


第一条 来校任教的外国专家,由外事处负责接送。到达学校后,由外事处负责到台州市派出所、省外国专家局、台州市公安局出入境管理处及其它有关部门办理有关手续。

第二条 学校保卫处认真做好外国专家到校后的安全保卫工作,要经常检查外国专家的安全情况,若发现问题,可代表学校责成有关部门采取有效措施予以及时解决,防患于未然。学校外事处协助保卫处经常对涉外人员进行安全、保密教育,经常对外国专家宣讲我国有关法律及学校有关规定,提醒外国专家注意安全。

第三条 学校后勤集团负责外国专家的居住、膳食服务工作,按要求配备生活所需各种设备,并保证各种设备性能完好,发生故障及时修理,保证外国专家有良好的居住条件。外事处协助后勤集团经常了解外国专家对生活的要求和意见。凡属合理的并能办到的都应及时解决,不合理或暂时做不到的,应耐心做好解释工作。创造条件,主动改进外国专家的生活条件,提高服务质量。

第四条 外国专家的聘请、教学任务的确定,由教务处、相关系部召开教务会议讨论后,将外教需求报送学校外事处,经学校主管领导批准后按计划实施。外国专家到校后,教务处召开教务会议与外国专家商谈教学计划、教学任务,并要求外国专家在开课前两周内结合本人任教的课程和学校的要求提交一份书面的教学方案,学期结束时,对方案的落实情况做出书面总结。

第五条 外国专家必须要严格履行合同,按照学校规定的教材和教学进度教学。对外国专家推荐的外国比较先进的教材和视听的辅助材料,须经教务处审定,报请学校主管校长同意后,方可使用。

第六条 外国专家因故不能上课,应办理请假手续,经系主任批准方可休息。病假应有医院的病休证明,病假期间的待遇按有关合同协议所列条款处理。

第七条 在学校指导下由教务处、相关系部选派政治思想好、业务素质高的教师作为外国专家的合作教师,合作教师的人选必须报教务处批准后确定。合作教师应按学校制定的《涉外教师工作守则》进行工作。

第八条 教务处、相关系部要征求、听取合作教师和学生反映的意见,对外国专家的教学做出评估。在期末和外国专家任教结束时,教务处、相关系部主任要写出书面鉴定交外事处。对工作表现不好,教学效果差的,应采取合适方式予以批评,促其改进工作。对工作表现极差,不听取批评意见,不能完成工作任务的要向学校汇报,按合同规定处理。

第十条 学校外事处负责外国专家的涉外工作,外国专家应邀到其他兄弟单位兼课或讲学,须经外事处同意。



SanMen Bilingual Kindergarden’s management system for foreign teachers

According to the relevant national stipulation and school’s situation, the following management system is need to be obey for faculty in order to create a good management environment for foreign teachers.

1. The School foreign affairs office will pick up the foreign teachers who’re coming here to work. Then they will go to TaiZhou police station、Provincial foreign education bureau、Taizhou Entry-Exit Administration Office of the Public Security Ministry and other relevant departments to deal with some procedures.

2. The School security department is responsible for the foreign teachers’ safety. Then they also have the obligation to take effective measures to solve the problems. The School foreign affairs office should help the School security department to instruct the safety and security education for the foreign teachers, and tell them our laws and school regulations.

3. The School rear service group is responsible for the foreign teachers’ housing and diets. Provide them the equipments in need and make sure them in good condition. Aim to improve living conditions and service quality. The School foreign affairs office should help the School rear service group to listen to the foreign teachers’ demands and opinions, try your best to meet their requirements. If not workable, they should explain to them patiently.

4. As the employment of foreign teachers and the establishment of teaching task will be reported and submitted to the School foreign affairs office which are discussed by school education department and the relevant departments on the senate meeting. Then it can be carried out as schedule after the leader’s approval. There will be

a senate conference discussed by the school education department and foreign teachers together about the teaching plan and teaching task after their arrival. Foreign teachers are required to submit a written teaching scheme which is combined with his courses and the school’s situation in 2 weeks before giving a course. Then make a written comment about the implementation of the scheme at the end of the semester.

5. Foreign teachers must strictly fulfill the contract, giving courses

according to the teaching material and teaching process which is stipulated by school. Any advanced teaching materials and auxiliary audio-visual materials which are recommended by foreign teachers can be used only be examined by the school education department and approved by school leaders and headmaster.

6. If foreign teachers can’t give a course for some reasons. They

should ask for leave to dean, then can take a rest by his approval. Sick leave should have hospital’s sick identification. The salary is counted according to the contract clause during this period.

7. Foreign teachers need to have good political character and

professional knowledge whom will be hired by school education department. Foreign experts start to work according to the《Foreign teachers work rules 》.

8. The evaluation of foreign teachers’ teaching will be valued by school

education department and the relevant departments based on the reflection and opinion of teachers and students. A written evaluation report is need to be handled to the School foreign affairs office at the end of the semester and the end of the contract. For those whose teaching effect is not satisfactory, they should adopt the appropriate way to criticize and improve their work. For those who got poor work performance, no willing to improve should be reported to the school and then will be dealt with according to the contract.

9. The School foreign affairs office is responsible for the foreign

teachers’ foreign affairs. If foreign teachers are invited to other brother’s school to give a course must get School foreign affairs office’s approval.

In case of something not stipulated happens, it should be submitted to School foreign affairs office to request school leaders and headmaster to solve.




