

豆浆 Soybean milk

烧饼 Clay oven rolls

榨菜肉丝面 Pork, pickled mustard green noodles

油条 Fried bread stick

米粉 Rice noodles

水饺 Boiled dumplings

白饭 Plain white rice

虾球 Shrimp balls

糯米饭 Glutinous rice

春卷 Spring rolls

蛋炒饭 Fried rice with egg

蛋卷 Chicken rolls

刀削面 Sliced noodles

肉丸 Rice-meat dumplings

麻辣面 Spicy hot noodles

火锅 Hot pot

乌龙面 Seafood noodles

卤味 braised food

紫菜汤 Seaweed soup

馒头 steamed buns, steamed bread

牡蛎汤 Oyster soup

饭团 Rice and vegetable roll

蛋花汤 Egg & vegetable soup

皮蛋 100-year egg

鱼丸汤 Fish ball soup

咸鸭蛋 Salted duck egg

臭豆腐 Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu)

稀饭 Rice porridge

油豆腐 Oily bean curd

家常菜 Home style dishes

水煮牛肉 home style boiled beef

水煮鸡肉 home style boiled chicken

水煮鱼片 home style boiled fillets

水煮鳝鱼 home style boiled Eel

宫保鸡丁 Kung Pao chicken

宫保牛肉 Kung Pao Beef

宫保虾仁 Kung Pao shrimps

宫保鱼片 Kung Pao Fish Fillet

鱼香肉丝 Shredded Pork W/Spicy Garlic Sauce

鱼香鸡丝 Shredded Chicken W/Spicy Garlic Sauce

鱼香膳丝 Eel W/Spicy Garlic Sauce

鱼香牛/羊肉 beef/lamp W/Spicy Garlic Sauce

鱼香海带鸡丝 spicy chicken with seaweed

大蒜烧肚条 beef stomach with garlic sauce

川味烧排骨 spicy spareribs

辣子鸡丁 spicy chilli chicken

北京特色小吃“炸酱面”的译法是noodles with fried bean and meat sauce, 也可简单表达为noodles with bean paste。

北京小吃有glutinous rice rolls with sweet bean flour(驴打滚儿)、candied rice fritter of Manchu origin / sachima(萨琪玛)、yellow split peas cake(豌豆黄儿)、sweetened baked wheaten cake(糖火烧)、fermented bean drink(豆汁儿)、以及 stewed liver(炒肝儿)等。


soya-bean milk


Clay oven rolls;

sesame seed cake;

Griddle cooked savoury cake;

baked sesame-seed cake


pickled vegetable noodle with pork slice;

pickles & shredded pork noodles;

Noodles in Soup with Beef and Vegetables;

Hot pickled tuber mustard and pork noodle soup


spicy chilli chicken;

Diced chicken with green pepper;

Stir-fried Chicken with Green Pepper;

spicy diced chicken


fish-flavored chicken;

Shredded Pork With Spicy Garlic Sauce


豆浆 Soybean milk

烧饼 Clay oven rolls

榨菜肉丝面 Pork, pickled mustard green noodles

油条 Fried bread stick

米粉 Rice noodles

水饺 Boiled dumplings

白饭 Plain white rice

虾球 Shrimp balls

糯米饭 Glutinous rice

春卷 Spring rolls

蛋炒饭 Fried rice with egg

蛋卷 Chicken rolls

刀削面 Sliced noodles

肉丸 Rice-meat dumplings

麻辣面 Spicy hot noodles

火锅 Hot pot

乌龙面 Seafood noodles

卤味 braised food

紫菜汤 Seaweed soup

馒头 steamed buns, steamed bread

牡蛎汤 Oyster soup

饭团 Rice and vegetable roll

蛋花汤 Egg & vegetable soup

皮蛋 100-year egg

鱼丸汤 Fish ball soup

咸鸭蛋 Salted duck egg

臭豆腐 Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu)

稀饭 Rice porridge

油豆腐 Oily bean curd

家常菜 Home style dishes

水煮牛肉 home style boiled beef

水煮鸡肉 home style boiled chicken

水煮鱼片 home style boiled fillets

水煮鳝鱼 home style boiled Eel

宫保鸡丁 Kung Pao chicken

宫保牛肉 Kung Pao Beef

宫保虾仁 Kung Pao shrimps

宫保鱼片 Kung Pao Fish Fillet

鱼香肉丝 Shredded Pork W/Spicy Garlic Sauce

鱼香鸡丝 Shredded Chicken W/Spicy Garlic Sauce

鱼香膳丝 Eel W/Spicy Garlic Sauce

鱼香牛/羊肉 beef/lamp W/Spicy Garlic Sauce

鱼香海带鸡丝 spicy chicken with seaweed

大蒜烧肚条 beef stomach with garlic sauce

川味烧排骨 spicy spareribs

辣子鸡丁 spicy chilli chicken

北京特色小吃“炸酱面”的译法是noodles with fried bean and meat sauce, 也可简单表达为noodles with bean paste。

北京小吃有glutinous rice rolls with sweet bean flour(驴打滚儿)、candied rice fritter of Manchu origin / sachima(萨琪玛)、yellow split peas cake(豌豆黄儿)、sweetened baked wheaten cake(糖火烧)、fermented bean drink(豆汁儿)、以及 stewed liver(炒肝儿)等。


soya-bean milk


Clay oven rolls;

sesame seed cake;

Griddle cooked savoury cake;

baked sesame-seed cake


pickled vegetable noodle with pork slice;

pickles & shredded pork noodles;

Noodles in Soup with Beef and Vegetables;

Hot pickled tuber mustard and pork noodle soup


spicy chilli chicken;

Diced chicken with green pepper;

Stir-fried Chicken with Green Pepper;

spicy diced chicken


fish-flavored chicken;

Shredded Pork With Spicy Garlic Sauce


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