紫外荧光定硫仪 SLFA-UV21石油产品测硫仪
要手段。SLFA-UV21 就是针对这种需求而开发的超低硫分析仪器
1. 仪器标准配备自动进样器
2. 高精度 : 0.2ppm
3. 检出限 :30ppb
Measuring object : Sulfur
Measuring principle : Ultraviolet fluorescence method
Range : 0-1%(m/m)
Detection limit : * 30ppb(3σ at blank)
Accuracy : σn-1≦0.5ppm at 30ppm (RSD≦1.67%)
σn-1≦0.2ppm at 15ppm (RSD≦1.33%)
Amount of sample : 5-20μL(Standard 10μL)
Measurement time : Approximately 3 min. after the introduction of a sample
Display : Analysis results : CRT
Alarm : CRT and printer
Presetting, etc. : CRT and printer
Graphic representation : CRT and printer
Integration conditions : Either comparator or time integration, or both, can be selected.
Sample presetting : Max. 100pcs
Gases : O2 : 99.5% or higher, Ar : 99.99%
Power supply : 120V AC, 50/60Hz, 15kVA(max.)
Options : Automatic Sampler(42 samples), Density Mater
* confirmed by gas blank
2005-2009 必和国际贸易(香港) 有限公司 版权所有,并保留所有权利。
上海市长乐路989号2006室,邮编:200031,电话:021-60896520,[1**********],http://www.bihec.cn, [email protected]
file:///D|/bihecpdf/紫外荧光定硫仪 SLFA-UV21石油产品测硫仪.htm[2010-1-9 1:52:51]
紫外荧光定硫仪 SLFA-UV21石油产品测硫仪
要手段。SLFA-UV21 就是针对这种需求而开发的超低硫分析仪器
1. 仪器标准配备自动进样器
2. 高精度 : 0.2ppm
3. 检出限 :30ppb
Measuring object : Sulfur
Measuring principle : Ultraviolet fluorescence method
Range : 0-1%(m/m)
Detection limit : * 30ppb(3σ at blank)
Accuracy : σn-1≦0.5ppm at 30ppm (RSD≦1.67%)
σn-1≦0.2ppm at 15ppm (RSD≦1.33%)
Amount of sample : 5-20μL(Standard 10μL)
Measurement time : Approximately 3 min. after the introduction of a sample
Display : Analysis results : CRT
Alarm : CRT and printer
Presetting, etc. : CRT and printer
Graphic representation : CRT and printer
Integration conditions : Either comparator or time integration, or both, can be selected.
Sample presetting : Max. 100pcs
Gases : O2 : 99.5% or higher, Ar : 99.99%
Power supply : 120V AC, 50/60Hz, 15kVA(max.)
Options : Automatic Sampler(42 samples), Density Mater
* confirmed by gas blank
2005-2009 必和国际贸易(香港) 有限公司 版权所有,并保留所有权利。
上海市长乐路989号2006室,邮编:200031,电话:021-60896520,[1**********],http://www.bihec.cn, [email protected]
file:///D|/bihecpdf/紫外荧光定硫仪 SLFA-UV21石油产品测硫仪.htm[2010-1-9 1:52:51]