam Beng HPP ower reservoirs with a total capacity 5.39 million m3,Normal water level is 430m, Lowest level is 430m, Regulating storage is 3180 thousand.
water-filled test
the first start-up test
Test of governing system in no-load running
Unit automatic start-up and stop test with no excitation
Unit overspeed test
Test of increasing current
Test of boosting voltage
Generator increasing current test with main transformer and GIS 115KV设备及主变冲击受电试验
Main transformer and GIS power distribution equipment single-grouting test
Preparation for synchronization
unit test with load
Load rejection test
Unit 72h commission
三、1#机组试运行大事记the Event recordco of mmissioning of unit 1
四、充水试验water-filled test
Filled with water into The flow channel be divided into two steps . the first ,confirm that all Inlet valve is turned off, all Locking device of Inlet valve is Putted in, Operation method of Inlet valve is On the spot; confirm that the Vanes 0f unit 1# is turned off, the Operation method of 1# Speed governor is On the spot. open the Bypass valve of Tail water sluice 1#,open spiral case Drain valve of unit 1#,open spiral case exhaust valve of unit 1#,fill water into draft tube and spiral case of unit 1#. Affter Inspecting tube、spiral case、Inlet valve and guide no leakage, The amount of work the seal leakage suffice operational requirements, Plant maintenance drain pump, drain pump leakage suffice operational requirements, open Tail water sluice 1#.
The second step, close Manual bypass valve of unit 1# Inlet valve is turned off, close spiral case exhaust valve of unit 1#,close the Bypass valve of Tail water gate 1#,then open Hydraulic bypass valve ,open Manual bypass valve slowly, Affter Inspecting tube、spiral case、Inlet valve and guide no leakage, The amount of work the seal leakage suffice operational requirements, Plant maintenance drain pump, drain pump leakage suffice operational requirements, open Inlet sluice.
五、机组首次开机unit first start-up
in accordance with requirements of the first time start and idling tests in《tart test run procedures》、《unit 1# Start test run Outline》, Initial unit start-up after unit 1# suffice operational requirements.
1 手动打开主轴密封排水阀,退出空气围带、风闸,顶起转子5-7mm,保持10min,保证推力瓦润滑。落转子,打开蝶阀,打开技术供水电动阀,调整技术供水水压0.4MPa。
1. Open unit 1# exhaust valve of work the seal leakage with Manually, Removal Pressure of unit 1# the maintenance seal, Jacking Rotor 5-7mm keeping 10 min. go down Rotor, open 1# Inlet valve, open electric valve adjusting Pressure of Cooling water to 0.2-0.4MPa.
2 手动拔出接力器锁定,打开调速器的导叶开度限制机构,待机组开始转动后将导叶关回,由各部观察人员检查和确认机组转动与静止部件之间有无摩擦、碰撞及其它异常情况。
drop out locking of Servomotor, open the guide vane opening of Speed governor, as soon as unit run ,close the guide vane , inspect unit ,all are normal when unit “running” and “stop”.
3 确认各部正常后再次打开导叶启动机组。当机组转速升至接近50%额定转速时暂停升速,观察各部无异常后继续升速,机组在额定转速下运行。上游水库水位432.5m,尾水水位351m,机组额定转速下的导叶开度20.7%。 After confirm all are normal, open the the guide vane and start-up unit 1#. Stop increasing speed when speed nears 50% Rated speed. Continue to increase speed to 428.6r/min running if all are normal . Resevoir Level is 432.5m, Tail Water Level is351m, the guide vane opening is 20.7% when speed
4 在机组升速过程中派专人严密监视推力瓦和各导轴瓦的温度,无急剧升高或下降现象。机组达到额定转速后,前阶段每隔5分钟记录瓦温,之后可适当延长时间间隔,机组空转4小时后瓦温稳定,此时的最高温度见下表.
In the process of Unit increasesing the speed, keep watch over Thrust Pad Temp、Upper Guide Temp、Lower Guide Temp、Turbine Guide Temp,all Temp can not Sudden increase 、Upper Guide Temp、Lower Guide Temp、Turbine Guide Temp. After unit running 4h, Temp is steady. this time the highest of Thrust Pad Temp、Upper Guide Temp、Lower Guide Temp、Turbine Guide Temp
Upper Guide Adjusting Total gap is 0.20mm. Lower Guide Adjusting Total gap is 0.24mm, Arial Adjusting Total gap is 0.28mm.the highest Running swing suffice operational requirements. Upper bearing swing is 0.098mm, Lower bearing swing is 0.08mm, Turbine bearing swing is 0.1mm.
