
After reading this book,the whole part felt a strong feeling of appreciation. The main character Jean Valjean suffered from inevitable disasters because his faith and conscience. Jean Valjean, released on parole after 19 years on the chain gang, then he came a church and the host gave him food and provided accommodation. But he wanted kill the man unexpectedly, in order to steal some money and silver. Unfortunately he was caught and brought back, if the host told the police the truth, there is no doubt that Jean Valjean would be prisoned again. To his surprised the host lied to the police and saved him. So Jean Valjean decided to lead a new life to be a good citizen. He had a very tortuous experience,such as the life in prison like horror; Lonely wandering andhomeless straying; achieving success and be a mayor;being counterattacked and fled; living in seclusion.

he made a lot of contribution for citizens and people all respected him ,but the police of justice Javert couldn’t forgive his fault before. Jean Valjean saved poor Fantine and adopted her daughter Cosette, he always do what he thought correctly until he died. Moved by Valjean’s generosity and kindness, Jarvet gives up his duty as a police sergeant and commits suicide.

I think everybody makes mistakes and you cannot deprive the chance who wants to change. Human nature is great,everybody has the privilege to change themselves. If you can be needed by anyone else, stretch out your hand, and don't need so many words, just to do what you believe. If everyone is full of trust between each other, so, this world will no longer "tragic", and will be filled with laughter and joy.The miserable world is enlightened by the glory of humanity.

After reading this book,the whole part felt a strong feeling of appreciation. The main character Jean Valjean suffered from inevitable disasters because his faith and conscience. Jean Valjean, released on parole after 19 years on the chain gang, then he came a church and the host gave him food and provided accommodation. But he wanted kill the man unexpectedly, in order to steal some money and silver. Unfortunately he was caught and brought back, if the host told the police the truth, there is no doubt that Jean Valjean would be prisoned again. To his surprised the host lied to the police and saved him. So Jean Valjean decided to lead a new life to be a good citizen. He had a very tortuous experience,such as the life in prison like horror; Lonely wandering andhomeless straying; achieving success and be a mayor;being counterattacked and fled; living in seclusion.

he made a lot of contribution for citizens and people all respected him ,but the police of justice Javert couldn’t forgive his fault before. Jean Valjean saved poor Fantine and adopted her daughter Cosette, he always do what he thought correctly until he died. Moved by Valjean’s generosity and kindness, Jarvet gives up his duty as a police sergeant and commits suicide.

I think everybody makes mistakes and you cannot deprive the chance who wants to change. Human nature is great,everybody has the privilege to change themselves. If you can be needed by anyone else, stretch out your hand, and don't need so many words, just to do what you believe. If everyone is full of trust between each other, so, this world will no longer "tragic", and will be filled with laughter and joy.The miserable world is enlightened by the glory of humanity.


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