1. I think playing basketball brings a lot of benefits. First of all, it builds up
one’s physical strength since it is such a fast game with lots of action.
Secondly, basketball is a team sport and you have to learn to work with
other members of your group to win the game.
2. There are several reasons for me to choose being a professor as my ideal
job. First of all, I enjoy communicating with the young people who are
always energetic. The second and the most important reason is that I like
reading very much. Being a professor, doing research is part of my job.
And the last reason is that I don’t have much pressure from my superiors
as people often do in a company.
3. Television has many positive effects on viewers. First of all, watching TV
has the value of relaxation because it can provide a good rest after a long
day of hard work. Secondly, TV is also entertaining, for there are a variety
of programs to choose. One can also rent videos to watch or play games
on it. Most importantly, television is educational because it cannot only
offer courses for viewers to follow but also widen their knowledge.
4. 我更喜欢一个人旅行, 因为我可以想去哪里就去哪里而不用考虑别人的意见,
而且我也可以在自己最喜欢的地方想停留多久都可以。更主要的是, 旅游对于
还是在人群的包围下, 因此难免要有所交往。
5. 在我看来, 在一个大城市里骑自行车是最好的交通方式。首先, 如果你每天早上 都骑半个小时甚至更长时间的话, 可以锻炼身体。其次, 你不会被交通堵塞困扰, 因为你很容易就可以绕道穿过。最主要的是, 这是最环保的交通工具, 完全不会 污染空气。
6. 很多人认为兼职打工对年轻人的害处多于好处。首先, 当学生长时间工作的时 候, 他们常常忘记做作业而且经常在课堂上看起来很累。其次, 老师们发现学生
1. 我认为打篮球有很多好处。首先, 它会锻炼一个人的体力, 因为这是一种快速
反应和非常激烈的运动。其次, 篮球是一个团队运动, 你可以从中学会如何与
同团队的其他成员合作, 从而获得胜利。
2. 我之所以选择当一名教授来作为最理想的职业有几个原因。首先, 我喜欢和
年轻人交流, 因为他们总是精力充沛。第二个, 也是最重要的原因, 我非常喜
欢读书。作为教授, 做研究是我工作的一部分。最后一个原因是我不像在公
3. 电视能带给观众很多益处。首先, 看电视有放松的效果, 在一天的辛苦工作之 后可以让人很好地休息。第二, 电视也能给人带来娱乐, 电视上有各种各样的 节目可以选择。人们也可以租电影看和玩游戏。最重要的一点是, 电视还具
有教育性, 观众不仅可以学习课程还可以开拓视野。
4. I prefer traveling alone, because I can go anywhere I like without any
consideration of other’s opinions and I can stay at the place I like best as
long as I like. What is more, travel for me is to find somewhere that I can
enjoy the peace and quiet. When traveling with others, I still feel as if I
am surrounded by people and I have to interact with them.
5. In my opinion, riding a bicycle is the best way to travel in a big city. To start
with, it is a good exercise if you have to ride for half an hour or even longer
every morning. Secondly, you are not troubled by traffic jams as you can
easily navigate your way through it. Finally, it is the most environmentally
friendly means of transportation without any pollution to the air.
6. Many people think that working part-time does more harm than good to
young people. First of all, when students work long hours,they often forget
to do schoolwork and seem tired in class. Secondly, teachers find that
students have less energy to take part in after-class activities. Another
drawback is that young people become too materialistic, because teens are
likely to use their earnings to buy expensive stuff that they don’t really need.
1. 上海位于中国东海岸。
2. 从字面上看, 上海就是“在海上”的意思。
3. 上海真是个迷人的城市, 它常被昵称为“东方明珠”。
4. 大型商场在市中心星罗棋布。
5. 当您畅游这座花园城市时, 她的现代风情将给您留下美好回忆。
6. The Great Wall is one of the Seven Wonders that can be seen on the satellite.
7. Shanghai was formerly an unimportant fishing village, but now it has grown into a major commercial center of China.
8. Johannesburg is South Africa’s most urbane and civilized city.
9. The Royal Castle dates back to 800 years ago.
10. It’s the second biggest city for business in South Africa.
1. Shanghai lies on the east coast of China.
2. From the literal meaning, Shanghai simply means “on the sea”.
3. Shanghai is such a fascinating city that it is often nicknamed “the Oriental
4. Large shopping malls are scattered in the downtown.
5. When you walk around this garden city, you will be impressed by her
modern styles.
