
1. 少林寺


Shao Lin Temple is situated at the western foot of Songshan Mountain, 12 kilometers northwest to Dengfeng City, Henan Province. Against the backdrop of Wuru Peak of Shaoshi Mountain, it is surrounded with forests and hills as its natural defense. The “Shao” in “Shaolinsi” refers to “Shaoshi Mountain”; “lin” means

2. 龙门石窟

龙门石窟位于洛阳市区南面12公里处,是与大同云岗石窟、敦煌千佛洞石窟齐名的我国三大石窟之一。龙门是一个风景秀丽的地方,这里有东、西两座青山对峙,伊水缓缓北流。远远望去,犹如一座天然门阙,所以古称“伊阙”。 龙门石窟开凿于魏孝文帝迁都洛阳之际(公元493年),之后历经东魏、西魏、北齐、隋、唐、五代、宋等朝代400余年的营造,其中北魏和唐代大规模营建有140多年,从而形成了南北长达1公里、具有2300余座窟龛、10万余尊造像、2800余块碑刻题记的石窟遗存。在龙门的所有洞窟中,北魏洞窟约占30%,唐代占60%,其他朝代仅占10%。龙门石窟中最大的佛像卢舍那大佛,通高17.14米,头高4米,耳长1.9米;最小的佛像在莲花洞中,每个只有2厘米。

The Longmen Grottoes are located 12 kilometres south of present day Luoyang in Henan province. Along with the Mogao Caves (in Gansu Province) and Yungang Grottoes (in Shanxi Province), the Longmen Grottoes are one of the three most famous ancient sculptural sites in China. The Yi River flows northward between Xiangshan and Longmenshan mountains. The area used to be called Yique because it resembles a natural gate of the Yi River seen from a distance. The construction of the Longmen Grottoes began in 493 when the reign of Emperor Xiaowen relocated their

capital at Luoyang and continued through the successive seven dynasties, including Tang and Song, for a span of over 400 years. There are as many as 100,000 statues within the caves. The area also contains nearly 2,300 niches, 2,800 stelae and inscriptions. The biggest statue in Longmen Grottoes is 17.14 meters high, the height of its head is 4 meters and its ears are 1.9 meters long. The smallest ones is in The Lotus Cave, some is as short as 2 centimeters. Situated in a scenic natural environment, the caves were dug from a 1 kilometre stretch of cliff running along both banks of the river. 30% date from the Northern Wei Dynasty and 60% from the Tang, caves from other periods accounting for only 10% of the total.


Longmen Grottoes are artistic expressions of Buddha culture, it also reflects the then politics, economy and culture. Numerous materials about religion, art, construction, calligraphy, music, dress and medicine are reserved in the caves, making great contributions to the development of the art of grottoes. In 2000 the site was inscribed upon the UNESCO World Heritage List as “an outstanding manifestation of human artistic creativity,” for its perfection of an art form, and for its encapsulation of the cultural sophistication of China from Northern Wei Dynasty to Tang Dynasty (493- 907).

3. 白马寺


White Horse Temple, 10 kilometers east of Luoyang, Henan Province, is the first Buddhist temple in China and the first temple built since Buddhism spread to China in the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD). It was established in 68 AD under the patronage of Emperor Ming in the Eastern Han capital Luoyang,dating back to 2000 years ago.


According to historical records, Emperor Ming of the Eastern Han Dynasty

dreamed of a golden man flying above the courtyard. After he woke up, the emperor sent Cai Yin and Qin Jing as envoys to western regions to invite Buddha and learn Buddhism. The two envoys underwent much hardship and met two eminent Indian dignitaries Kāśyapamātanga and Dharmaratna on the way. Cai Yin and Qin Jing came back to Luoyang City with the two monks, and a white horse carrying the sutras. Emperor Ming ordered the construction of the temple. The White Horse Temple was built after the style of Indian temples. In order to memorize the white horse for its carrying back of the sutras, the temple was named the White Horse Temple.


