
In recent years, at the background of globalization, intercultural communication has been more and more frequent. When we come across strange people from different cultures, we always experience culture shock, which is because people from different cultures are endowed with different values.

When talking about America, most of people always recollect "the freedom" in their brain at once. Actually, to some extent, the word "Freedom" belongs to the concept of "Individualism". From my perspective, the main content of individualism is emphasis on individual rights and freedom, respecting privacy, self-reliance and equality. Individuals think that they have the very right to have privacy, to count on their own and to have equal role in their life. Although too much of individualism leads people to become really selfish and self-centered and even neglect their loved ones. All the spirits of individualism are clearly reflected in American culture and they are developed and intensified in the United States.

In traditional Chinese beliefs, epically in Confucianism, collectivism is appreciated. It emphasizes cooperation among group members and individual success is due to the collective effort of the staff in a unit, an organization or a community. The sacrifice of individual interest for that of the collective is a noble quality eulogized so much by Chinese people that being modest and thoughtful of others are highly praised.Meanwhile, too much collectivism leads into mass stupidity, intolerance and ignorance. For in collectivism everyone is supposed to behave like the pack: believe same, share same values, look same etc. and if someone refuses to it might cause violent reactions.

Different value comes from the different culture. We should not judge themof positive or negative simply. All we can learn from it is why Chinese and Americans behave.

In recent years, at the background of globalization, intercultural communication has been more and more frequent. When we come across strange people from different cultures, we always experience culture shock, which is because people from different cultures are endowed with different values.

When talking about America, most of people always recollect "the freedom" in their brain at once. Actually, to some extent, the word "Freedom" belongs to the concept of "Individualism". From my perspective, the main content of individualism is emphasis on individual rights and freedom, respecting privacy, self-reliance and equality. Individuals think that they have the very right to have privacy, to count on their own and to have equal role in their life. Although too much of individualism leads people to become really selfish and self-centered and even neglect their loved ones. All the spirits of individualism are clearly reflected in American culture and they are developed and intensified in the United States.

In traditional Chinese beliefs, epically in Confucianism, collectivism is appreciated. It emphasizes cooperation among group members and individual success is due to the collective effort of the staff in a unit, an organization or a community. The sacrifice of individual interest for that of the collective is a noble quality eulogized so much by Chinese people that being modest and thoughtful of others are highly praised.Meanwhile, too much collectivism leads into mass stupidity, intolerance and ignorance. For in collectivism everyone is supposed to behave like the pack: believe same, share same values, look same etc. and if someone refuses to it might cause violent reactions.

Different value comes from the different culture. We should not judge themof positive or negative simply. All we can learn from it is why Chinese and Americans behave.


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