6 机组运行过程中,主轴密封漏水通过自排,满足设计要求。检修排水泵调整至自动位置,自动启动排水间隔时间为72h,满足运行要求。渗漏排水泵调整至自动位置,自动启动启动排水间隔为8h,满足运行要求。
In the process of unit running , The amount of work the seal leakage suffice
operational requirements, Plant maintenance drain pump and drain pump leakage suffice operational requirements, Plant maintenance drain pump automatic start-up Every Seventy-two hours. drain pump leakage automatic start-up Every eight hours.
7 机组运行过程中,机组各部位振动值最大值满足规范及设计要求。
In the process of unit running ,unit Vabration suffice operational
governing system in no-load running
Frequency signal of speed governor suffice operational requirements. 机组瓦温基本稳定后,调速器测频装置工作正常,进行调速器手动和自动切换,接力器无明显摆动。
After all Temp suffice operational requirements and Frequency measuring device is correct, Switch Operation mode of speed governor between manual and automatic, Servomotor has not Significant swing.
Adjustment range of Frequency given suffice operational requirements.
When the speed governor running stable with automatically, Join different disturbance(±1%、±2%、±4%Rated frequency), Electrical installations of speed governor can automatic regulate, running Stable at Rated speed.
Unit automatic start-up and stop test with no excitation
automatic start-up unite 1#.
automatic start-up unite 1#, Action correct, signal of Automation components Feedback correct, suffice operational requirements.
Send out stopping order, unit 1# stop automatic. When speed at 30% Rated speed (128.6r/min), brake is Putted in automatic, Stopping Action correct. In the center control room and Low-pressure room operate Emergency stopping Push button On the spot, unit stop and Action correct . Simulate Mechanical and electrical Accident signal ,unit stop and Action correct. In all Accident stopping Action , Inlet valve is closed, Vanes is close, regulating valve is opened, closed regulating valve on the speed governor with Manually, others is the same as Normal stopping action. Only break pin is breaked in the process of unit stopping action, Brakes do not automatic drop out after Brakes Putted in , dropping out Brakes need operating with Manually On the spot in governor room.
All automatic starting-up and stopping action are correct with distance.
overspeed test
Overspeed test of Unit 1# suffice operational requirements. In the process of
overspeed test, Resevoir Level is 432.5m, Tail Water Level is 351m, Alarm signal is accepted at 115% Rated speed, stopping signal is accepted at 140% Rated speed and the unit is stopped, Vanes opening 38.56%,the highest frequency is 70.01Hz, Spiral case pressure before overspeed test is 0.74MPa, in the process of overspeed test the biggest Spiral case pressure is 0.81MPa, Spiral case pressure Rate of rise is 9.46%, Inlet valve is closed, Vanes is close, regulating valve is opened, closed regulating valve on the speed governor with Manually, Action correct. in the process
After Stopping unit , inspect unit Comprehensivly, Fixing member and Rotating member are not bnormal.
九、 机组空载试验
1# Unit No load Characteristic Test
(一)、发电机升流试验Test of boosting Current with generator
Put in earthing switch JD2 of generator.
Start-up the unit to running at Rated speed,all are normal.
natural ventilation of Excitating transformer works well, Air Cooling System in rectifier cubicle works well.
Adjust Current Setpoint of rectifier to the Least, put in other Excitating power. Secondary current of CT is not Open circuited.
Close de-excitation switch, Increase generator current slowly at (3~4)% Rated generator current, Secondary current of CT is not Open circuited. Keeping on Increase generator current slowly at 10% Rated generator current, Three-phase current Phase sequence and Phase are correct, Amplitude and Phase of generator protection/excitation /1# transformer protection/ Measuring circuit are correct.
drop out electric protection.
When generator current is Rated, drop out de-excitation switch ,all are normal.
8、额定电流下的机组振动与摆度满足设计要求,碳刷与集电环工作情况正常。 Vabration and Run-out suffice operational requirements unit running at the Rated current, carbon brush and Collecting ring worke correctly.
In the process of Test boosting voltage with generator, generator /Excitating transformer/ Total box bus bar worke correctly
(二)发电机带主变、GIS升流试验Test of boosting Current with MT & GIS
Open generator grounding Knife JD2,close grounding Knife FES13.
2、合上发电机断路器GCB及GIS断路器CB21、CB11,合上隔离开关DS22、DS21、DS11、DS12, 检查升流范围以外的断路器、隔离开关、接地开关在分闸位置。 Close GCB / GIS CB21 and CB11,close DS22/ds21/ds11 and DS12 ,open other CB / grounding Knife FES and DS.
Start-up unit and running at rate speed, unit works correct.
Natural ventilation of Excitating transformer works well, Air Cooling System in rectifier cubicle works well.