The White Horse Temple has undergone many repairs and renovations in all previous dynasties. The present temple was restored during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), with an area of 34,000 square meters. Facing south, the main buildings of the temple stand on or along the central axis, including the Temple Gate, the Heavenly King Hall, the Great Buddha Hall, the Main Hall, the Jieyin Hall, and the Pilu Pavilion, etc. A pair of stone horses stands on the two wings in front of the outer wall, they are the same size as live horses and look gentle and kind. Carved in Song Dynasty, they are outstanding works of stone inscription. Visiting, White Horse Temple, visitors can not only appreciate the grand and solemn halls and vivid Buddha statues, but enjoy the historical stories about them. 4. 北宋皇陵


Located southwest of Gongyi city, Henan province, the large tombs of the Northern Song Dynasty number about one thousand, including individual tombs for Song emperors, empresses, princes, princesses, consorts, and members of the extended family. The construction of the complex began in 963 AD, during the reign of the first Song ruler, Emperor Taizu of Song, covering an area of 25 square kilometers. The only Northern Song emperors not buried there are Emperor Huizong of Song and Emperor Qinzong of Song, who died in captivity after the Jurchen

invasion of northern China in 1127. The complex is a series of grand and magnificent imperial tombs, which can be called open-air art museum. They are precious materials for studying the laws, regulations and stone inscription of Song Dynasty.

5. 清明上河园


Qingming Grand-River Park is located in the northwest of Kaifeng City, Henan Province. Longting scenic spot is to the east. It is the key auxiliary projects of tourism along Yellow River, covering an area of about 340,000 square meters. Taking the picture Qingming Grand-River Scene of Zhang Zeduan in Song Dynasty as the chief source, the theme of the Park is civil culture, folk customs, royal garden and ancient entertainment. It is characterized by the participation of visitors.

The Park is a grand amusement park of folk customs of Song Dynasty that tries to reproduce the landscape in the picture. It also successfully presents the world famous bustling ancient capital Bianjing. Qingming Grand-River Park is the national AAAAA tourist scenic spot.

1. 少林寺


Shao Lin Temple is situated at the western foot of Songshan Mountain, 12 kilometers northwest to Dengfeng City, Henan Province. Against the backdrop of Wuru Peak of Shaoshi Mountain, it is surrounded with forests and hills as its natural defense. The “Shao” in “Shaolinsi” refers to “Shaoshi Mountain”; “lin” means

2. 龙门石窟

龙门石窟位于洛阳市区南面12公里处,是与大同云岗石窟、敦煌千佛洞石窟齐名的我国三大石窟之一。龙门是一个风景秀丽的地方,这里有东、西两座青山对峙,伊水缓缓北流。远远望去,犹如一座天然门阙,所以古称“伊阙”。 龙门石窟开凿于魏孝文帝迁都洛阳之际(公元493年),之后历经东魏、西魏、北齐、隋、唐、五代、宋等朝代400余年的营造,其中北魏和唐代大规模营建有140多年,从而形成了南北长达1公里、具有2300余座窟龛、10万余尊造像、2800余块碑刻题记的石窟遗存。在龙门的所有洞窟中,北魏洞窟约占30%,唐代占60%,其他朝代仅占10%。龙门石窟中最大的佛像卢舍那大佛,通高17.14米,头高4米,耳长1.9米;最小的佛像在莲花洞中,每个只有2厘米。

The Longmen Grottoes are located 12 kilometres south of present day Luoyang in Henan province. Along with the Mogao Caves (in Gansu Province) and Yungang Grottoes (in Shanxi Province), the Longmen Grottoes are one of the three most famous ancient sculptural sites in China. The Yi River flows northward between Xiangshan and Longmenshan mountains. The area used to be called Yique because it resembles a natural gate of the Yi River seen from a distance. The construction of the Longmen Grottoes began in 493 when the reign of Emperor Xiaowen relocated their

capital at Luoyang and continued through the successive seven dynasties, including Tang and Song, for a span of over 400 years. There are as many as 100,000 statues within the caves. The area also contains nearly 2,300 niches, 2,800 stelae and inscriptions. The biggest statue in Longmen Grottoes is 17.14 meters high, the height of its head is 4 meters and its ears are 1.9 meters long. The smallest ones is in The Lotus Cave, some is as short as 2 centimeters. Situated in a scenic natural environment, the caves were dug from a 1 kilometre stretch of cliff running along both banks of the river. 30% date from the Northern Wei Dynasty and 60% from the Tang, caves from other periods accounting for only 10% of the total.


