龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
医院的企业文化体系内涵与核心能力培育 作者:江庆娥 张彩江
摘要: 医院文化(Hospital Culture Management, HC)和医院文化管理(Hospital Culture Management , HCM )是医院管理的重要组成部分。医院文化可以分为显性文化和隐性文化二类,前者指管理规章制度体系,后者指企业的价值观、道德伦理和经营宗旨等方面,两者互为促进。为开展好医院文化建设管理,笔者给出了5个方面的建议,这些都是基于笔者长期实践的认知。
Abstract: Hospital Culture Management (HC ) and Hospital Culture Management (HCM ) are important parts of modern hospital management. In this paper, the content of HC is discussed firstly and it is classified into two parts: manifested part and implicit part. The former is consist of the management rules while the later includes such as the values, ethics, management ideas, purpose , objectives etc., and these two parts impact each other. Then this article gives out a detail analysis of the two parts. Finally five aspects of how to set up the management culture in a hospital is suggested.
关键词:医院文化(Hospital Culture,HC );医院文化管理(Hospital Culture Management ,HCM );显性文化(Value Management, VM);系隐性文化(System Methodology ,SM )
Key words: Hospital Culture Management (HC );Hospital Culture Management (HCM );Manifested Culture;Implicit Culture
中图分类号:F272.0;R197.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2014)29-0001-03 0 引言
随着医改政策的全面推行和医疗领域的市场化推进,医院管理的改革和现代化管理的推行势在必行。这其中,医院文化(Hospital Culture Management, HC)和医院文化管理(Hospital Culture Management, HCM)是其中的重要组成部分。医院管理现代化离不开医院文化和管理,这已经在学术及实践领域取得共识(陈绍福,徐宝瑞,2002)。何为医院文化?医院文化的内涵包含哪些?医院文化的体系是什么?医院文化对医院开展现代化管理和创新能起到怎样的作用?又如何开展医院文化的管理?从已发表的文献来看,我国学者尤其是来自医疗机构的学者探讨得比较多,如对医院文化开展了定义(杨青,1995;任文杰,2005;沈翔慧,
龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
医院的企业文化体系内涵与核心能力培育 作者:江庆娥 张彩江
摘要: 医院文化(Hospital Culture Management, HC)和医院文化管理(Hospital Culture Management , HCM )是医院管理的重要组成部分。医院文化可以分为显性文化和隐性文化二类,前者指管理规章制度体系,后者指企业的价值观、道德伦理和经营宗旨等方面,两者互为促进。为开展好医院文化建设管理,笔者给出了5个方面的建议,这些都是基于笔者长期实践的认知。
Abstract: Hospital Culture Management (HC ) and Hospital Culture Management (HCM ) are important parts of modern hospital management. In this paper, the content of HC is discussed firstly and it is classified into two parts: manifested part and implicit part. The former is consist of the management rules while the later includes such as the values, ethics, management ideas, purpose , objectives etc., and these two parts impact each other. Then this article gives out a detail analysis of the two parts. Finally five aspects of how to set up the management culture in a hospital is suggested.
关键词:医院文化(Hospital Culture,HC );医院文化管理(Hospital Culture Management ,HCM );显性文化(Value Management, VM);系隐性文化(System Methodology ,SM )
Key words: Hospital Culture Management (HC );Hospital Culture Management (HCM );Manifested Culture;Implicit Culture
中图分类号:F272.0;R197.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2014)29-0001-03 0 引言
随着医改政策的全面推行和医疗领域的市场化推进,医院管理的改革和现代化管理的推行势在必行。这其中,医院文化(Hospital Culture Management, HC)和医院文化管理(Hospital Culture Management, HCM)是其中的重要组成部分。医院管理现代化离不开医院文化和管理,这已经在学术及实践领域取得共识(陈绍福,徐宝瑞,2002)。何为医院文化?医院文化的内涵包含哪些?医院文化的体系是什么?医院文化对医院开展现代化管理和创新能起到怎样的作用?又如何开展医院文化的管理?从已发表的文献来看,我国学者尤其是来自医疗机构的学者探讨得比较多,如对医院文化开展了定义(杨青,1995;任文杰,2005;沈翔慧,