圣经中,摩西行使十灾,并带领以色列人出埃及,这对很多人来说都只是个虚构的故事。但是,埃及历史书Kolbrin Bible,却以受害者的角度记录此事。 Kolbrin Bible 的记录,让我们知道这并不是只是个神话.............
Kolbrin Bible 同样记录此事
由于埃及法老不愿让以色列人离开,神为了审判埃及,就让摩西行使著名的十灾。这些灾, Kolbrin Bible 亦有记录,埃及人以受害者的角度记录记录此事。有关这一点,之前的文章已有解释,请留意文章:
当时,摩西向法老说谎,说是带以色列人去献祭,其实是带他们离开埃及。 Kolbrin Bible 的Manuscript 第六章提及,不是祭师(摩西的哥哥亚伦)使地奇怪的现象,而是法老家中的人。
Manuscript 6 : 10 有人向法老说谎话,并使诸神仇视这地,因此,人们喊着要以他们的血来平息诸神的愤怒。然而,不是这些奇怪的祭师使地纷扰,因其中有一个甚至是法老家中的人,在人民前有威望。
Manuscript 6 : 10 There were those who spoke falsely before Pharaoh and had gods hostile towards the land, therefore, the people cried out for their blood to appease it. But it was not these strange priests who put strife in the land instead of peace, for one was even of the household of Pharaoh and walked among the people unhampered.
出 埃 及 记 12 : 12
Manuscript 6 : 21 即是尊称的,法老的头生与贵族一同在惊吓和坠石中的死亡。王子的孩子给赶到街上,没有被驱遂的在家中活埋。
Manuscript 6 : 21 Even the great one, the first born of Pharaoh, died with the highborn in the midst of the terror and falling stones. The children of princes were cast out into the streets and those who were not cast out died with in their abodes.
摩西带走以色列人之前,神着摩西对他们说,让他们带走埃及的财宝再上路。原来这一点都有被记录在Kolbrin Bible 里。当时,埃及人可能已经被十灾吓坏了,自愿把财宝送给他们的奴隶-以色列人。
出埃及记11 : 1 - 2 耶和华对摩西说:「我再使一样的灾殃临到法老和埃及,然后他必容你们离开这地。他容你们去的时候,总要催逼你们都从这地出去。你要传于百姓的耳中,叫他们男女各人向邻舍要金器银器。」
Manuscript 6 : 23 埃及没有伟人能应付这个时代。人因恐惧而软弱,竟把、银、青金石、绿松石和铜都赠与奴隶。又把酒杯、瓮和饰品送给他们的祭司。
Manuscript 6 : 23 Egypt lacked great men to deal with the times. The people were from fear and bestowed gold, silver, lapis lazuli, turquoise and copper upon the slaves, and to their priests they gave chalices, urns and ornaments.
圣经里提及,摩西带领以色列人出埃及,去到矿野的地方,神让云柱和火柱追随他们。普通人看到这里,通常都会觉得只是一个神话传说,认为这个现像不可能发生。但原来,Kolbrin Bible 亦有记录「火柱」的出现。
出埃及记13 : 22 日间云柱,夜间火柱,总不离开百姓的面前。
Manuscript 6 : 25 燃烧的火焰登上高好处,伴随着渐远的埃及敌人。火如喷泉般地升起,如帷幕挂在天空。
Manuscript 6 : 25 Fire mounted up on high, and its burning left with the enemies of Egypt. It rose up from the ground as a fountain and hung as a curtain in the sky.
Manuscript 6 : 30 法老的军队来到盐海的岸边,找着了奴隶,却遭一团火焰驱散。
Manuscript 6 : 30 The host of Pharaoh came upon the slaves by the saltwater shores, but was held back from them by a breath of fire.
出埃及记14 : 16 你举手向海伸杖,把水分开。以色列人要下海中走干地。
Manuscript 6 : 31 一阵东边吹来的旋风横扫已扎营的军队。大风肆虐了一夜;红色的黎明临近之时,地在震动,海水退去并卷起来。在怪异的沉默和黑暗中,海水分开两道,中间留下一条通道。地各起来,不住颤抖,道路迂回曲折。海水仿如在碗中旋转,海中的地却不受影响。毁灭者的号角发出刺耳的凄厉声。
Manuscript 6 : 31 A whirlwind arose in the East and swept over the encamped hosts. A gale raged all night, and in the red twilit dawn there was a movement of the Earth, the waters receded from the seashore and were rolled back in themselves. There was strange silence and then, in the gloom, it was seen and trembled, the way was not straight or clear. The waters about were as if spin within a bowl, the swampland alone remained undisturbed. From the born of the Destroyer came ahigh shrilling noise which stopped the ears of men.