Longmen Grottoes are artistic expressions of Buddha culture, it also reflects the then politics, economy and culture. Numerous materials about religion, art, construction, calligraphy, music, dress and medicine are reserved in the caves, making great contributions to the development of the art of grottoes. In 2000 the site was inscribed upon the UNESCO World Heritage List as “an outstanding manifestation of human artistic creativity,” for its perfection of an art form, and for its encapsulation of the cultural sophistication of China from Northern Wei Dynasty to Tang Dynasty (493- 907).

3. 白马寺


White Horse Temple, 10 kilometers east of Luoyang, Henan Province, is the first Buddhist temple in China and the first temple built since Buddhism spread to China in the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD). It was established in 68 AD under the patronage of Emperor Ming in the Eastern Han capital Luoyang,dating back to 2000 years ago.


According to historical records, Emperor Ming of the Eastern Han Dynasty

dreamed of a golden man flying above the courtyard. After he woke up, the emperor sent Cai Yin and Qin Jing as envoys to western regions to invite Buddha and learn Buddhism. The two envoys underwent much hardship and met two eminent Indian dignitaries Kāśyapamātanga and Dharmaratna on the way. Cai Yin and Qin Jing came back to Luoyang City with the two monks, and a white horse carrying the sutras. Emperor Ming ordered the construction of the temple. The White Horse Temple was built after the style of Indian temples. In order to memorize the white horse for its carrying back of the sutras, the temple was named the White Horse Temple.


The White Horse Temple has undergone many repairs and renovations in all previous dynasties. The present temple was restored during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), with an area of 34,000 square meters. Facing south, the main buildings of the temple stand on or along the central axis, including the Temple Gate, the Heavenly King Hall, the Great Buddha Hall, the Main Hall, the Jieyin Hall, and the Pilu Pavilion, etc. A pair of stone horses stands on the two wings in front of the outer wall, they are the same size as live horses and look gentle and kind. Carved in Song Dynasty, they are outstanding works of stone inscription. Visiting, White Horse Temple, visitors can not only appreciate the grand and solemn halls and vivid Buddha statues, but enjoy the historical stories about them. 4. 北宋皇陵


Located southwest of Gongyi city, Henan province, the large tombs of the Northern Song Dynasty number about one thousand, including individual tombs for Song emperors, empresses, princes, princesses, consorts, and members of the extended family. The construction of the complex began in 963 AD, during the reign of the first Song ruler, Emperor Taizu of Song, covering an area of 25 square kilometers. The only Northern Song emperors not buried there are Emperor Huizong of Song and Emperor Qinzong of Song, who died in captivity after the Jurchen

invasion of northern China in 1127. The complex is a series of grand and magnificent imperial tombs, which can be called open-air art museum. They are precious materials for studying the laws, regulations and stone inscription of Song Dynasty.

5. 清明上河园


Qingming Grand-River Park is located in the northwest of Kaifeng City, Henan Province. Longting scenic spot is to the east. It is the key auxiliary projects of tourism along Yellow River, covering an area of about 340,000 square meters. Taking the picture Qingming Grand-River Scene of Zhang Zeduan in Song Dynasty as the chief source, the theme of the Park is civil culture, folk customs, royal garden and ancient entertainment. It is characterized by the participation of visitors.

The Park is a grand amusement park of folk customs of Song Dynasty that tries to reproduce the landscape in the picture. It also successfully presents the world famous bustling ancient capital Bianjing. Qingming Grand-River Park is the national AAAAA tourist scenic spot.


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