







(1)The earliest cells (2)The changing face of planet earth

(3)Taxonomy:categorizing the variety of living things

(4)The five kingdoms (5)Exercise




以老师翻译为主,老师讲解相关专业知识辅助学生理解,采用板书的方式,在教学过程中加强互动,让学生翻译部分内容,采取启发式、讲授式教学方法。 作业与思考题:

作业:(1)p79 Ⅲ (2) p83 翻译阅读理解


1 专业英语(2) 计划学时 2 Lesson Two The Origin and Diversity of Life 第二课 生命的起源和多样性

Lesson Two The Origin and Diversity of Life

第二课 生命的起源和多样性

Part III:Text explanation

3.The Earliest Cells


The oldest fossils that may represent living cells are found in rocks that are about 3.5 billion years old. The cells were probably anaerobic heterotrophs, with autotrophs arising much later. The first autotrophs produced their own nutrients and released O2-a metabolic by-product that had a crucial impact on later life forms. The resulting ozone layer in the earth's atmosphere reduced the penetration of ultraviolet light. As a result, cells would survive in shallow water and on the land surface. The increasing quantity of atmospheric oxygen also permitted the evolution of aerobic cells and cellular respiration, which in turn signaled the beginning of the global carbon cycle.Although the earliest cells were all prokaryotes, by about

1.5 billion years ago eukaryotes appeared.

可以描绘活细胞的最古老的化石大约有35亿年了。最早出现的细胞或许是厌氧的异养生物,自养生物要到更晚的时期才出现。第一批自养生物自己生产营养物并且释放O2——代谢副产品对后期的生命形式具有决定性影响。 由此产生的地球大气的臭氧层降低的紫外线的穿透力。 因此,细胞就能在浅水里和土地表面上生存了。 大气的氧含量的增加使需氧细胞的进化和呼吸成为可能,这标志全球碳循环的开始。 虽然最早的细胞全部是原核生物,但是大约15亿年以前真核细胞开始出现。

4.The Changing Face of planet Earth


Changes in land masses, the seas, and climate have greatly affected the evolution of life on the earth. The basic parts of the planet include a light, solid crust over a hot, semisolid mantle and an inner, partially molten core. Massive segments or plates of the crust move over the mantle in the process of continental drift. Over the past 500 million years, continental drift has sculpted the earth's crusts to produce the form and distribution of present-day continents. Climatic changes that greatly affected living organisms accompanied these plate

movements; the period was marked by occasional waves of mass extinctions of living creatures. Organisms were also affected by periods of glaciation that followed variations in the earth's orbit and in the output of energy by the sun.


5.Taxonomy: Categorizing the Variety of living Things


Biologists use the binomial system of nomenclature developed by Linnaeus to categorize the varieties of life on the earth. The system assigns each type of organism to a genus and species. Organisms are then further classified into higher taxonomic categories-family, order, class, division (plants), phylum (animals), and kingdom. Evidence from many subfields of biology, such as biochemistry and comparative anatomy, helps define species and higher taxa (taxon). And whereas species were originally defined in terms of morphological traits, today biologists generally use the criterion of a reproductively isolated population.

生物学家使用林奈创立的双名法对地球上生物进行分类。 这个系统命名法把每种生物体分类到某一属和种。生物体然后被更进一步分类进更高的类别中——科、目、纲、门(植物)、门(动物)和界。来自生物学的分支(例如生物化学和比较解剖学)的证据有助于划分物种和更高的分类单位。最初人们是按照形态学上的特征来划分种类的,而今天生物学家一般使用生殖隔离的标准来划分的。

Taxonomy reveals a great deal about the evolutionary relationships among organisms. A clade is a taxonomic unit whose members are derived from a common ancestor.


6.The Five Kingdoms


A phylogenetic tree is a graphic representation of evolutionary relationships. Your text uses a common five-kingdom arrangement: organisms are grouped into the kingdoms Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. Although this system is a convenient organizational tool, the kingdoms are probably no true clades.

用图解表示进化关系就是系统进化树。 你的课本使用一个常用的五界系统划分:生物体被划分为原核生物界、原生生物界、真菌界、植物界和动物界。 虽然这个系统是一个方便的组织工具,但是这些界或许不是真正的进化枝。

1. 课后阅读理解翻译

每到秋天,数以亿计的绿叶突然变成由红色、黄色和褐色组成的的“镶嵌画”。 这种转变反映出许多复杂的化学过程。 秋天颜色变化起因于叶绿素(叶子的绿色物质)分解。当叶绿素分子所结合的蛋白质分解为氨基酸时,叶绿素就发生分解。 当蛋白质分解为氨基酸时,叶绿素也就分解了,因此失去它的绿色。由蛋白质分解产生的氨基酸通过细小的"筛管"运送到茎和根,在那里它们的氮元素被保存供下个季节使用。

完好的叶绿素吸收除绿光之外的各种颜色的光,由于绿光被反射,因此叶子呈现绿色。 一旦叶绿素分解,残余的叶组织就显示出它们固有的黄色或者棕色。即使在夏季,当叶绿素在阳光照射下执行它的光合作用时,叶绿素也会部分分解,但是在夜晚被修复。因此,叶子在早晨的颜色比日落时稍微更绿。









