
I believe I can fly


Good afternoon , everyone , today, the topic of my speech is " I believe I can fly "

Saying goodbye to childhood ,we step into another important time in the pace of youth,facing new situations ,dealing with different problems~~~

Like other students,I failed in subjects again and again.At the begining of studying English,I tired my best to do it well,however,I recevied noting ,I cried in my room.My mother asked me what happened,I said :"I cannot do it. why ?why did I pay much but receive noting ? I want to give up!"

My mother was in slience for a while,then she wrote to me:

I know you’re going to make it.

It may take time and hard working.

It may take some sweat and tears.

You may become frustrated.

You may become depressed.

You may even become hopeless.

And at times you’ll feel like giving up.

Sometimes you may even wonder if the struggle is really worth it.

But I have confidence in you.

I believe you can fiy

Whatever you do, just don’t give up.

I love you and I am proud of you ;

when I read the whole words,I realized my irresponsible behavior gravely hurt my parent's heart.We have no right to be fool around,because

our daily life and homework are supported by our parents' love .

when you are studying under lights,please consider each light as your mother's watchful eyes .If you do your best every day,your parents are

willing to sacrifice everything .It is a period of time of beauty and wonders .Youth is just like blooming flowers,they are so beautiful, but with time passing by,after they wither ,most people think they are ugly and it is the same with young,we are eager when we are young,youth may pass by without your attention,and when you discover what has happened ,it is always too late,so we must treasure youth.

Everyone has his own understanding of youth,in my heart ,youth is a song

of high style, whose name is >


In youth,we enjoy tasting the ups and downs of life.

I will greet a new sun with confidence.

So long as there is breath in me, that far will I fly !

May we all have a wonderful youth!

Thank you for listening! That is all.

I believe I can fly!

高yy 同学,


I believe I can fly


Good afternoon , everyone , today, the topic of my speech is " I believe I can fly "

Saying goodbye to childhood ,we step into another important time in the pace of youth,facing new situations ,dealing with different problems~~~

Like other students,I failed in subjects again and again.At the begining of studying English,I tired my best to do it well,however,I recevied noting ,I cried in my room.My mother asked me what happened,I said :"I cannot do it. why ?why did I pay much but receive noting ? I want to give up!"

My mother was in slience for a while,then she wrote to me:

I know you’re going to make it.

It may take time and hard working.

It may take some sweat and tears.

You may become frustrated.

You may become depressed.

You may even become hopeless.

And at times you’ll feel like giving up.

Sometimes you may even wonder if the struggle is really worth it.

But I have confidence in you.

I believe you can fiy

Whatever you do, just don’t give up.

I love you and I am proud of you ;

when I read the whole words,I realized my irresponsible behavior gravely hurt my parent's heart.We have no right to be fool around,because

our daily life and homework are supported by our parents' love .

when you are studying under lights,please consider each light as your mother's watchful eyes .If you do your best every day,your parents are

willing to sacrifice everything .It is a period of time of beauty and wonders .Youth is just like blooming flowers,they are so beautiful, but with time passing by,after they wither ,most people think they are ugly and it is the same with young,we are eager when we are young,youth may pass by without your attention,and when you discover what has happened ,it is always too late,so we must treasure youth.

Everyone has his own understanding of youth,in my heart ,youth is a song

of high style, whose name is >


In youth,we enjoy tasting the ups and downs of life.

I will greet a new sun with confidence.

So long as there is breath in me, that far will I fly !

May we all have a wonderful youth!

Thank you for listening! That is all.

I believe I can fly!

高yy 同学,



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