


1.Which subject is__________,physics or chemistry?

A .interesting B .most interesting C. more interesting D. the most interesting

2.Now the air in our hometown is_____ than it was before.Something must be done.

A .much better B .more worse C .more better D .much worse

3._______the evening of May 3 1,the 2002 FIFA World Cup started in South Korea。

A .On B .At C .0f .In

4.There will be ___________people in this room.

A .1ess B .fewer C .much D .1ittle

5.They want to be teachers_______seven years.

A .in B .after C .before D .ago

6. Will there be_____ pollution in the future?

A .much B .1ess C .fewer D .1ittle

7. I think people will have________ leisure time.

A .much B . more C .many D .more than

8. There_______any paper money in the future.Everyone______a credit card to buy things.

A .will be;won ’t have B.won ’t have;will be C .won ’t be;will have

9. How much does the book__________?

A .worth B .cost C .spend D .take

10. How much did you________for the book?

A. paid B .cost C .pay D. worth

11.Kids will study at home_______computers.

A .in .on C .at D. under

12.In ten years,I_______a reporter.

A .will be B .am C .was D.were

13.1 went to Shanghai last year and_______in love with it.

A .fall B .fell C .will fall D.falling

14.I can't have any pets because my mother________them.

A .hates B .hate C .hated D. hating

15.Predicting the future can be difficult as well as_______.

A .embarrassed B .embarrass C .embarrassing D. being embarrass

1 6.There_______many famous predictions that never came true.

A .was B .were C .will be D.is

17.The book is worth__________________.

A .to read B .reads C .reading D. readed

18.In 100 years,people will live________200 years old.

A .to be B .to C .be D. in

19.I think she will come back_________5 minutes.

A .after B .in C .on D. upon

20.Are you___________your summer vacation next week?

A. going to have B .will have C. had D. have


1.Do you_________(real)say so?

2.We were_________(happy)last night.

3.This summer a group of________(Japan)will come to visit our city.

4.Last night the temperature___________(fall)below zero.

5.Would you like some more__________(potato)?

6.The window was_________(break)by a ball.

7.She_________(feel)that she caught a cold.

8.We stopped________(work)at tea time.

9.She seems very ________worry)about something.

10.Why not_________(go)to ask for his help?


1 )每人都会有信用卡。

Everyone___________ ____________a credit card.

2 )一年后你会在这所学校吗?

Will you________at this school _______a year?

3 )我们队会取得这场比赛的胜利。

Our team will win _______ ___________.

4 )一位中国妇女解释说她为什么喜欢保龄球。

One Chinese woman explained __________ she likes _________ 5 )秋天是我最喜欢的季节。

Autumn is my __________ ________________



1.Which subject is__________,physics or chemistry?

A .interesting B .most interesting C. more interesting D. the most interesting

2.Now the air in our hometown is_____ than it was before.Something must be done.

A .much better B .more worse C .more better D .much worse

3._______the evening of May 3 1,the 2002 FIFA World Cup started in South Korea。

A .On B .At C .0f .In

4.There will be ___________people in this room.

A .1ess B .fewer C .much D .1ittle

5.They want to be teachers_______seven years.

A .in B .after C .before D .ago

6. Will there be_____ pollution in the future?

A .much B .1ess C .fewer D .1ittle

7. I think people will have________ leisure time.

A .much B . more C .many D .more than

8. There_______any paper money in the future.Everyone______a credit card to buy things.

A .will be;won ’t have B.won ’t have;will be C .won ’t be;will have

9. How much does the book__________?

A .worth B .cost C .spend D .take

10. How much did you________for the book?

A. paid B .cost C .pay D. worth

11.Kids will study at home_______computers.

A .in .on C .at D. under

12.In ten years,I_______a reporter.

A .will be B .am C .was D.were

13.1 went to Shanghai last year and_______in love with it.

A .fall B .fell C .will fall D.falling

14.I can't have any pets because my mother________them.

A .hates B .hate C .hated D. hating

15.Predicting the future can be difficult as well as_______.

A .embarrassed B .embarrass C .embarrassing D. being embarrass

1 6.There_______many famous predictions that never came true.

A .was B .were C .will be D.is

17.The book is worth__________________.

A .to read B .reads C .reading D. readed

18.In 100 years,people will live________200 years old.

A .to be B .to C .be D. in

19.I think she will come back_________5 minutes.

A .after B .in C .on D. upon

20.Are you___________your summer vacation next week?

A. going to have B .will have C. had D. have


1.Do you_________(real)say so?

2.We were_________(happy)last night.

3.This summer a group of________(Japan)will come to visit our city.

4.Last night the temperature___________(fall)below zero.

5.Would you like some more__________(potato)?

6.The window was_________(break)by a ball.

7.She_________(feel)that she caught a cold.

8.We stopped________(work)at tea time.

9.She seems very ________worry)about something.

10.Why not_________(go)to ask for his help?


1 )每人都会有信用卡。

Everyone___________ ____________a credit card.

2 )一年后你会在这所学校吗?

Will you________at this school _______a year?

3 )我们队会取得这场比赛的胜利。

Our team will win _______ ___________.

4 )一位中国妇女解释说她为什么喜欢保龄球。

One Chinese woman explained __________ she likes _________ 5 )秋天是我最喜欢的季节。

Autumn is my __________ ________________


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