(注:红海分开这里是合乎科学的?因为当水向着一个方向旋转时,会产生磁场和电力。例如龙卷风可以产生闪电。反之亦然,Planet X 与地球强烈地放电,甚至使海水旋转而分开。这里亦提及有「刺耳的凄厉声」,其实正是指这场强烈的放电现像)
14 : 23 埃及人追赶他们,法老一切的马匹、车辆,和马兵都跟着下到海中。
14 : 26 耶和华对摩西说:「你向海伸杖,叫水仍合在埃及人并他们的车辆、马兵身上。」
14 : 27 摩西就向海伸杖,到了天一亮,海水仍旧复原。埃及人避水逃跑的时候,耶和华把他们推翻在海中,
14 : 28 水就回流,淹没了车辆和马兵。那些跟着以色列人下海法老的全军,连一个也没有剩下。
Manuscript 6 : 37 然后,一声巨大的怒吼打破寂静,从滚动的云柱中,毁灭者的怒气降在众军身上。
Manuscript 6 : 38 澎湃的巨石和海水压倒埃及步兵前的战车,仿佛有一只大能的手把法老的战车扔到空,中滚动的海水再把之击碎。
Manuscript 6 : 37 Then the stillness was broken by a mighty roar, and though the rolling pillars of cloud, the wrath of the Destroyer descended upon the hosts.
Manuscript 6 : 38 The great surge of ro??cks and waters overwhelmed the chariots of the Egyptians who went before the footmen. The chariot of the Pharaoh was hurled into the air as if by a mighty hand and was crushed in the midst of the rolling waters.
Kolbrin Bible 的记载让我们知道,
而当时,地球正被Planet X 影响,而引发一连串的灾难。
圣经中,摩西行使十灾,并带领以色列人出埃及,这对很多人来说都只是个虚构的故事。但是,埃及历史书Kolbrin Bible,却以受害者的角度记录此事。 Kolbrin Bible 的记录,让我们知道这并不是只是个神话.............
Kolbrin Bible 同样记录此事
由于埃及法老不愿让以色列人离开,神为了审判埃及,就让摩西行使著名的十灾。这些灾, Kolbrin Bible 亦有记录,埃及人以受害者的角度记录记录此事。有关这一点,之前的文章已有解释,请留意文章:
当时,摩西向法老说谎,说是带以色列人去献祭,其实是带他们离开埃及。 Kolbrin Bible 的Manuscript 第六章提及,不是祭师(摩西的哥哥亚伦)使地奇怪的现象,而是法老家中的人。
Manuscript 6 : 10 有人向法老说谎话,并使诸神仇视这地,因此,人们喊着要以他们的血来平息诸神的愤怒。然而,不是这些奇怪的祭师使地纷扰,因其中有一个甚至是法老家中的人,在人民前有威望。
Manuscript 6 : 10 There were those who spoke falsely before Pharaoh and had gods hostile towards the land, therefore, the people cried out for their blood to appease it. But it was not these strange priests who put strife in the land instead of peace, for one was even of the household of Pharaoh and walked among the people unhampered.
出 埃 及 记 12 : 12
Manuscript 6 : 21 即是尊称的,法老的头生与贵族一同在惊吓和坠石中的死亡。王子的孩子给赶到街上,没有被驱遂的在家中活埋。
Manuscript 6 : 21 Even the great one, the first born of Pharaoh, died with the highborn in the midst of the terror and falling stones. The children of princes were cast out into the streets and those who were not cast out died with in their abodes.
