(方便)您有听说过洲际酒店吗?我们酒店坐落于钱江新城解放东路2号,是钱江新城的新地标建筑,大金球,我们酒店今年12月28日正式对外营业,如果您感兴趣的话,我们欢迎您的到来,我们餐厅是位于酒店五楼,有自助餐和零点两种用餐方式,我们有80%的餐位可以直接面对钱塘江,所以在您享受美食的同时,可一览美景,自助午餐的价格是168,自助晚餐是258,(都需加多15%服务费) (会员)如果您之前是我们洲际的会员,有更多的优惠活动, (在开会)那过一会儿我再给您点电话,您先忙。(第二天) (不方便)非常抱歉,打扰了,改天再联系您。(过两天给电话) (出差)您大约几天后.回杭州呢?到时候我联系您。(记下日期,倒时跟踪)
洲际酒店是洲际集团众多品牌下最顶尖的酒店,例:高级于凯悦 优膳会会员优惠?
Telephone sales lines
Good morning\ afternoon\ evening Mr.\Ms:
This is InterContinental Hotel Hangzhou International Conference Center. fresh Restaurant .XXX speaking. May I ask you convenient for you to speak now
(Convenient)Do you know InterContinental Hotels, Our hotel is located in XXX, Is a new landmark building Qianjiang CBD,A Big golden ball, Our hotel is opening on 28 December this year. If you are interested, we welcome you. Our restaurant is located on the fifth floor. We have buffet and a la cart 2 kinds of meals. And 80% of the seats can be directly facing the Qiantang River. So while you enjoy the food, Enjoy the scenery also. The price is 168 lunch buffet, dinner buffet is 258, (plus15% sur-charge)
(Member) If you a member of our intercontinental before, More special offers. (Meeting) sorry, I will call you later.(next day)
(Not Convenient) I am very sorry to disturb you, Another day to contact you (Business trip) May I know when you come back hangzhou? I will contact with you later
(OK) If you are interested I can help you to book a table nearby the Qiantang River
(no need) I am sorry to disturb you.
Do you know InterContinental Hotel?
InterContinental Hotel group have many brand, our InterContinental Hotel is the best one
(方便)您有听说过洲际酒店吗?我们酒店坐落于钱江新城解放东路2号,是钱江新城的新地标建筑,大金球,我们酒店今年12月28日正式对外营业,如果您感兴趣的话,我们欢迎您的到来,我们餐厅是位于酒店五楼,有自助餐和零点两种用餐方式,我们有80%的餐位可以直接面对钱塘江,所以在您享受美食的同时,可一览美景,自助午餐的价格是168,自助晚餐是258,(都需加多15%服务费) (会员)如果您之前是我们洲际的会员,有更多的优惠活动, (在开会)那过一会儿我再给您点电话,您先忙。(第二天) (不方便)非常抱歉,打扰了,改天再联系您。(过两天给电话) (出差)您大约几天后.回杭州呢?到时候我联系您。(记下日期,倒时跟踪)
洲际酒店是洲际集团众多品牌下最顶尖的酒店,例:高级于凯悦 优膳会会员优惠?
Telephone sales lines
Good morning\ afternoon\ evening Mr.\Ms:
This is InterContinental Hotel Hangzhou International Conference Center. fresh Restaurant .XXX speaking. May I ask you convenient for you to speak now
(Convenient)Do you know InterContinental Hotels, Our hotel is located in XXX, Is a new landmark building Qianjiang CBD,A Big golden ball, Our hotel is opening on 28 December this year. If you are interested, we welcome you. Our restaurant is located on the fifth floor. We have buffet and a la cart 2 kinds of meals. And 80% of the seats can be directly facing the Qiantang River. So while you enjoy the food, Enjoy the scenery also. The price is 168 lunch buffet, dinner buffet is 258, (plus15% sur-charge)
(Member) If you a member of our intercontinental before, More special offers. (Meeting) sorry, I will call you later.(next day)
(Not Convenient) I am very sorry to disturb you, Another day to contact you (Business trip) May I know when you come back hangzhou? I will contact with you later
(OK) If you are interested I can help you to book a table nearby the Qiantang River
(no need) I am sorry to disturb you.
Do you know InterContinental Hotel?
InterContinental Hotel group have many brand, our InterContinental Hotel is the best one