

Dear teacher,

Fortunatelly,I become your student in this semester. In your class I

learned a lot of things , not only the knowledge of English but also some

useful information about our professional subjects. As far as I

concerned ,here are some useful suggestions that maybe available to you .

Firstly, it would be better if you can offer some foreign films about

their advanced technology of our specialty. For one thing , it can attract

our eyes so that we can be more interested in our professional courses.

For another thing, new technology can broden our horizon that we can

obtain creationary thinking from. Secondly ,you can change the form of

class in order to make students more active in your class. For

example,you can divide students into several groups so that we can

discuss some objects positively in English. According to it, we can not

only improve the standard of English but also learn how to accept others

opinions and adhere to our own points of view.

These are my personal views. I allegiant hope you will benefit from

these in the future of your teaching. Lastly thanks to your teaching in this


Sincerely yours ,

Chen Wei

Nan Tong University


Dear teacher,

Fortunatelly,I become your student in this semester. In your class I

learned a lot of things , not only the knowledge of English but also some

useful information about our professional subjects. As far as I

concerned ,here are some useful suggestions that maybe available to you .

Firstly, it would be better if you can offer some foreign films about

their advanced technology of our specialty. For one thing , it can attract

our eyes so that we can be more interested in our professional courses.

For another thing, new technology can broden our horizon that we can

obtain creationary thinking from. Secondly ,you can change the form of

class in order to make students more active in your class. For

example,you can divide students into several groups so that we can

discuss some objects positively in English. According to it, we can not

only improve the standard of English but also learn how to accept others

opinions and adhere to our own points of view.

These are my personal views. I allegiant hope you will benefit from

these in the future of your teaching. Lastly thanks to your teaching in this


Sincerely yours ,

Chen Wei

Nan Tong University


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