6. 长城是从卫星上能看到的世界七大奇观之一。
7. 上海以前是个不起眼的小渔村, 但现在已经成为了中国一个重要的商业中心。
8. 约翰内斯堡是南非最优雅文明的城市。
9. 皇家城堡可以追溯到800年前。
10. 这是南非第二大商业城市。
1. 再见, 认识您真高兴。
2. 请向您的夫人问好。
3. 再见, 保持联系。
4. 在这临别的时刻, 我们都有一种恋恋不舍之情。
5. 我期待着在不远的将来您再次造访中国。
6. 我们特别高兴能有机会招待我们的美国贵宾。
7. Thank you for everything you have done for me. I’m so glad we were able to
8. I’d like to express once again to you my deep appreciation for the grand reception and generous hospitality we enjoy here.
9. Thank you very much for giving me such an excellent opportunity to visit this beautiful city and work with you.
10. No words can fully express our gratitude to you and your company for your thoughtful consideration for us during our stay here.
1. Goodbye. It’s very nice to have met you.
2. Please convey my regard to your wife.
3. Goodbye, and don’t forget to keep in touch.
4. We all feel reluctant to part from each other at this moment of farewell.
5. I am looking forward to your next visit to China in the near future.
6. It gave us special joy to have had this opportunity of entertaining our
distinguished guests from the United States.
7. 感谢您为我所做的一切, 很高兴我们能认识。
8. 我们在此受到了隆重的接待和盛情的款待, 我再次向您表示深深的谢意。
9. 非常感谢您给我这次极好的机会访问这座美丽的城市, 并有机会和您合作共事。
10. 对于您和贵公司领导在我们逗留期间给予我们体贴入微的关照, 千言万语也道 不尽我们的感激之情。
A: 这一带是我们这里最美的地方。你看见右边的那个凉亭了吗? 要不要到近处看看?
This area is the most beautiful part of the city. Do you see that pavilion on your right? Would you like to go over and have a closer look at it?
B: Of course. ...Gee, it is charming. I always admire your Chinese architecture.
Is it very old?好啊。„„嗬, 真迷人。我一向仰慕你们中国的建筑风格。这个凉亭很古老吗?
A: 不是很久。它始建于清朝, 在1891年。我们要不要上去欣赏一下海浪和美丽的市容? Not very old. It was first build in 1891, in Qing Dynasty. Shall we go up to enjoy the waves and the beauty of the city?
B: By all means.好啊!
A: 瞧, 这里的景色多美啊! Look! What a beautiful view we have here!
B: I’ll bet. The sky and water are of the same colour. You simply cannot tell them
apart. It is picturesque. Can you tell me what that small island with a white
structure on it is? 的确很美。天空和大海是一个颜色, 你简直分不出哪是天, 哪是水。真是风景如画。请问那边那个白色建筑物是什么﹖
A: 那个白色建筑物是个灯塔, 是在1900年由德国人建造的。
That white building is a lighthouse put up by the Germans in 1900.
B: I’d like to be near the water to listen to the sounds of the waves. It can take your mind off everything. Well, where are you going to take us next, Mr. Zhang?
我喜欢到海边听海浪声, 它可以使人忘掉一切。哦, 张先生, 下面你打算带我们去什么地方﹖ A: 从这儿走不远就可以到东方明珠。如果我们沿着小径走可以看到水族馆。从那里还 可以去中山公园。
A little walk from here will take us to the Oriental Pearl Tower. If we walk along the paths, we can see the Aquarium. From there, we can go to the Zhongshan Park as well.
