

What is he/she wearing? He/She is wearing a pink and white blouse.

他/她穿了什么? 他/她穿了一件粉白相间的上衣。

I like your skirt. Thanks! Is it new? Yes! It was a birthday gift from my mom.

我喜欢你的短裙,谢谢! 它是新吗?是的!它是我妈妈送给我的生日礼物。

Whose hat is this? Is this your hat ? No! It’s not mine. It’s Kim’s hat.

这是谁的帽子?是你的帽子吗? 不,它不是我的, 它是凯米的帽子。

Whose gloves are these? Are these your gloves? This is a pair of shorts.

这是谁的手套?这是你的手套吗? 这是一双鞋。

What day is it? It’s Sunday . We don’t go to school . I like Sundays.

今天星期几? 今天星期日。我不想去学校。我喜欢星期天。

This housecocat is too big! These pyjamas are too small! These new slippers are just right!

这件睡衣太大了。 这件睡衣库太小了。 这双新托鞋正好合适。

Jenny is wearing a dress and a pair of boots. 珍妮穿了一件连衣裙和一双靴子。LiMing is wearing a hat, a scarf, a coat, a pair of pants and a pair of pants and a pair of shoes. 李明戴了一顶帽子,一条围巾,一件外衣,这条裤子和一双鞋子。Danny is wearing a pair of pyjamas and a pair of slippers.丹妮穿了一件睡衣裤和一双托鞋。

Let’s play a game. Let’s make a bedroom. What’s in your bedroom? There is a bed ,a dresser and a TV.


Where is the dresser? 梳装台在哪儿?It’s beside the bed. 它在床的对面。

Where is the picture? It’s above the desk. Where is the dresser? It’s between the bed and the desk.

图画在哪儿? 在桌子的上面。 梳装台在哪儿? 它在床和书桌中间。

Where is the lamp? It’s on the desk. Where is the desk? It’s below the picture.

台灯在哪儿? 它在书桌上。 书桌在哪儿? 它在图画的下面。

Where is the ball ? It’s under the chair. Where is the bed? It’s beside the dresser. I walk home after school. 球在哪儿? 它在椅子的下面。床在哪儿? 它在梳装台的旁边。 放学后我步行回家。

What do you do at home? I watch TV after supper. I play on the computer. I listen to the radio in my bed.

你在家干什么? 晚饭后我看电视。 我玩电脑。 我在床上听收音机。

I talk on the phone with my friends. The teddy bear is in the dresser. I put on my clothes.

我用电话和朊友聊天。 玩具熊在梳装台里。 我穿衣朋。

What do you do in the morning? On Saturday afternoons,I like to play with my friends. We fly kites.

早晨你在干什么? 在星期六的下午,我喜欢和我的朊友们玩,我们放风筝。

Where are you going? I’m going to the library. Is that far from here? No. It’s across from the hospital.

你要去哪儿? 我去图书馆。 离这儿远吗? 不远。它就在医院的对面。

Where is the gym? Go straight down this street and turn left at the traffic lights. I’m lost!

体育馆在哪儿? 沿着这条街直走在交通灯处向左转。 我迷路了。

Is the library far from here? No. It’s just up the stairs! I can show you. Let me help you. Follow me.

图书馆离这儿远吗? 不远,它就在楼上。 我指给你看。 让我帮你吧。 跟我来.

The library is near the school. The library is far from the zoo. What are they doing?

图书馆就在学校附近。 图书馆离动物园很远。

Jenny’s father is driving a car. I have a headache. I want to see a doctor. Do you have a map?

珍妮的爸爸正在开汽车。 我头疼, 我想去看医生。 你有地图吗?

How’s the weather in January?The weather is cold.What do you want to do?I want to go to the park to fly a kite. 一月的天气怎么样? 很冷。 你想去干什么? 我想去公园放风筝。

Where are you going? To the supermarket. May I help you? Yes. I want to buy a pair of shoes.

你要去哪儿? 去超市。 我可以帮你吗?是的,我想买一双鞋。

Where does a businessman work? A businessman works in an office building. What does your mother do?

商人在哪儿工作? 商人在办公楼里工作。 你的妈妈是做什么的? She is a clerk. Let’s go to the cinema to see a film. May I help you? Yes! I want to buy a dress. I’ll show you 她是一名售货员。让我们去电影院看电影吧。 我可以帮你吗?是的,我想买一件连衣裙。我指给你看。

This way, please. What do you want to do? Let’s go shopping. What do you want to buy? I want to buy a book. 这边请。 你想干去什么? 让我们去购物吧。 你想买什么? 我想买一本书。 重点短语:

A pair of(一双或一条) Sunday(星期日) Monday(星期一) Tuesday(星期二) Wednesday(星期三) Thursday(星期四) Friday(星期五)on a Saturday(在星期六)too big(太大了) too small(太小了)just right(正好合适)at home(在家) do one’s homework做家庭作业 walk home(步行回家) above(在…的上面)below(在…的下面)beside(在…的旁边)between(在…的中间)across from(在…的对面)turn right(向右转)turn left(向左转)go straight(直走)go up the stairs(上楼)go down the stairs(下楼)office building(办公楼)apartment building(居民楼)twenty(二十)thirty(三十)red is stop(红灯行) green is go (绿灯行)yellow is wait(黄灯亮了等一等)at traffic lights(在交通灯处)silk shop(丝绸店)clothes shop(朋装店)bicycle shop(自行车店)toy department(玩具专柜)tea department(茶叶专柜 department store(百货商店grocery store(杂货店)in December(在十二月)January(一月)February(二月)march(三月)april(四月)may(五月)june(六月)july(七月)august(八月)September(九月)October(十月)November(十一月)


What is he/she wearing? He/She is wearing a pink and white blouse.

