
Unit 19一般将来时(s )

Part A

一、用所给词的适当形式填空,完成句子 1. It____ (be) my birthday next Thursday.

2. All the people in the town are glad____ (hear) that a famous musician_____(give) a concert this Saturday evening. 3. I_____(write) to you as soon as I get to Guangzhou

4. They_____( not have) an English Evening this week. They _____(have) it next week.

5. She____(do) her homework now, but she_____(go) to the cinema with her classmates tomorrow evening. 6.John is always busy. He___(sleep) only six hours every night. 7. They_____(plant) trees on the hill next week. 8. Jane____( not finish) the work if you don’t help her.

9. They_____(help) Granny Li___(clean) her house tomorrow afternoon. 10. I’ll give the ticket to him as soon as he ____ (come) back.


( ) 1.We're going to have a picnic_______________. A. in next week B.on tomorrow C. Next month ( ) 2. I'm glad I _______ with my best friend in the same school next year. A. Study B will study

C have studied ( ) 3. --_____________________ you take good care of him?

-- Yes, I will.

A. Will B. Shall C.Are ( ) 4. What day ____________it tomorrow?

A will B are

C is ( ) 5. --Will he go to see Beijing Opera with his father?

--No ,he _________.

A doesn't B isn't C wasn't ( ) 6._________ we play the games together? Good idea. A Will B Shall C Are ( ) 7. I'm sure he _________ come back soon.

A shall B doesn't C will ( ) 8. ______ Li Ming and Li Hai going to join the Swimming Club? A Will B Are C Is ( )9. We _______ study even harder than ever.

A won't B will

C don't ( ) 10. ---When _________they leave here?

---Tomorrow morning.

A will

B do

C did 1 / 4

D. In Saturday evening D studied

D .Do D does

D won't D Did D is going D Do

D are going

D shall

( ) 11. The panda ____________ a baby in a few days. A will have

B has had

C had

D is going to be

( ) 12. --Do you have any plans for your summer vacation ?

--I'm ___________ for London next Sun day.

B leaving

C will go

D will leave

A going to

( )13. --Joan , you are late!

-- Sorry , I ______ be next time.

B won't

C am not

D haven't

A don't

--OK, I_________ at once

B am coming

C came

D coming

( )14. --Come over to help me carry the heavy box,David. A come Part B 一、选择填空

( )1. I_____ the CDs to you if I have time tomorrow. A. will return A. has been


C. Be quick; I comes

D. Run quick; I come

B. returned B. is going

C. have returned C. went

D. return D. goes

( )2. Jack has never been to Disneyland before, but he ____ there this summer. ( )3. —_____,or you’ll be late.

A. Be quick; I’m coming B. Be quickly; I come ( )4. —I_____ Beijing for a holiday.


C. am going; It’s good

D. am going to; Have a good time

A. am going to; Goodbye B. go to; You are right ( )5. —What time____ we meet?

—____seven o’clock?

B. shall; Is it B. Shall

B. will see the entrance B. Will

C. will; What about C. Why

D. will; That’s quite early D. Will

A. shall; What about A. Are

A. will see the exit A. Are

( ) 15.-- Jim, can you help me to wash the dishes?

--Sorry ,Dad. I______________ to the shop.

B went

C am going

D have been

A go

( )6. _____ you stay at home and do your homework?

( )7. If you want to get to Sunshine Park, turn left and you_____.

C. can see the traffic lights D. can see the stop C. Shall

D.B and C

( )8._____ we take different routes?

2 / 4

Unit 19一般将来时(s )

Part A

一、用所给词的适当形式填空,完成句子 1. It____ (be) my birthday next Thursday.

2. All the people in the town are glad____ (hear) that a famous musician_____(give) a concert this Saturday evening. 3. I_____(write) to you as soon as I get to Guangzhou

4. They_____( not have) an English Evening this week. They _____(have) it next week.

5. She____(do) her homework now, but she_____(go) to the cinema with her classmates tomorrow evening. 6.John is always busy. He___(sleep) only six hours every night. 7. They_____(plant) trees on the hill next week. 8. Jane____( not finish) the work if you don’t help her.

9. They_____(help) Granny Li___(clean) her house tomorrow afternoon. 10. I’ll give the ticket to him as soon as he ____ (come) back.


( ) 1.We're going to have a picnic_______________. A. in next week B.on tomorrow C. Next month ( ) 2. I'm glad I _______ with my best friend in the same school next year. A. Study B will study

C have studied ( ) 3. --_____________________ you take good care of him?

-- Yes, I will.

A. Will B. Shall C.Are ( ) 4. What day ____________it tomorrow?

A will B are

C is ( ) 5. --Will he go to see Beijing Opera with his father?

--No ,he _________.

A doesn't B isn't C wasn't ( ) 6._________ we play the games together? Good idea. A Will B Shall C Are ( ) 7. I'm sure he _________ come back soon.

A shall B doesn't C will ( ) 8. ______ Li Ming and Li Hai going to join the Swimming Club? A Will B Are C Is ( )9. We _______ study even harder than ever.

A won't B will

C don't ( ) 10. ---When _________they leave here?

---Tomorrow morning.

A will

B do

C did 1 / 4

D. In Saturday evening D studied

D .Do D does

D won't D Did D is going D Do

D are going

D shall

( ) 11. The panda ____________ a baby in a few days. A will have

B has had

C had

D is going to be

( ) 12. --Do you have any plans for your summer vacation ?

--I'm ___________ for London next Sun day.

B leaving

C will go

D will leave

A going to

( )13. --Joan , you are late!

-- Sorry , I ______ be next time.

B won't

C am not

D haven't

A don't

--OK, I_________ at once

B am coming

C came

D coming

( )14. --Come over to help me carry the heavy box,David. A come Part B 一、选择填空

( )1. I_____ the CDs to you if I have time tomorrow. A. will return A. has been


C. Be quick; I comes

D. Run quick; I come

B. returned B. is going

C. have returned C. went

D. return D. goes

( )2. Jack has never been to Disneyland before, but he ____ there this summer. ( )3. —_____,or you’ll be late.

A. Be quick; I’m coming B. Be quickly; I come ( )4. —I_____ Beijing for a holiday.


C. am going; It’s good

D. am going to; Have a good time

A. am going to; Goodbye B. go to; You are right ( )5. —What time____ we meet?

—____seven o’clock?

B. shall; Is it B. Shall

B. will see the entrance B. Will

C. will; What about C. Why

D. will; That’s quite early D. Will

A. shall; What about A. Are

A. will see the exit A. Are

( ) 15.-- Jim, can you help me to wash the dishes?

--Sorry ,Dad. I______________ to the shop.

B went

C am going

D have been

A go

( )6. _____ you stay at home and do your homework?

( )7. If you want to get to Sunshine Park, turn left and you_____.

C. can see the traffic lights D. can see the stop C. Shall

D.B and C

( )8._____ we take different routes?

2 / 4


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