B: It sounds as if we are going to have a full day. Now, let’s go to the Oriental
Pearl Tower first.今天要看的东西还真不少呢! 那么咱们就先去东方明珠吧。
B: It was very kind of you to give me a tour of the place. It gave me a good idea of your product range.感谢你带我参观。这让我对你们的产品范围有了一个清楚的认识。
A: 这是我的荣幸。可否告诉我您的整体印象? It’s a pleasure to show our factory to our friends. What’s your general impression, may I ask?
B: Very impressive indeed, especially the speed of your B78 model.
贵厂确实给我留下了非常深刻的印象, 特别是你们B78号产品的速度。
A: 那是我们的最新款式, 性能卓越, 两个月前才刚刚投入市场。
That’s our latest design—a product with high performance. We put it on the market just two months ago.
B: The machine gained you an advantage, I guess.
A: 确实如此。还没有人能在速度上超越我们的水平。
Certainly. No one is better than us in speed.
B: Could you give me some more information on the machine?
A: 没问题。这个最新的型号质量高、节能而且操作简单、容易学。我们认为这一产品在 全亚洲都是最好的, 在价格上比日本的产品更有竞争力, 在很多方面都更出众。
Sure. This latest model is of high quality, low energy consumption and it’s also easy to operate and to learn. We feel that our product is the best kind in Asia and we can easily compete against Japan in price. They are far better in so many ways.
B: Is the production line fully automated?你们的生产线是完全自动化的吗?
A: 不是。Well, not fully automated.
B: I see. How do you control the quality?那你们如何保证质量呢?
A: 在整个生产过程中, 所有产品都必须通过五道检查程序。
All products have to go through five checks during the manufacturing process
B: What’s the monthly output?你们的月产量是多少?
A: 目前是每月500台。但是从下个月起产量将提高到800台。
500 sets per month now. But we’re going to make it 800 sets from next month on.
B: Wow, That’s wonderful. Is that where the finished products come off?
A: 是的, 我们现在休息一下, 好吗? 我给你一些产品的清单和介绍。
Yes, shall we take a break now? I can get you our sales catalogue and description.
B: Thank you, I think we may have a wider field to work together in the future.
谢谢, 我相信我们未来合作的空间会更广。
A: It’s really time to say goodbye. Thank you very much for your help during my stay in Beijing.该说再见了, 对于在北京期间你们给予我的帮助, 我非常感谢。
B: 您能来北京我们很高兴, 尤其是我们能够达成协议, 真是非常高兴。很遗憾您此次 的行程非常紧张, 不然的话, 我们非常希望能带您参观一下北京的名胜古迹。
We are pleased to have you with us in Beijing. We are particularly happy because we have
concluded an agreement. It’s a pity that you have such a tight schedule for this visit, otherwise, we would have arranged for you a tour to the historical sites in Beijing.
A: I would like to see more of Beijing, too, unfortunately, time didn’t allow me to do that this time. But I am sure I will soon be back in Beijing again.
我也非常想更多地了解北京, 可惜时间不允许我这样做。但是我想我很快就会再回到北京。 B: 下次您再来, 不妨带上您的家人。我们一定会盛情招待您和您的家人的。
Next time you come to Beijing, why not bring your family along with you? They are guaranteed a warm welcome.
A: That’s most kind of you. On behalf of the ABC Corporation, I would like to invite
you and your delegation to visit our company at your earliest convenience, so as
to give us an opportunity to return your warm hospitality.
非常感谢您的盛情。我谨代表ABC 有限公司, 邀请您和您的代表团在方便的时候造访我们的公司, 让我们有机会回报您对我们的热情款待
B: 谢谢琼斯先生的邀请, 希望我们不久会在美国再聚。
Thank you for your invitation, Mr. Jones. We hope to reunite in America soon.
A: I’ve to go through the security check. Thank you again for seeing me off.
我要办理海关手续了, 再次感谢您为我送行。
B: 祝您一路平安! 我们拟好了合同以后马上会寄给您的。
Wish you a pleasant journey! After the contract is drafted, we’ll send you a copy immediately. A: Thank you, Miss Liu, for your excellent interpretation.
