




Foshan Qifeng Textile Co. Ltd. is a textile enterprise which engages in textiles’ R&D, production and sales. Our company has more than 30 years’ experience in R&D and production of trousers’ fabrics. From pure chemical fiber fabric in the 1980s; gabardine fabric, wool-like fabric, low wool content fabric in the 1990s; to leisure fabric, Denim fabric in the 2000s, our company always walks in the forefront of development of trousers’ fabrics.



Our company has a professional R&D team that has long-term experience in domestic market and international market, has unique advantages for development of trousers’ fabrics. The trousers ’ fabrics are made of high-quality

natural raw materials including cotton, linen, silk, wool, etc.; and added a variety of high-tech new material including tencel fiber, regenerated cellulose fiber, moisture wicking fiber, thermal fiber and other latest products of textile raw materials. Designs of the fabrics keep pace with market trends. We capture in a timely manner the popular elements which are reflected by using new materials comprehensively, and use them in designs of new products fully. The fabrics of each season have various types and new styles.




Our company uses the most advanced textile equipment and production workshop in the world, has professional personnel of production management. Quality of fabrics is at the leading level in the same industry.

Our company adheres to the quality guidelines of “technological innovation, standardized management, excellence quality, reputation-based ” to operate with integrity; and imported ISO9001 quality management system to further strengthen our quality level. We hope our products will provide a good development platform for you.

生产设备Production Equipment



Our production equipment is using the world ’s most advanced Picanol rapier loom of model OPTIMAX which was imported from Belgium as basic equipment . Its better automated performance, more stable quality and lower energy consumption lead to more perfect product quality.


过程中很难避免的飞尘现象,从而使布面的效果更干净,并且通过自身的空调系统同时使生产车间保持常年恒温恒湿,有效的提高了布料的布面品质。 Our air circulation system which was produced by Swedish Lowa Company controls effectively the fly ash phenomenon which is difficult to avoid in the production process. Thus, it makes surface effect of the fabrics cleaner. And its air-conditioning system maintains year-round constant temperature and humidity in the production workshops to improve the surface quality of the fabrics effectively.

质量监控 Quality Control




We know that high-quality products require not only first-class mechanical equipments but also scientific management method and strict monitoring system, so we monitor the quality of products strictly in accordance with the ISO9001 quality management system during the production process, each of the production processes is subject to strict quality inspection, each bolt of cloth produced by our company can be traced to each production link.

环境 Environment



After spending a large sum of money, our company installed itinerant dust absorption equipment, installed air-pumping system under the machines. The itinerant dust absorption equipment and the air-pumping system will collect in a timely manner the cotton dust generated in the process of production for unified disposal. Thus, the flying dust in the environment of production is controlled effectively, and it is able to avoid expelling the flying dust from plant. Environment of production is improved and surroundings environment of plant is protected effectively.

企业文化 Enterprise Culture



Our company will always implement the concept of “technological innovation, standardized management, excellence quality, reputation-based ” to our daily production activities and operating activities. Our company has often organized employees of various departments to carry out relevant training. In order to improve our daily management activities and production activities, we improve our employees’ professional skills and make our managerial cadres master more scientific and humane management skills through importing ISO9001:2000 quality management system and through systematic training. We are sure to create a harmonious order of production and a harmonious atmosphere in the textile industry which requires a high degree of coordination of various departments. We should not only have strict control of process, but also have reasonable arrangements for management, intimate logistic support, efficient management, high quality products, and a harmonious and pleasant working atmosphere which we have been pursuing.

产品研发展示 Product R&D



Our products are mostly trousers’ fabrics of men and women. Leisure fabrics are fashionable, dress fabrics are elegant. In order to meet the different needs of various customers, our trousers ’ fabrics launch a number of series of new products twice a year for the spring-summer and autumn-winter seasons according to international and domestic market trends. At the same time, we will launch one-on-one R&D and produce proprietary varieties for customers

according to the special requirements of different customers to meet the personalized fashion requirements of modern clothing.

销售网络 Sales Network


Our products are sold throughout the country: Fujian, Hebei, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Zhejiang, Liaoning, Beijing, Yunnan, Hunan, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Shandong, and the surrounding Pearl River delta area of Guangdong province, etc. Our products are also favored by foreign customers, and

exported to India, Turkey, Europe and Russia, etc.





