
稳稳的幸福 Stable happiness



有一天 我发现自怜资格都已没有 one day I found I have no qualification of self pity. 只剩下不知疲倦的肩膀 only tireless shoulders left

担负着简单的满足 shouldering simple pleasure

有一天 开始从平淡日子感受快乐 one day I began feeling pleasure out of single day s

看到了明明白白的远方 looking clearly in the distance

我要的幸福 I want happiness

我要稳稳的幸福 I want stable happiness

能抵挡末日的残酷 so as to resist the cruel reality

在不安的深夜 when I am upset at night

能有个归宿 I still have a shelter.

我要稳稳的幸福 I want stable happiness

能用双手去碰触 touching it with my hands

每次伸手入怀中 every time I reach for it

有你的温度I feel your warmth

有一天 我发现自怜资格都已没有 one day I found I have no qualification of self pity.

只剩下不知疲倦的肩膀only tireless shoulders left

担负着简单的满足shouldering simple pleasure

有一天 开始从平淡日子感受快乐one day I began feeling pleasure out of single days

看到了明明白白的远方looking clearly in the distance

我要的幸福I want happiness

我要稳稳的幸福I want stable happiness

能抵挡末日的残酷so as to resist the cruel reality

在不安的深夜when I am upset at night

能有个归宿I still have a shelter.

我要稳稳的幸福I want stable happiness

能用双手去碰触touching it with my hands

每次伸手入怀中every time I reach for it

有你的温度I feel your warmth

我要稳稳的幸福I want stable happiness

能抵挡失落的痛楚to resist loss

一个人的路途 when I am alone on the journey 也不会孤独l am not lonely

我要稳稳的幸福I want stable happiness

能用生命做长度to last for a life time 无论我身在何处wherever I am

都不会迷途 I am not lost

我要稳稳的幸福I want stable happiness

这是我想要的幸福this is the happiness I want.

稳稳的幸福 Stable happiness



有一天 我发现自怜资格都已没有 one day I found I have no qualification of self pity. 只剩下不知疲倦的肩膀 only tireless shoulders left

担负着简单的满足 shouldering simple pleasure

有一天 开始从平淡日子感受快乐 one day I began feeling pleasure out of single day s

看到了明明白白的远方 looking clearly in the distance

我要的幸福 I want happiness

我要稳稳的幸福 I want stable happiness

能抵挡末日的残酷 so as to resist the cruel reality

在不安的深夜 when I am upset at night

能有个归宿 I still have a shelter.

我要稳稳的幸福 I want stable happiness

能用双手去碰触 touching it with my hands

每次伸手入怀中 every time I reach for it

有你的温度I feel your warmth

有一天 我发现自怜资格都已没有 one day I found I have no qualification of self pity.

只剩下不知疲倦的肩膀only tireless shoulders left

担负着简单的满足shouldering simple pleasure

有一天 开始从平淡日子感受快乐one day I began feeling pleasure out of single days

看到了明明白白的远方looking clearly in the distance

我要的幸福I want happiness

我要稳稳的幸福I want stable happiness

能抵挡末日的残酷so as to resist the cruel reality

在不安的深夜when I am upset at night

能有个归宿I still have a shelter.

我要稳稳的幸福I want stable happiness

能用双手去碰触touching it with my hands

每次伸手入怀中every time I reach for it

有你的温度I feel your warmth

我要稳稳的幸福I want stable happiness

能抵挡失落的痛楚to resist loss

一个人的路途 when I am alone on the journey 也不会孤独l am not lonely

我要稳稳的幸福I want stable happiness

能用生命做长度to last for a life time 无论我身在何处wherever I am

都不会迷途 I am not lost

我要稳稳的幸福I want stable happiness

这是我想要的幸福this is the happiness I want.


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