My pleasure to have worked with you. Have a nice trip
1. I think playing basketball brings a lot of benefits. First of all, it builds up
one’s physical strength since it is such a fast game with lots of action.
Secondly, basketball is a team sport and you have to learn to work with
other members of your group to win the game.
2. There are several reasons for me to choose being a professor as my ideal
job. First of all, I enjoy communicating with the young people who are
always energetic. The second and the most important reason is that I like
reading very much. Being a professor, doing research is part of my job.
And the last reason is that I don’t have much pressure from my superiors
as people often do in a company.
3. Television has many positive effects on viewers. First of all, watching TV
has the value of relaxation because it can provide a good rest after a long
day of hard work. Secondly, TV is also entertaining, for there are a variety
of programs to choose. One can also rent videos to watch or play games
on it. Most importantly, television is educational because it cannot only
offer courses for viewers to follow but also widen their knowledge.
4. 我更喜欢一个人旅行, 因为我可以想去哪里就去哪里而不用考虑别人的意见,
而且我也可以在自己最喜欢的地方想停留多久都可以。更主要的是, 旅游对于
还是在人群的包围下, 因此难免要有所交往。
5. 在我看来, 在一个大城市里骑自行车是最好的交通方式。首先, 如果你每天早上 都骑半个小时甚至更长时间的话, 可以锻炼身体。其次, 你不会被交通堵塞困扰, 因为你很容易就可以绕道穿过。最主要的是, 这是最环保的交通工具, 完全不会 污染空气。
6. 很多人认为兼职打工对年轻人的害处多于好处。首先, 当学生长时间工作的时 候, 他们常常忘记做作业而且经常在课堂上看起来很累。其次, 老师们发现学生
1. 我认为打篮球有很多好处。首先, 它会锻炼一个人的体力, 因为这是一种快速
反应和非常激烈的运动。其次, 篮球是一个团队运动, 你可以从中学会如何与
同团队的其他成员合作, 从而获得胜利。
2. 我之所以选择当一名教授来作为最理想的职业有几个原因。首先, 我喜欢和
年轻人交流, 因为他们总是精力充沛。第二个, 也是最重要的原因, 我非常喜
欢读书。作为教授, 做研究是我工作的一部分。最后一个原因是我不像在公
3. 电视能带给观众很多益处。首先, 看电视有放松的效果, 在一天的辛苦工作之 后可以让人很好地休息。第二, 电视也能给人带来娱乐, 电视上有各种各样的 节目可以选择。人们也可以租电影看和玩游戏。最重要的一点是, 电视还具
有教育性, 观众不仅可以学习课程还可以开拓视野。
4. I prefer traveling alone, because I can go anywhere I like without any
consideration of other’s opinions and I can stay at the place I like best as
long as I like. What is more, travel for me is to find somewhere that I can
enjoy the peace and quiet. When traveling with others, I still feel as if I
am surrounded by people and I have to interact with them.
5. In my opinion, riding a bicycle is the best way to travel in a big city. To start
with, it is a good exercise if you have to ride for half an hour or even longer
every morning. Secondly, you are not troubled by traffic jams as you can
easily navigate your way through it. Finally, it is the most environmentally
friendly means of transportation without any pollution to the air.
6. Many people think that working part-time does more harm than good to
young people. First of all, when students work long hours,they often forget
to do schoolwork and seem tired in class. Secondly, teachers find that
students have less energy to take part in after-class activities. Another
drawback is that young people become too materialistic, because teens are
likely to use their earnings to buy expensive stuff that they don’t really need.
1. 上海位于中国东海岸。
2. 从字面上看, 上海就是“在海上”的意思。
3. 上海真是个迷人的城市, 它常被昵称为“东方明珠”。
4. 大型商场在市中心星罗棋布。
5. 当您畅游这座花园城市时, 她的现代风情将给您留下美好回忆。
6. The Great Wall is one of the Seven Wonders that can be seen on the satellite.
7. Shanghai was formerly an unimportant fishing village, but now it has grown into a major commercial center of China.
8. Johannesburg is South Africa’s most urbane and civilized city.
9. The Royal Castle dates back to 800 years ago.
10. It’s the second biggest city for business in South Africa.
1. Shanghai lies on the east coast of China.
2. From the literal meaning, Shanghai simply means “on the sea”.
3. Shanghai is such a fascinating city that it is often nicknamed “the Oriental
4. Large shopping malls are scattered in the downtown.
5. When you walk around this garden city, you will be impressed by her
modern styles.
