Today, I’m going to talk to you about one of the most important historical figures in European history: Napoleon Bonaparte. Let ’s start by talking about his early life. Napoleon was born in 1769 on the island of Corsica. When he was only 10 years old, his father sent him to military school in France. N. wasnot a very good student in most of his classes, but he excelled in mathematics and military science. When he was 16 years old,hejoinedtheFrencharmy.Inthatyear1785
bringhimfame,power,riches,and,finallydefeat.N.becameageneralintheFre ncharmyattheyoungageof24.N. had many victories on the battlefield but he also became involved in French law and politics. And in 1804, at the age of 35,hebecamethefirst emperoroftheFrance.
N. was many things. He was, first of all, a brilliant military leader. His soldiers were ready to die for him. As a result, N.won many military victories. At one time he controlled most of Europe, but some countries, including England, Russia, and Austria fought fiercely against him. His defeat —“his end”came when he decided to attack Russia. In this military campaign against Russia, he lost most of his army.
ThegreatFrenchconquerordiedalone —desertedbyhisfamilyandfriends in 1821.N.wasonly51yearsoldwhenhedied.
Today, I’m going to talk to you about one of the most important historical figures in European history: Napoleon Bonaparte. Let ’s start by talking about his early life. Napoleon was born in 1769 on the island of Corsica. When he was only 10 years old, his father sent him to military school in France. N. wasnot a very good student in most of his classes, but he excelled in mathematics and military science. When he was 16 years old,hejoinedtheFrencharmy.Inthatyear1785
bringhimfame,power,riches,and,finallydefeat.N.becameageneralintheFre ncharmyattheyoungageof24.N. had many victories on the battlefield but he also became involved in French law and politics. And in 1804, at the age of 35,hebecamethefirst emperoroftheFrance.
N. was many things. He was, first of all, a brilliant military leader. His soldiers were ready to die for him. As a result, N.won many military victories. At one time he controlled most of Europe, but some countries, including England, Russia, and Austria fought fiercely against him. His defeat —“his end”came when he decided to attack Russia. In this military campaign against Russia, he lost most of his army.
ThegreatFrenchconquerordiedalone —desertedbyhisfamilyandfriends in 1821.N.wasonly51yearsoldwhenhedied.