第一条 来校任教的外国专家,由外事处负责接送。到达学校后,由外事处负责到台州市派出所、省外国专家局、台州市公安局出入境管理处及其它有关部门办理有关手续。

第二条 学校保卫处认真做好外国专家到校后的安全保卫工作,要经常检查外国专家的安全情况,若发现问题,可代表学校责成有关部门采取有效措施予以及时解决,防患于未然。学校外事处协助保卫处经常对涉外人员进行安全、保密教育,经常对外国专家宣讲我国有关法律及学校有关规定,提醒外国专家注意安全。

第三条 学校后勤集团负责外国专家的居住、膳食服务工作,按要求配备生活所需各种设备,并保证各种设备性能完好,发生故障及时修理,保证外国专家有良好的居住条件。外事处协助后勤集团经常了解外国专家对生活的要求和意见。凡属合理的并能办到的都应及时解决,不合理或暂时做不到的,应耐心做好解释工作。创造条件,主动改进外国专家的生活条件,提高服务质量。

第四条 外国专家的聘请、教学任务的确定,由教务处、相关系部召开教务会议讨论后,将外教需求报送学校外事处,经学校主管领导批准后按计划实施。外国专家到校后,教务处召开教务会议与外国专家商谈教学计划、教学任务,并要求外国专家在开课前两周内结合本人任教的课程和学校的要求提交一份书面的教学方案,学期结束时,对方案的落实情况做出书面总结。

第五条 外国专家必须要严格履行合同,按照学校规定的教材和教学进度教学。对外国专家推荐的外国比较先进的教材和视听的辅助材料,须经教务处审定,报请学校主管校长同意后,方可使用。

第六条 外国专家因故不能上课,应办理请假手续,经系主任批准方可休息。病假应有医院的病休证明,病假期间的待遇按有关合同协议所列条款处理。

第七条 在学校指导下由教务处、相关系部选派政治思想好、业务素质高的教师作为外国专家的合作教师,合作教师的人选必须报教务处批准后确定。合作教师应按学校制定的《涉外教师工作守则》进行工作。

第八条 教务处、相关系部要征求、听取合作教师和学生反映的意见,对外国专家的教学做出评估。在期末和外国专家任教结束时,教务处、相关系部主任要写出书面鉴定交外事处。对工作表现不好,教学效果差的,应采取合适方式予以批评,促其改进工作。对工作表现极差,不听取批评意见,不能完成工作任务的要向学校汇报,按合同规定处理。

第十条 学校外事处负责外国专家的涉外工作,外国专家应邀到其他兄弟单位兼课或讲学,须经外事处同意。



SanMen Bilingual Kindergarden’s management system for foreign teachers

According to the relevant national stipulation and school’s situation, the following management system is need to be obey for faculty in order to create a good management environment for foreign teachers.

1. The School foreign affairs office will pick up the foreign teachers who’re coming here to work. Then they will go to TaiZhou police station、Provincial foreign education bureau、Taizhou Entry-Exit Administration Office of the Public Security Ministry and other relevant departments to deal with some procedures.

2. The School security department is responsible for the foreign teachers’ safety. Then they also have the obligation to take effective measures to solve the problems. The School foreign affairs office should help the School security department to instruct the safety and security education for the foreign teachers, and tell them our laws and school regulations.

3. The School rear service group is responsible for the foreign teachers’ housing and diets. Provide them the equipments in need and make sure them in good condition. Aim to improve living conditions and service quality. The School foreign affairs office should help the School rear service group to listen to the foreign teachers’ demands and opinions, try your best to meet their requirements. If not workable, they should explain to them patiently.

4. As the employment of foreign teachers and the establishment of teaching task will be reported and submitted to the School foreign affairs office which are discussed by school education department and the relevant departments on the senate meeting. Then it can be carried out as schedule after the leader’s approval. There will be

a senate conference discussed by the school education department and foreign teachers together about the teaching plan and teaching task after their arrival. Foreign teachers are required to submit a written teaching scheme which is combined with his courses and the school’s situation in 2 weeks before giving a course. Then make a written comment about the implementation of the scheme at the end of the semester.

5. Foreign teachers must strictly fulfill the contract, giving courses

according to the teaching material and teaching process which is stipulated by school. Any advanced teaching materials and auxiliary audio-visual materials which are recommended by foreign teachers can be used only be examined by the school education department and approved by school leaders and headmaster.

6. If foreign teachers can’t give a course for some reasons. They

should ask for leave to dean, then can take a rest by his approval. Sick leave should have hospital’s sick identification. The salary is counted according to the contract clause during this period.

7. Foreign teachers need to have good political character and

professional knowledge whom will be hired by school education department. Foreign experts start to work according to the《Foreign teachers work rules 》.

8. The evaluation of foreign teachers’ teaching will be valued by school

education department and the relevant departments based on the reflection and opinion of teachers and students. A written evaluation report is need to be handled to the School foreign affairs office at the end of the semester and the end of the contract. For those whose teaching effect is not satisfactory, they should adopt the appropriate way to criticize and improve their work. For those who got poor work performance, no willing to improve should be reported to the school and then will be dealt with according to the contract.

9. The School foreign affairs office is responsible for the foreign

teachers’ foreign affairs. If foreign teachers are invited to other brother’s school to give a course must get School foreign affairs office’s approval.

In case of something not stipulated happens, it should be submitted to School foreign affairs office to request school leaders and headmaster to solve.



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