


The Lantern Festival

There are a lot of traditional festivals in China , among them , the Lantern Festival(元宵节)is a very special one . 2. It is special because 1. it lays on the 15th

And , almost all the Chinese people will eat a very special food — tangyuan . It is sweet , and many people like it .

Do you know how to make tangyuan ? We need :

1 ) glutinous rice flour and water

2 ) filling (馅料): sesame , red bean paste , and Chinese date paste

Steps :

1 ) First , add water into the glutinous rice flour and make a dough (面团). 2 ) Next , cut the dough into small pieces and flatten them .

3 ) Then , put a bit of the filling on a piece of dough and close it up .

4 ) After that , make the whole thing into a ball .

5 ) When you finish all the tangyuan balls , cook them in boiling water .


1. When does the Lantern Festival always lay on ?


2. Why is the Lantern Festival very special ?

英语阅读小练习(一)参考答案 - 1 -

3. What do Chinese people often do on the Lantern Festival ?

4 . What is “ tangyuan ” ?


Healthy Foods and Unhealthy Foods

A well-known saying goes “ You are what you eat . ” . It really means that if You eat good foods , you will be healthy . If you eat bad foods , like French fries , you certainly will not be healthy and fit . Which foods are good for you ?

You should start with fresh foods . You should eat more vegetables like carrots , broccoli , celery , and other healthy fresh foods .

Bad foods will not make you sick , but you should not eat too much . 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

( A & B )1. Which of the following foods will do you good ?(选两项)

A. Vegetables . B. Grains . C. Candies . D. Burgers . ( B & C )2. Which of the following foods will do you harm ?(选两项)

A. Vegetables . B. French fires . C. Coke . D. Burgers . ( A & D & E )3. Which of the following foods are good for you ?(可多选)

A. Apples .

D. Pears .

英语阅读小练习(一)参考答案 - 2 - B. Sweet potatoes . E. Broccoli . C. Fatty foods . F. Salty foods .


Ways of Transpotation

On Land

There are cars , motorcycles , trucks , and buses on the road . Trains run on tracks . Double deckers(双层巴士)are like two buses put together . They can take more people around the city . A motorcycle is small and fast . Bicycles are the world’s most popular means of transportation . There are more bicycle riders in China and the Netherlands than in other countries .

In the Air

The quickest way to travel a long distance is to fly . This makes them useful for different kinds of jobs like fire fighting and sea rescue . A big jumbo jet carries more than 500 people .


1. What is private transportation ?

2. What is public transportation ?

3. How fast can bullet trains travel ?

4. What is special about helicopters ?

5. How many people can the Airbus 380 carry at one time ?

英语阅读小练习(一)参考答案 - 3 -



The Lantern Festival

There are a lot of traditional festivals in China , among them , the Lantern Festival(元宵节)is a very special one . 2. It is special because 1. it lays on the 15th

And , almost all the Chinese people will eat a very special food — tangyuan . It is sweet , and many people like it .

Do you know how to make tangyuan ? We need :

1 ) glutinous rice flour and water

2 ) filling (馅料): sesame , red bean paste , and Chinese date paste

Steps :

1 ) First , add water into the glutinous rice flour and make a dough (面团). 2 ) Next , cut the dough into small pieces and flatten them .

3 ) Then , put a bit of the filling on a piece of dough and close it up .

4 ) After that , make the whole thing into a ball .

5 ) When you finish all the tangyuan balls , cook them in boiling water .


1. When does the Lantern Festival always lay on ?


2. Why is the Lantern Festival very special ?

英语阅读小练习(一)参考答案 - 1 -

3. What do Chinese people often do on the Lantern Festival ?

4 . What is “ tangyuan ” ?


Healthy Foods and Unhealthy Foods

A well-known saying goes “ You are what you eat . ” . It really means that if You eat good foods , you will be healthy . If you eat bad foods , like French fries , you certainly will not be healthy and fit . Which foods are good for you ?

You should start with fresh foods . You should eat more vegetables like carrots , broccoli , celery , and other healthy fresh foods .

Bad foods will not make you sick , but you should not eat too much . 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

( A & B )1. Which of the following foods will do you good ?(选两项)

A. Vegetables . B. Grains . C. Candies . D. Burgers . ( B & C )2. Which of the following foods will do you harm ?(选两项)

A. Vegetables . B. French fires . C. Coke . D. Burgers . ( A & D & E )3. Which of the following foods are good for you ?(可多选)

A. Apples .

D. Pears .

英语阅读小练习(一)参考答案 - 2 - B. Sweet potatoes . E. Broccoli . C. Fatty foods . F. Salty foods .


Ways of Transpotation

On Land

There are cars , motorcycles , trucks , and buses on the road . Trains run on tracks . Double deckers(双层巴士)are like two buses put together . They can take more people around the city . A motorcycle is small and fast . Bicycles are the world’s most popular means of transportation . There are more bicycle riders in China and the Netherlands than in other countries .

In the Air

The quickest way to travel a long distance is to fly . This makes them useful for different kinds of jobs like fire fighting and sea rescue . A big jumbo jet carries more than 500 people .


1. What is private transportation ?

2. What is public transportation ?

3. How fast can bullet trains travel ?

4. What is special about helicopters ?

5. How many people can the Airbus 380 carry at one time ?

英语阅读小练习(一)参考答案 - 3 -


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