6. 长城是从卫星上能看到的世界七大奇观之一。
7. 上海以前是个不起眼的小渔村, 但现在已经成为了中国一个重要的商业中心。
8. 约翰内斯堡是南非最优雅文明的城市。
9. 皇家城堡可以追溯到800年前。
10. 这是南非第二大商业城市。
1. 再见, 认识您真高兴。
2. 请向您的夫人问好。
3. 再见, 保持联系。
4. 在这临别的时刻, 我们都有一种恋恋不舍之情。
5. 我期待着在不远的将来您再次造访中国。
6. 我们特别高兴能有机会招待我们的美国贵宾。
7. Thank you for everything you have done for me. I’m so glad we were able to
8. I’d like to express once again to you my deep appreciation for the grand reception and generous hospitality we enjoy here.
9. Thank you very much for giving me such an excellent opportunity to visit this beautiful city and work with you.
10. No words can fully express our gratitude to you and your company for your thoughtful consideration for us during our stay here.
1. Goodbye. It’s very nice to have met you.
2. Please convey my regard to your wife.
3. Goodbye, and don’t forget to keep in touch.
4. We all feel reluctant to part from each other at this moment of farewell.
5. I am looking forward to your next visit to China in the near future.
6. It gave us special joy to have had this opportunity of entertaining our
distinguished guests from the United States.
7. 感谢您为我所做的一切, 很高兴我们能认识。
8. 我们在此受到了隆重的接待和盛情的款待, 我再次向您表示深深的谢意。
9. 非常感谢您给我这次极好的机会访问这座美丽的城市, 并有机会和您合作共事。
10. 对于您和贵公司领导在我们逗留期间给予我们体贴入微的关照, 千言万语也道 不尽我们的感激之情。
A: 这一带是我们这里最美的地方。你看见右边的那个凉亭了吗? 要不要到近处看看?
This area is the most beautiful part of the city. Do you see that pavilion on your right? Would you like to go over and have a closer look at it?
B: Of course. ...Gee, it is charming. I always admire your Chinese architecture.
Is it very old?好啊。„„嗬, 真迷人。我一向仰慕你们中国的建筑风格。这个凉亭很古老吗?
A: 不是很久。它始建于清朝, 在1891年。我们要不要上去欣赏一下海浪和美丽的市容? Not very old. It was first build in 1891, in Qing Dynasty. Shall we go up to enjoy the waves and the beauty of the city?
B: By all means.好啊!
A: 瞧, 这里的景色多美啊! Look! What a beautiful view we have here!
B: I’ll bet. The sky and water are of the same colour. You simply cannot tell them
apart. It is picturesque. Can you tell me what that small island with a white
structure on it is? 的确很美。天空和大海是一个颜色, 你简直分不出哪是天, 哪是水。真是风景如画。请问那边那个白色建筑物是什么﹖
A: 那个白色建筑物是个灯塔, 是在1900年由德国人建造的。
That white building is a lighthouse put up by the Germans in 1900.
B: I’d like to be near the water to listen to the sounds of the waves. It can take your mind off everything. Well, where are you going to take us next, Mr. Zhang?
我喜欢到海边听海浪声, 它可以使人忘掉一切。哦, 张先生, 下面你打算带我们去什么地方﹖ A: 从这儿走不远就可以到东方明珠。如果我们沿着小径走可以看到水族馆。从那里还 可以去中山公园。
A little walk from here will take us to the Oriental Pearl Tower. If we walk along the paths, we can see the Aquarium. From there, we can go to the Zhongshan Park as well.