Adjust Current Setpoint of rectifier to the Least, put in other Excitating power. Secondary current of CT is not Open circuited.
Close de-excitation switch, Increase generator current slowly at (3~4)% Rated generator current, Secondary current of CT is not Open circuited. Keeping on Increase generator current slowly at 10% Rated generator current, Three-phase current Phase sequence and Phase are correct, Amplitude and Phase of generator protection/excitation /1# transformer protection/ Measuring circuit are correct. 6、退出电气事故回路保护。
drop out electric protection.
When generator current is Rated, drop out de-excitation switch ,all are normal.
8、额定电流下的机组振动与摆度满足设计要求,碳刷与集电环工作情况正常。 Vabration and Run-out suffice operational requirements unit running at the Rated current, carbon brush and Collecting ring worke correctly.
In the process of Test boosting voltage with generator, generator /Excitating transformer/ Total box bus bar work correctly. (三)发电机升压试验
Test of boosting voltage with generator 投入发电机各保护.机组在空转位置运行。
Put in all generator protection.Start-up unit and be running at rated speed and de-excitation.
测量发电机升流试验后的残压值,并检查三相电压的对称性满足试验要求。 Measure Residual voltage value after boosting Current with generator, Three-phase voltage suffice skills requirements. 手动升压至25%额定电压,检查:发电机及引出母线、分支回路等设备带电正常。机组各部振动及摆度正常。测量发电机PT二次侧三相电压相序、幅值正常,测量PT二次开口三角电压值满足设计要求。
Boost voltage with Manually at 25% rated speed, inspect generator
/ Bus bar and circuit, these work correctly . Vabration and Run-out of unit suffice skills requirements. Measure Secondary side voltage of generator PT,
Three-phase voltage suffice skills requirements.
逐级升压至发电机额定电压,检查带电范围内一次设备的运行情况正常。 Boost voltage with Manually step by step until speed arrives rated voltage (11KV).
检查发电机PT回路相序、电压、频率应正确。 Inspect circuit of generator PT, Phase sequence/ Voltage and frequency are correct.
When Unit run at rated Voltage, Vabration and Run-out suffice skills requirements.
Stator core temp suffice skills requirements.
退出电气事故回路保护。分别在50%、100%发电机额定电压下跳灭磁开关,检查灭弧情况正常。 Drop out electric protection. Open de-excitation switch at 50% and 100% rated Voltage, de-excitation switch works correctly.
Put in electric protection. open de-excitation switch,unit automatic stop urgently.
(四)发电机带主变及GIS一次设备零起升压试验Test of boosting Voltage with MT & GIS
Close generator GCB and put GCB in Working position. open other DS and CB, put in Bus PT in Working position.
2、合上GIS隔离开关DS22、DS21、DS11、DS12、DS31及断路器CB21、CB11,分 DS51隔离开关,检查升压范围以外的断路器、隔离开关、接地开关在分闸位置。
Close GIS DS22/ds21/ds11 / DS 12 and DS31 , Close CB21 and CB11,open DS51,inspect other CB / DS and grounding Knife FES In the openning position.
Start-up unit and be running at rated speed with no excitation. close de-excitation switch,close generator GCB.
4、零起升压至10%的发电机额定电压,检查主变工作情况,检测相关电压互感器二次及开口三角的幅值、相序,检测电压互感器送至保护、测量、同期、调速器、励磁的电压幅值、相序,确定11kV第1段母线的相序与外来电源一致。 Boost Voltage at 10% rated Voltage , Main transformer works well, Secondary side amplitude and Phase sequence of Voltage transformer are correct. Secondary side Voltage amplitude and Phase sequence of Circuit in protection cubicle/measuring cubicle/ Synchronization device/ Speed governor and excitation are correct, Phase of part I Bus bar is same as from outer power.
Boost voltage of generator with Manually step by step until speed arrives rated voltage (11KV) with GIS and MT, GIS and MT appear no abnormal, temp has not boost suddenly .
Boost Voltage at rated Voltage , Secondary side Voltage amplitude / Phase sequence and frequency of Circuit in protection cubicle/measuring cubicle/ Synchronization device/ Speed governor and excitation are correct
Measure Voltage amplitude and Phase sequence of generator GCB sufficing skills requirements.
8、升压完毕,降低励磁电流至零,分灭磁开关,分发电机出口断路器GCB。 After boosting Voltage test finish , cut back Exciting Current until
Exciting Current arrive at 0 KV, open the de-excitation switch,
open generator Export GCB.
十、发电机空载下的励磁调整和试验Test of Excitating system in no-load running
Electrical wiring of Unit 1# Exciting transformer is restored.
