

How can we forget the lesson Mr Zhang gave us last month?

Mr Zhang was the only teacher who worked over-aged in our school.He should have retired from teaching last year.But he didn't want to leave his platform,his all students,and stay till last month.On the morning of April 22,Wednesday,he stood at the gate of the classroom as usual.The bell rang and Mr Zhang appeared on the platform.Much to our surprise,he was wearing the coat he wore for the first class a few years ago.“Boys and girls,I am sorry this is the last lesson I give you...”He wispered,tears came to his eyes.Hearing such words,all of us were shocked.“Why? Mr Zhang.Why did you say that?”It turned out that Mr Zhang had suffered lung cancer.He knew about that long ago but he didn't tell us because he didn't want us to worry about him.And now the disease had got worse and he had to receive treatment.We didn't and couldn't believe!

In the class,Mr Zhang encourged us to study diligently and be good perons in the future.

This was my unforgettable lesson.I'll keep it in mind forever.


It was Sunday. Our teacher Mr Zhu led us to a park nearby.Usually we go to the park to spend our holiday. But today we went there to take part in voluntary labour.

We got there at nine o'clock. Mr Zhu divided us into three groups and then we began working.

The students in Group One planted trees and watered flowers. The studentsin Group Two were busy collecting litter left by the tourist. They also cleaned the benches in the park. I was in Group Three. We went to the children's playground and cleaned all the equipment there. We worked very hard.

At about eleven we finished working. We met at the gate of the park. We all felt tired but very happy.


Last summer holiday, I learned to swim. It was very unforgettable and interesting. I went to the swimming pool with my father. He taught me how to swim. At first, I was afraid of diving in the water. And I felt uncomfortable in the water. But father said it doesn’t matter and he would protect me. Then I began to swim, but I couldn’t swim forward at all. It made me upset. Then father told me how to move, how to stretch out my hands and legs. Slowly, I could move a little. In fact, it was not that easy. I learned it for almost half a month. I was excited when father told me I made it.


Christmas is the most important festival in the western world. It falls on December 25th. When my mother and I stayed in America, we were invited by one of my mother's friends to have Christmas with an American family. We bought some presents for our American friends on our way to their house.

They had prepared different kinds of gifts for their family and guests when we got to their house, such as Christmas candles, cakes, cards, little toys, biscuits and so on. A Christmas tree was placed in the comer of the brilliant hall. How beautiful it was! We were impressed by these. We had a big meal. After dinner, they told us some interesting stories about Christmas. We learned that Christmas had something to do with God. We went to bed at midnight. Though we knew the Santa Claus was not true, we were still waiting for the Santa Claus with white beard to bring us presents.And we received many beautiful presents the next morning.

This Christmas was really unforgettable. Not only did I have a good time, but also I knew something about foreign culture.


The Children's Day this year is the most unforgettable one for me beacause I'll soon graduate.

Even though it doesn't come yet,I believe it must be the most unforgettable.

I will no loneger be a child once going to middle school

What a unforgettable Children's Day!


How can we forget the lesson Mr Zhang gave us last month?

Mr Zhang was the only teacher who worked over-aged in our school.He should have retired from teaching last year.But he didn't want to leave his platform,his all students,and stay till last month.On the morning of April 22,Wednesday,he stood at the gate of the classroom as usual.The bell rang and Mr Zhang appeared on the platform.Much to our surprise,he was wearing the coat he wore for the first class a few years ago.“Boys and girls,I am sorry this is the last lesson I give you...”He wispered,tears came to his eyes.Hearing such words,all of us were shocked.“Why? Mr Zhang.Why did you say that?”It turned out that Mr Zhang had suffered lung cancer.He knew about that long ago but he didn't tell us because he didn't want us to worry about him.And now the disease had got worse and he had to receive treatment.We didn't and couldn't believe!

In the class,Mr Zhang encourged us to study diligently and be good perons in the future.

This was my unforgettable lesson.I'll keep it in mind forever.


It was Sunday. Our teacher Mr Zhu led us to a park nearby.Usually we go to the park to spend our holiday. But today we went there to take part in voluntary labour.

We got there at nine o'clock. Mr Zhu divided us into three groups and then we began working.

The students in Group One planted trees and watered flowers. The studentsin Group Two were busy collecting litter left by the tourist. They also cleaned the benches in the park. I was in Group Three. We went to the children's playground and cleaned all the equipment there. We worked very hard.

At about eleven we finished working. We met at the gate of the park. We all felt tired but very happy.


Last summer holiday, I learned to swim. It was very unforgettable and interesting. I went to the swimming pool with my father. He taught me how to swim. At first, I was afraid of diving in the water. And I felt uncomfortable in the water. But father said it doesn’t matter and he would protect me. Then I began to swim, but I couldn’t swim forward at all. It made me upset. Then father told me how to move, how to stretch out my hands and legs. Slowly, I could move a little. In fact, it was not that easy. I learned it for almost half a month. I was excited when father told me I made it.


Christmas is the most important festival in the western world. It falls on December 25th. When my mother and I stayed in America, we were invited by one of my mother's friends to have Christmas with an American family. We bought some presents for our American friends on our way to their house.

They had prepared different kinds of gifts for their family and guests when we got to their house, such as Christmas candles, cakes, cards, little toys, biscuits and so on. A Christmas tree was placed in the comer of the brilliant hall. How beautiful it was! We were impressed by these. We had a big meal. After dinner, they told us some interesting stories about Christmas. We learned that Christmas had something to do with God. We went to bed at midnight. Though we knew the Santa Claus was not true, we were still waiting for the Santa Claus with white beard to bring us presents.And we received many beautiful presents the next morning.

This Christmas was really unforgettable. Not only did I have a good time, but also I knew something about foreign culture.


The Children's Day this year is the most unforgettable one for me beacause I'll soon graduate.

Even though it doesn't come yet,I believe it must be the most unforgettable.

I will no loneger be a child once going to middle school

What a unforgettable Children's Day!


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