


关键词:舒伯特; 艺术歌曲; 声乐演唱


Schubert has composed more than 630 songs in his life , been known as "the king of the songs", this music form which is the beginning of romanticism , and left precious wealth for human music . His reputation built on music , of which were almost classic . His talent was highly shown in innumerable songs of miniature which is short space , but all the intension was performed perfectly by showing in the way that is concise. The song of Schubert's has its immortal characteristic , while no one can compared with him, these important content is also what we’re required to understand and grasp in the singing , just for these reasons that we chose this topic for discussing and studying. Schubert's art songs no matter the use and control of the voice training, or the comprehension of composition , it accurately grasp art image of composition and make high requirements to the singer . Voluminous singing and study these composition , it can improve the singer's singing skills and music mastery , totally balanced development in skill and art as well . Schubert's art songs is indispensable repertoire in the teaching of vocal music in conservatory of our country , so that understand and grasp its characteristics has important meaning for singer of vocal music .

Keywords: Schubert; Art songs; Vocal music



关键词:舒伯特; 艺术歌曲; 声乐演唱


Schubert has composed more than 630 songs in his life , been known as "the king of the songs", this music form which is the beginning of romanticism , and left precious wealth for human music . His reputation built on music , of which were almost classic . His talent was highly shown in innumerable songs of miniature which is short space , but all the intension was performed perfectly by showing in the way that is concise. The song of Schubert's has its immortal characteristic , while no one can compared with him, these important content is also what we’re required to understand and grasp in the singing , just for these reasons that we chose this topic for discussing and studying. Schubert's art songs no matter the use and control of the voice training, or the comprehension of composition , it accurately grasp art image of composition and make high requirements to the singer . Voluminous singing and study these composition , it can improve the singer's singing skills and music mastery , totally balanced development in skill and art as well . Schubert's art songs is indispensable repertoire in the teaching of vocal music in conservatory of our country , so that understand and grasp its characteristics has important meaning for singer of vocal music .

Keywords: Schubert; Art songs; Vocal music


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