Exciting transformer work with Self-motivation.
2、按定值整定并投入发电机保护,水机保护。 Put in protection of generator and Turbine. 3、 自动开机到空转,稳定运行。
Automatic start-up and run at rated speed with no exciting. 4、在发电机额定转速下,检查励磁A、B通道下的调节范围,在调整范围内平滑稳定的调节。
When Unit runs at rated speed with no exciting, inspect extent of
exciting regulator sufficing skills requirements in thoroughfare A and
thoroughfare B.
5、在额定空载励磁电流情况下,检查功率整流桥的均流系数,均流系数大于0.85。 Unit runs at rated Exciting Current, Current coefficient of Power
rectifier bridge is more than 0.85.
In no-load running , excitation/ Inverter/ Switching between Manual and automatic/ Switching between thoroughfare A and thoroughfare B work well . when unit run at 95%~100% rated speed with no exciting , Machine end Voltage boost to rated Voltage from 0 KV with automatic exciting , Overshoot value of Voltage is no more than 10% rated voltage, Overshoot times and Adjustment time sufficing skills requirements .
In no-load running ,
9、Unit runs between 90% rated speed to 100%rated speed, Change value
of Machine end Voltage is no more than 0.25% rated Voltage when
frequency Change 1% rated.
10、进行额定电压的起励、逆变灭磁试验,分别在A、B通道“正常”位置,手动和自动分别进行额定电压下的起励、逆变灭磁试验。试验结果满足设计要求 Excitation and de-excitation test sufficing skills requirements with thoroughfare A or thoroughfare B Switching between Manual and automatic. 11、调速器设置为自动,机组LCU1设置为现地控制,在LCU1上发“开机到空载”令,观察机组自动开机至95%额定转速、自动合灭磁开关、自动起励升压到90%额定电压等过程中的设备运行情况正常。
Operation mode of Speed governor is set automatic place, Put Operation mode of Unit LCU1 On the spot, give an order “start-up to no-load running”, unit start-up automatic and close de-excitation switch automatic, automatic excitating to 90% rated voltage, Equipment Operation suffice skills requirements.
十一、 GIS及主变冲击受电试验
Main transformer and GIS power distribution equipment
single-grouting test
GIS power distribution equipment single-grouting test suffice skills requirements.
Main transformer and GIS power distribution equipment single-grouting test suffice skills requirements. the biggest Inrush current is 8.2A,the end current is 0.2~0.4A. 十二、 机组同期并网试验
Preparation for synchronization test
Choose generator GCB as Synchronization point , electric circuit
of Preparation for synchronization are correct. Preparation for synchronization test are correct. 十三、 机组带负荷试验
Unit synchronization and connected to the grid 1、发电机出口断路器自动、手动同期正常,机组并列。
Choose generator GCB as Synchronization point , Synchronization test with Automatic or manual are correct, Unit runs with load. 3、水轮发电机组带负荷下励磁调节器试验符合设计要求。
Unit runs with load,Increasing the load step by step, Excitation regulator suffice skills requirements.
Unit runs with load ,Increasing the load from 0 MW to 12MW,unit Run-out and Vabration all suffice skills requirements, Stator temp/ Thrust Pad Temp/ Upper Guide Temp/ Lower Guide Temp/ Turbine Guide Temp and Main transformer temp have not Increase or decrease Suddenly, Stator Voltage/ Stator Current
/Exciting Voltage/ Exciting Current suffice skills requirements.
十四、 机组甩负荷试验
Load rejection test
甩负荷试验进行4次,分别为3MW(25%)、6MW(50%)、9MW(75%),12MW (100%)试验过程中机组记录接力器不动时间小于0.2秒,水轮机调速器系统的动态调节性能满足设计要求,转速上升率、水压上升率等,符合设计要求。试验过程中对瓦温进行观测,瓦温稳定,无异常变化,试验结束后对机组内部转动部分进行检查,未发现异常情况。100%甩负荷转速上升率为22.76%,蜗壳压力上升值16.22%。 Load rejection test is happened at 20% rated power (3MW)/ 20% rated power(6MW)/ 20% rated power(9MW) and rated power(12MW), In the process of Load rejection test, No action time of 1# unit Servomotor is less than 0.2s, Dynamically adjusting performance of speed governor suffice skills requirements. Unit Speed Increasing / Spiral case pressure Increasing/ Thrust Pad
Unit 72h commission
十六、 结论 conclusion
According to 《Nam Beng HPP unit 3# start-up and Commissioning Platform》,finished all test , Hydro Group and ancillary equipment / Electrical Equipment/ Hydraulic Machinery equipment woked normal, suffice operational requirements.