

一.短语互译。1.去海滩 2.拍照 3.去动物园 4. 午饭

后 5.玩的开心 6.看一场海豚表演

7.听起来有趣 8.上课 9.开车兜风 10.睡过头

11.在雨中 14.win the first

15.take 16.yard 17.go

camping 18.get wet 19.at the end of 20.in the future

21.take the bus back to 23.

二.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。to watch a 野营开心 24.一天的假期 25.在我的下一个休息日 dolphin show? 2.It’s very lucky for you to get Yao Ming’. 3.Her parents bought

out with my friend on weekends.

5.He win first in my the contest. 6.What do you want to see? 7.They met a f a great time. 9.Kids like o activities very much 10.The weather was too bad,it r all day and all night. 11.Take your , it’ sale.

14.We didn’ .

bought some souvenirs at the gift shop. 18.Children always have great fun v Disneyland Park. 19.T for your help,I have improved my English. 20.—? —Sorry,I just feel like going out for a walk. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Tina a hat.(win)

2.I my friend on my way home yesterday.(meet) 3. you any photos in the park?(take) 4.That boy some ice cream just now.(eat) 5.The students an

interesting school trip last mouth.(have) 6.Did you have fun (camp). 7.She (did not) her homework last night. 8.We enjoy the Great Wall last summer.(visit)

9.Tom (go) to school by bus every day. 10.These girls (dance) under the tree now. 11.My mother (get) up early this morning. 12.Good (luckily) to you.

13.Did you win (two) prize in (yesterday) singing competition.

14.Jenny (read) a lot of books last year 15.Did you go (boat) on the lake yesterday. 16.No one (come) the sale because the weather was bad. 17.Going camping in the rain (sound) interesting. 18.Joe (put) on his coat and went out.

19.The weather was (real) beautiful. 20.He did (well) in skating than before.

四.句型转换。1.The students took the bus back to school after lunch.(改同义句) After lunch the students back to school bus. 2.The boys in Grade Six had a great time at the zoo. (改同义句) The boys in Grade Six at the zoo. 3.What else do you need for dinner? (改同义句) do you need for dinner? 4.Let’s go for a swim next Sunday. (改同义句) Let’s next Sunday. 7.Her mother did housework last night. (变成否定句) Her housework last night. 8 .All of them got his autograph. (变成否定句) them got his autograph.9.Mary is taller than any other student in her team. (改同义句) Mary is student in her team. 10 What’s the weather like today? (改同义句) ,Lily went to the aquriam,too.(合并为一句) Lucy Lily to the aquriam.


一.短语互译。1.去海滩 2.拍照 3.去动物园 4. 午饭

后 5.玩的开心 6.看一场海豚表演

7.听起来有趣 8.上课 9.开车兜风 10.睡过头

11.在雨中 14.win the first

15.take 16.yard 17.go

camping 18.get wet 19.at the end of 20.in the future

21.take the bus back to 23.

二.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。to watch a 野营开心 24.一天的假期 25.在我的下一个休息日 dolphin show? 2.It’s very lucky for you to get Yao Ming’. 3.Her parents bought

out with my friend on weekends.

5.He win first in my the contest. 6.What do you want to see? 7.They met a f a great time. 9.Kids like o activities very much 10.The weather was too bad,it r all day and all night. 11.Take your , it’ sale.

14.We didn’ .

bought some souvenirs at the gift shop. 18.Children always have great fun v Disneyland Park. 19.T for your help,I have improved my English. 20.—? —Sorry,I just feel like going out for a walk. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Tina a hat.(win)

2.I my friend on my way home yesterday.(meet) 3. you any photos in the park?(take) 4.That boy some ice cream just now.(eat) 5.The students an

interesting school trip last mouth.(have) 6.Did you have fun (camp). 7.She (did not) her homework last night. 8.We enjoy the Great Wall last summer.(visit)

9.Tom (go) to school by bus every day. 10.These girls (dance) under the tree now. 11.My mother (get) up early this morning. 12.Good (luckily) to you.

13.Did you win (two) prize in (yesterday) singing competition.

14.Jenny (read) a lot of books last year 15.Did you go (boat) on the lake yesterday. 16.No one (come) the sale because the weather was bad. 17.Going camping in the rain (sound) interesting. 18.Joe (put) on his coat and went out.

19.The weather was (real) beautiful. 20.He did (well) in skating than before.

四.句型转换。1.The students took the bus back to school after lunch.(改同义句) After lunch the students back to school bus. 2.The boys in Grade Six had a great time at the zoo. (改同义句) The boys in Grade Six at the zoo. 3.What else do you need for dinner? (改同义句) do you need for dinner? 4.Let’s go for a swim next Sunday. (改同义句) Let’s next Sunday. 7.Her mother did housework last night. (变成否定句) Her housework last night. 8 .All of them got his autograph. (变成否定句) them got his autograph.9.Mary is taller than any other student in her team. (改同义句) Mary is student in her team. 10 What’s the weather like today? (改同义句) ,Lily went to the aquriam,too.(合并为一句) Lucy Lily to the aquriam.


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