B: It sounds as if we are going to have a full day. Now, let’s go to the Oriental
Pearl Tower first.今天要看的东西还真不少呢! 那么咱们就先去东方明珠吧。
B: It was very kind of you to give me a tour of the place. It gave me a good idea of your product range.感谢你带我参观。这让我对你们的产品范围有了一个清楚的认识。
A: 这是我的荣幸。可否告诉我您的整体印象? It’s a pleasure to show our factory to our friends. What’s your general impression, may I ask?
B: Very impressive indeed, especially the speed of your B78 model.
贵厂确实给我留下了非常深刻的印象, 特别是你们B78号产品的速度。
A: 那是我们的最新款式, 性能卓越, 两个月前才刚刚投入市场。
That’s our latest design—a product with high performance. We put it on the market just two months ago.
B: The machine gained you an advantage, I guess.
A: 确实如此。还没有人能在速度上超越我们的水平。
Certainly. No one is better than us in speed.
B: Could you give me some more information on the machine?
A: 没问题。这个最新的型号质量高、节能而且操作简单、容易学。我们认为这一产品在 全亚洲都是最好的, 在价格上比日本的产品更有竞争力, 在很多方面都更出众。
Sure. This latest model is of high quality, low energy consumption and it’s also easy to operate and to learn. We feel that our product is the best kind in Asia and we can easily compete against Japan in price. They are far better in so many ways.
B: Is the production line fully automated?你们的生产线是完全自动化的吗?
A: 不是。Well, not fully automated.
B: I see. How do you control the quality?那你们如何保证质量呢?
A: 在整个生产过程中, 所有产品都必须通过五道检查程序。
All products have to go through five checks during the manufacturing process
B: What’s the monthly output?你们的月产量是多少?
A: 目前是每月500台。但是从下个月起产量将提高到800台。
500 sets per month now. But we’re going to make it 800 sets from next month on.
B: Wow, That’s wonderful. Is that where the finished products come off?
A: 是的, 我们现在休息一下, 好吗? 我给你一些产品的清单和介绍。
Yes, shall we take a break now? I can get you our sales catalogue and description.
B: Thank you, I think we may have a wider field to work together in the future.
谢谢, 我相信我们未来合作的空间会更广。
A: It’s really time to say goodbye. Thank you very much for your help during my stay in Beijing.该说再见了, 对于在北京期间你们给予我的帮助, 我非常感谢。
B: 您能来北京我们很高兴, 尤其是我们能够达成协议, 真是非常高兴。很遗憾您此次 的行程非常紧张, 不然的话, 我们非常希望能带您参观一下北京的名胜古迹。
We are pleased to have you with us in Beijing. We are particularly happy because we have
concluded an agreement. It’s a pity that you have such a tight schedule for this visit, otherwise, we would have arranged for you a tour to the historical sites in Beijing.
A: I would like to see more of Beijing, too, unfortunately, time didn’t allow me to do that this time. But I am sure I will soon be back in Beijing again.
我也非常想更多地了解北京, 可惜时间不允许我这样做。但是我想我很快就会再回到北京。 B: 下次您再来, 不妨带上您的家人。我们一定会盛情招待您和您的家人的。
Next time you come to Beijing, why not bring your family along with you? They are guaranteed a warm welcome.
A: That’s most kind of you. On behalf of the ABC Corporation, I would like to invite
you and your delegation to visit our company at your earliest convenience, so as
to give us an opportunity to return your warm hospitality.
非常感谢您的盛情。我谨代表ABC 有限公司, 邀请您和您的代表团在方便的时候造访我们的公司, 让我们有机会回报您对我们的热情款待
B: 谢谢琼斯先生的邀请, 希望我们不久会在美国再聚。
Thank you for your invitation, Mr. Jones. We hope to reunite in America soon.
A: I’ve to go through the security check. Thank you again for seeing me off.
我要办理海关手续了, 再次感谢您为我送行。
B: 祝您一路平安! 我们拟好了合同以后马上会寄给您的。
Wish you a pleasant journey! After the contract is drafted, we’ll send you a copy immediately. A: Thank you, Miss Liu, for your excellent interpretation.
My pleasure to have worked with you. Have a nice trip