龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
梵高的耳朵Van Gogh’s Ear
作者:Anita Xu
有关于梵高那只被剃须刀片割掉的耳朵,自古便广泛流传着甚多版本。这些传闻,我们大多是道听途说,偶尔也会看到研究者又有了新的推论。然而在百年后的今天,一切都是猜测而已,当时的纠结与爱恨早已随着时间灰飞烟灭。如今能留给我们观赏和玩味的,恐怕也只有悬挂在博物馆中的画布上,大师们留下的五彩斑斓与点点戳 戳。
梵高耳朵的故事,坊间虽有着不同解读,而其中必须提及的关键词一定会有法国后印象派画家高更(Paul Gauguin)、法国的阿尔镇(Arles )和妓女。
When Gauguin agreed to visit Arles, Van Gogh hoped for friendship and for his utopian idea of a collective of artists. In anticipation, that August he painted sunflowers. In preparation for Gauguin's visit, Van Gogh bought two beds, on advice from his friend Joseph Roulin, whose portrait he painted, and on 17 September spent the first night in the still sparsely furnished Yellow House.During the brief time he waited for Gauguin’s visit, he created masterpieces such as, Still Life : Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers;Cafe Terrace at Night ;Bedroom in Arles. When Gauguin consented to work and live side-by-side in Arles with Van Gogh, he started to work on The Yellow House , probably the most ambitious effort he ever undertook.
同年10月份,在高更终于抵达了阿尔镇,同梵高一起画画的最初几周之内,二人一同作画,一切都显得是那样与世无争。出于对高更的崇拜和敬仰,梵高对高更言听计从,不过他也盼望能够从高更那里得到更加平等的对待。可是高更一直以指导者的姿态,不断批评和指责梵高。渐渐地,二人因对艺术的不同见解开始爆发激烈的争吵,他们的友谊濒临破灭。1888年即将结束时,梵高强烈地感受到,高更即将抛弃自己,离开阿尔。失去高更,在梵高看来,也许意味着失去所有,梵高开始变得抑郁不 安。
After repeated requests, Gauguin finally arrived in Arles on 23 October. During November, the two painted together. Gauguin painted Van Gogh's portrait The Painter of Sunflowers: Portrait of Vincent van Gogh, and—uncharacteristically —Van Gogh painted some pictures from memory
龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
梵高的耳朵Van Gogh’s Ear
作者:Anita Xu
有关于梵高那只被剃须刀片割掉的耳朵,自古便广泛流传着甚多版本。这些传闻,我们大多是道听途说,偶尔也会看到研究者又有了新的推论。然而在百年后的今天,一切都是猜测而已,当时的纠结与爱恨早已随着时间灰飞烟灭。如今能留给我们观赏和玩味的,恐怕也只有悬挂在博物馆中的画布上,大师们留下的五彩斑斓与点点戳 戳。
梵高耳朵的故事,坊间虽有着不同解读,而其中必须提及的关键词一定会有法国后印象派画家高更(Paul Gauguin)、法国的阿尔镇(Arles )和妓女。
When Gauguin agreed to visit Arles, Van Gogh hoped for friendship and for his utopian idea of a collective of artists. In anticipation, that August he painted sunflowers. In preparation for Gauguin's visit, Van Gogh bought two beds, on advice from his friend Joseph Roulin, whose portrait he painted, and on 17 September spent the first night in the still sparsely furnished Yellow House.During the brief time he waited for Gauguin’s visit, he created masterpieces such as, Still Life : Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers;Cafe Terrace at Night ;Bedroom in Arles. When Gauguin consented to work and live side-by-side in Arles with Van Gogh, he started to work on The Yellow House , probably the most ambitious effort he ever undertook.
同年10月份,在高更终于抵达了阿尔镇,同梵高一起画画的最初几周之内,二人一同作画,一切都显得是那样与世无争。出于对高更的崇拜和敬仰,梵高对高更言听计从,不过他也盼望能够从高更那里得到更加平等的对待。可是高更一直以指导者的姿态,不断批评和指责梵高。渐渐地,二人因对艺术的不同见解开始爆发激烈的争吵,他们的友谊濒临破灭。1888年即将结束时,梵高强烈地感受到,高更即将抛弃自己,离开阿尔。失去高更,在梵高看来,也许意味着失去所有,梵高开始变得抑郁不 安。
After repeated requests, Gauguin finally arrived in Arles on 23 October. During November, the two painted together. Gauguin painted Van Gogh's portrait The Painter of Sunflowers: Portrait of Vincent van Gogh, and—uncharacteristically —Van Gogh painted some pictures from memory