(1)The earliest cells (2)The changing face of planet earth

(3)Taxonomy:categorizing the variety of living things

(4)The five kingdoms (5)Exercise




以老师翻译为主,老师讲解相关专业知识辅助学生理解,采用板书的方式,在教学过程中加强互动,让学生翻译部分内容,采取启发式、讲授式教学方法。 作业与思考题:

作业:(1)p79 Ⅲ (2) p83 翻译阅读理解


1 专业英语(2) 计划学时 2 Lesson Two The Origin and Diversity of Life 第二课 生命的起源和多样性

Lesson Two The Origin and Diversity of Life

第二课 生命的起源和多样性

Part III:Text explanation

3.The Earliest Cells


The oldest fossils that may represent living cells are found in rocks that are about 3.5 billion years old. The cells were probably anaerobic heterotrophs, with autotrophs arising much later. The first autotrophs produced their own nutrients and released O2-a metabolic by-product that had a crucial impact on later life forms. The resulting ozone layer in the earth's atmosphere reduced the penetration of ultraviolet light. As a result, cells would survive in shallow water and on the land surface. The increasing quantity of atmospheric oxygen also permitted the evolution of aerobic cells and cellular respiration, which in turn signaled the beginning of the global carbon cycle.Although the earliest cells were all prokaryotes, by about

1.5 billion years ago eukaryotes appeared.

可以描绘活细胞的最古老的化石大约有35亿年了。最早出现的细胞或许是厌氧的异养生物,自养生物要到更晚的时期才出现。第一批自养生物自己生产营养物并且释放O2——代谢副产品对后期的生命形式具有决定性影响。 由此产生的地球大气的臭氧层降低的紫外线的穿透力。 因此,细胞就能在浅水里和土地表面上生存了。 大气的氧含量的增加使需氧细胞的进化和呼吸成为可能,这标志全球碳循环的开始。 虽然最早的细胞全部是原核生物,但是大约15亿年以前真核细胞开始出现。

4.The Changing Face of planet Earth


Changes in land masses, the seas, and climate have greatly affected the evolution of life on the earth. The basic parts of the planet include a light, solid crust over a hot, semisolid mantle and an inner, partially molten core. Massive segments or plates of the crust move over the mantle in the process of continental drift. Over the past 500 million years, continental drift has sculpted the earth's crusts to produce the form and distribution of present-day continents. Climatic changes that greatly affected living organisms accompanied these plate

movements; the period was marked by occasional waves of mass extinctions of living creatures. Organisms were also affected by periods of glaciation that followed variations in the earth's orbit and in the output of energy by the sun.


5.Taxonomy: Categorizing the Variety of living Things


Biologists use the binomial system of nomenclature developed by Linnaeus to categorize the varieties of life on the earth. The system assigns each type of organism to a genus and species. Organisms are then further classified into higher taxonomic categories-family, order, class, division (plants), phylum (animals), and kingdom. Evidence from many subfields of biology, such as biochemistry and comparative anatomy, helps define species and higher taxa (taxon). And whereas species were originally defined in terms of morphological traits, today biologists generally use the criterion of a reproductively isolated population.

生物学家使用林奈创立的双名法对地球上生物进行分类。 这个系统命名法把每种生物体分类到某一属和种。生物体然后被更进一步分类进更高的类别中——科、目、纲、门(植物)、门(动物)和界。来自生物学的分支(例如生物化学和比较解剖学)的证据有助于划分物种和更高的分类单位。最初人们是按照形态学上的特征来划分种类的,而今天生物学家一般使用生殖隔离的标准来划分的。

Taxonomy reveals a great deal about the evolutionary relationships among organisms. A clade is a taxonomic unit whose members are derived from a common ancestor.


6.The Five Kingdoms


A phylogenetic tree is a graphic representation of evolutionary relationships. Your text uses a common five-kingdom arrangement: organisms are grouped into the kingdoms Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. Although this system is a convenient organizational tool, the kingdoms are probably no true clades.

用图解表示进化关系就是系统进化树。 你的课本使用一个常用的五界系统划分:生物体被划分为原核生物界、原生生物界、真菌界、植物界和动物界。 虽然这个系统是一个方便的组织工具,但是这些界或许不是真正的进化枝。

1. 课后阅读理解翻译

每到秋天,数以亿计的绿叶突然变成由红色、黄色和褐色组成的的“镶嵌画”。 这种转变反映出许多复杂的化学过程。 秋天颜色变化起因于叶绿素(叶子的绿色物质)分解。当叶绿素分子所结合的蛋白质分解为氨基酸时,叶绿素就发生分解。 当蛋白质分解为氨基酸时,叶绿素也就分解了,因此失去它的绿色。由蛋白质分解产生的氨基酸通过细小的"筛管"运送到茎和根,在那里它们的氮元素被保存供下个季节使用。

完好的叶绿素吸收除绿光之外的各种颜色的光,由于绿光被反射,因此叶子呈现绿色。 一旦叶绿素分解,残余的叶组织就显示出它们固有的黄色或者棕色。即使在夏季,当叶绿素在阳光照射下执行它的光合作用时,叶绿素也会部分分解,但是在夜晚被修复。因此,叶子在早晨的颜色比日落时稍微更绿。



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