Foshan Qifeng Textile Co. Ltd. is a textile enterprise which engages in textiles’ R&D, production and sales. Our company has more than 30 years’ experience in R&D and production of trousers’ fabrics. From pure chemical fiber fabric in the 1980s; gabardine fabric, wool-like fabric, low wool content fabric in the 1990s; to leisure fabric, Denim fabric in the 2000s, our company always walks in the forefront of development of trousers’ fabrics.



Our company has a professional R&D team that has long-term experience in domestic market and international market, has unique advantages for development of trousers’ fabrics. The trousers ’ fabrics are made of high-quality

natural raw materials including cotton, linen, silk, wool, etc.; and added a variety of high-tech new material including tencel fiber, regenerated cellulose fiber, moisture wicking fiber, thermal fiber and other latest products of textile raw materials. Designs of the fabrics keep pace with market trends. We capture in a timely manner the popular elements which are reflected by using new materials comprehensively, and use them in designs of new products fully. The fabrics of each season have various types and new styles.




Our company uses the most advanced textile equipment and production workshop in the world, has professional personnel of production management. Quality of fabrics is at the leading level in the same industry.

Our company adheres to the quality guidelines of “technological innovation, standardized management, excellence quality, reputation-based ” to operate with integrity; and imported ISO9001 quality management system to further strengthen our quality level. We hope our products will provide a good development platform for you.

生产设备Production Equipment



Our production equipment is using the world ’s most advanced Picanol rapier loom of model OPTIMAX which was imported from Belgium as basic equipment . Its better automated performance, more stable quality and lower energy consumption lead to more perfect product quality.


过程中很难避免的飞尘现象,从而使布面的效果更干净,并且通过自身的空调系统同时使生产车间保持常年恒温恒湿,有效的提高了布料的布面品质。 Our air circulation system which was produced by Swedish Lowa Company controls effectively the fly ash phenomenon which is difficult to avoid in the production process. Thus, it makes surface effect of the fabrics cleaner. And its air-conditioning system maintains year-round constant temperature and humidity in the production workshops to improve the surface quality of the fabrics effectively.

质量监控 Quality Control




We know that high-quality products require not only first-class mechanical equipments but also scientific management method and strict monitoring system, so we monitor the quality of products strictly in accordance with the ISO9001 quality management system during the production process, each of the production processes is subject to strict quality inspection, each bolt of cloth produced by our company can be traced to each production link.

环境 Environment



After spending a large sum of money, our company installed itinerant dust absorption equipment, installed air-pumping system under the machines. The itinerant dust absorption equipment and the air-pumping system will collect in a timely manner the cotton dust generated in the process of production for unified disposal. Thus, the flying dust in the environment of production is controlled effectively, and it is able to avoid expelling the flying dust from plant. Environment of production is improved and surroundings environment of plant is protected effectively.

企业文化 Enterprise Culture



Our company will always implement the concept of “technological innovation, standardized management, excellence quality, reputation-based ” to our daily production activities and operating activities. Our company has often organized employees of various departments to carry out relevant training. In order to improve our daily management activities and production activities, we improve our employees’ professional skills and make our managerial cadres master more scientific and humane management skills through importing ISO9001:2000 quality management system and through systematic training. We are sure to create a harmonious order of production and a harmonious atmosphere in the textile industry which requires a high degree of coordination of various departments. We should not only have strict control of process, but also have reasonable arrangements for management, intimate logistic support, efficient management, high quality products, and a harmonious and pleasant working atmosphere which we have been pursuing.

产品研发展示 Product R&D



Our products are mostly trousers’ fabrics of men and women. Leisure fabrics are fashionable, dress fabrics are elegant. In order to meet the different needs of various customers, our trousers ’ fabrics launch a number of series of new products twice a year for the spring-summer and autumn-winter seasons according to international and domestic market trends. At the same time, we will launch one-on-one R&D and produce proprietary varieties for customers

according to the special requirements of different customers to meet the personalized fashion requirements of modern clothing.

销售网络 Sales Network


Our products are sold throughout the country: Fujian, Hebei, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Zhejiang, Liaoning, Beijing, Yunnan, Hunan, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Shandong, and the surrounding Pearl River delta area of Guangdong province, etc. Our products are also favored by foreign customers, and

exported to India, Turkey, Europe and Russia, etc.


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