他/她穿了什么? 他/她穿了一件粉白相间的上衣。

I like your skirt. Thanks! Is it new? Yes! It was a birthday gift from my mom.

我喜欢你的短裙,谢谢! 它是新吗?是的!它是我妈妈送给我的生日礼物。

Whose hat is this? Is this your hat ? No! It’s not mine. It’s Kim’s hat.

这是谁的帽子?是你的帽子吗? 不,它不是我的, 它是凯米的帽子。

Whose gloves are these? Are these your gloves? This is a pair of shorts.

这是谁的手套?这是你的手套吗? 这是一双鞋。

What day is it? It’s Sunday . We don’t go to school . I like Sundays.

今天星期几? 今天星期日。我不想去学校。我喜欢星期天。

This housecocat is too big! These pyjamas are too small! These new slippers are just right!

这件睡衣太大了。 这件睡衣库太小了。 这双新托鞋正好合适。

Jenny is wearing a dress and a pair of boots. 珍妮穿了一件连衣裙和一双靴子。LiMing is wearing a hat, a scarf, a coat, a pair of pants and a pair of pants and a pair of shoes. 李明戴了一顶帽子,一条围巾,一件外衣,这条裤子和一双鞋子。Danny is wearing a pair of pyjamas and a pair of slippers.丹妮穿了一件睡衣裤和一双托鞋。

Let’s play a game. Let’s make a bedroom. What’s in your bedroom? There is a bed ,a dresser and a TV.


Where is the dresser? 梳装台在哪儿?It’s beside the bed. 它在床的对面。

Where is the picture? It’s above the desk. Where is the dresser? It’s between the bed and the desk.

图画在哪儿? 在桌子的上面。 梳装台在哪儿? 它在床和书桌中间。

Where is the lamp? It’s on the desk. Where is the desk? It’s below the picture.

台灯在哪儿? 它在书桌上。 书桌在哪儿? 它在图画的下面。

Where is the ball ? It’s under the chair. Where is the bed? It’s beside the dresser. I walk home after school. 球在哪儿? 它在椅子的下面。床在哪儿? 它在梳装台的旁边。 放学后我步行回家。

What do you do at home? I watch TV after supper. I play on the computer. I listen to the radio in my bed.

你在家干什么? 晚饭后我看电视。 我玩电脑。 我在床上听收音机。

I talk on the phone with my friends. The teddy bear is in the dresser. I put on my clothes.

我用电话和朊友聊天。 玩具熊在梳装台里。 我穿衣朋。

What do you do in the morning? On Saturday afternoons,I like to play with my friends. We fly kites.

早晨你在干什么? 在星期六的下午,我喜欢和我的朊友们玩,我们放风筝。

Where are you going? I’m going to the library. Is that far from here? No. It’s across from the hospital.

你要去哪儿? 我去图书馆。 离这儿远吗? 不远。它就在医院的对面。

Where is the gym? Go straight down this street and turn left at the traffic lights. I’m lost!

体育馆在哪儿? 沿着这条街直走在交通灯处向左转。 我迷路了。

Is the library far from here? No. It’s just up the stairs! I can show you. Let me help you. Follow me.

图书馆离这儿远吗? 不远,它就在楼上。 我指给你看。 让我帮你吧。 跟我来.

The library is near the school. The library is far from the zoo. What are they doing?

图书馆就在学校附近。 图书馆离动物园很远。

Jenny’s father is driving a car. I have a headache. I want to see a doctor. Do you have a map?

珍妮的爸爸正在开汽车。 我头疼, 我想去看医生。 你有地图吗?

How’s the weather in January?The weather is cold.What do you want to do?I want to go to the park to fly a kite. 一月的天气怎么样? 很冷。 你想去干什么? 我想去公园放风筝。

Where are you going? To the supermarket. May I help you? Yes. I want to buy a pair of shoes.

你要去哪儿? 去超市。 我可以帮你吗?是的,我想买一双鞋。

Where does a businessman work? A businessman works in an office building. What does your mother do?

商人在哪儿工作? 商人在办公楼里工作。 你的妈妈是做什么的? She is a clerk. Let’s go to the cinema to see a film. May I help you? Yes! I want to buy a dress. I’ll show you 她是一名售货员。让我们去电影院看电影吧。 我可以帮你吗?是的,我想买一件连衣裙。我指给你看。

This way, please. What do you want to do? Let’s go shopping. What do you want to buy? I want to buy a book. 这边请。 你想干去什么? 让我们去购物吧。 你想买什么? 我想买一本书。 重点短语:

A pair of(一双或一条) Sunday(星期日) Monday(星期一) Tuesday(星期二) Wednesday(星期三) Thursday(星期四) Friday(星期五)on a Saturday(在星期六)too big(太大了) too small(太小了)just right(正好合适)at home(在家) do one’s homework做家庭作业 walk home(步行回家) above(在…的上面)below(在…的下面)beside(在…的旁边)between(在…的中间)across from(在…的对面)turn right(向右转)turn left(向左转)go straight(直走)go up the stairs(上楼)go down the stairs(下楼)office building(办公楼)apartment building(居民楼)twenty(二十)thirty(三十)red is stop(红灯行) green is go (绿灯行)yellow is wait(黄灯亮了等一等)at traffic lights(在交通灯处)silk shop(丝绸店)clothes shop(朋装店)bicycle shop(自行车店)toy department(玩具专柜)tea department(茶叶专柜 department store(百货商店grocery store(杂货店)in December(在十二月)January(一月)February(二月)march(三月)april(四月)may(五月)june(六月)july(七月)august(八月)September(九月)October(十月)November(十一月)


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