摩西带走以色列人之前,神着摩西对他们说,让他们带走埃及的财宝再上路。原来这一点都有被记录在Kolbrin Bible 里。当时,埃及人可能已经被十灾吓坏了,自愿把财宝送给他们的奴隶-以色列人。
出埃及记11 : 1 - 2 耶和华对摩西说:「我再使一样的灾殃临到法老和埃及,然后他必容你们离开这地。他容你们去的时候,总要催逼你们都从这地出去。你要传于百姓的耳中,叫他们男女各人向邻舍要金器银器。」
Manuscript 6 : 23 埃及没有伟人能应付这个时代。人因恐惧而软弱,竟把、银、青金石、绿松石和铜都赠与奴隶。又把酒杯、瓮和饰品送给他们的祭司。
Manuscript 6 : 23 Egypt lacked great men to deal with the times. The people were from fear and bestowed gold, silver, lapis lazuli, turquoise and copper upon the slaves, and to their priests they gave chalices, urns and ornaments.
圣经里提及,摩西带领以色列人出埃及,去到矿野的地方,神让云柱和火柱追随他们。普通人看到这里,通常都会觉得只是一个神话传说,认为这个现像不可能发生。但原来,Kolbrin Bible 亦有记录「火柱」的出现。
出埃及记13 : 22 日间云柱,夜间火柱,总不离开百姓的面前。
Manuscript 6 : 25 燃烧的火焰登上高好处,伴随着渐远的埃及敌人。火如喷泉般地升起,如帷幕挂在天空。
Manuscript 6 : 25 Fire mounted up on high, and its burning left with the enemies of Egypt. It rose up from the ground as a fountain and hung as a curtain in the sky.
Manuscript 6 : 30 法老的军队来到盐海的岸边,找着了奴隶,却遭一团火焰驱散。
Manuscript 6 : 30 The host of Pharaoh came upon the slaves by the saltwater shores, but was held back from them by a breath of fire.
出埃及记14 : 16 你举手向海伸杖,把水分开。以色列人要下海中走干地。
Manuscript 6 : 31 一阵东边吹来的旋风横扫已扎营的军队。大风肆虐了一夜;红色的黎明临近之时,地在震动,海水退去并卷起来。在怪异的沉默和黑暗中,海水分开两道,中间留下一条通道。地各起来,不住颤抖,道路迂回曲折。海水仿如在碗中旋转,海中的地却不受影响。毁灭者的号角发出刺耳的凄厉声。
Manuscript 6 : 31 A whirlwind arose in the East and swept over the encamped hosts. A gale raged all night, and in the red twilit dawn there was a movement of the Earth, the waters receded from the seashore and were rolled back in themselves. There was strange silence and then, in the gloom, it was seen and trembled, the way was not straight or clear. The waters about were as if spin within a bowl, the swampland alone remained undisturbed. From the born of the Destroyer came ahigh shrilling noise which stopped the ears of men.
(注:红海分开这里是合乎科学的?因为当水向着一个方向旋转时,会产生磁场和电力。例如龙卷风可以产生闪电。反之亦然,Planet X 与地球强烈地放电,甚至使海水旋转而分开。这里亦提及有「刺耳的凄厉声」,其实正是指这场强烈的放电现像)
14 : 23 埃及人追赶他们,法老一切的马匹、车辆,和马兵都跟着下到海中。
14 : 26 耶和华对摩西说:「你向海伸杖,叫水仍合在埃及人并他们的车辆、马兵身上。」
14 : 27 摩西就向海伸杖,到了天一亮,海水仍旧复原。埃及人避水逃跑的时候,耶和华把他们推翻在海中,
14 : 28 水就回流,淹没了车辆和马兵。那些跟着以色列人下海法老的全军,连一个也没有剩下。
Manuscript 6 : 37 然后,一声巨大的怒吼打破寂静,从滚动的云柱中,毁灭者的怒气降在众军身上。
Manuscript 6 : 38 澎湃的巨石和海水压倒埃及步兵前的战车,仿佛有一只大能的手把法老的战车扔到空,中滚动的海水再把之击碎。
Manuscript 6 : 37 Then the stillness was broken by a mighty roar, and though the rolling pillars of cloud, the wrath of the Destroyer descended upon the hosts.
Manuscript 6 : 38 The great surge of ro??cks and waters overwhelmed the chariots of the Egyptians who went before the footmen. The chariot of the Pharaoh was hurled into the air as if by a mighty hand and was crushed in the midst of the rolling waters.
Kolbrin Bible 的记载让我们知道,
而当时,地球正被Planet X 影响,而引发一连串的灾难。