英语手抄报:How To Prevent Bird Flu

  In 2003, there was a big disaster in China, the virus named SARS spread all overChina, it made a lot of time to recover. People thought after such disaster, there would be no virus like that in the short term, unluckily, not so many years, there happened a new virus, it killed many people, people called it bird flu. The dangerous virus happened twice inChinaduring the last ten years. People start to do self-examination, the doctor suggests people wash their hands often, be careful with the food. When we are out, taking our own daily use, never share with others. In a word, preventing the bird flu needs our attention all the time.

英语手抄报:How To Prevent Bird Flu


  In 2003, there was a big disaster in China, the virus named SARS spread all overChina, it made a lot of time to recover. People thought after such disaster, there would be no virus like that in the short term, unluckily, not so many years, there happened a new virus, it killed many people, people called it bird flu. The dangerous virus happened twice inChinaduring the last ten years. People start to do self-examination, the doctor suggests people wash their hands often, be careful with the food. When we are out, taking our own daily use, never share with others. In a word, preventing the bird flu needs our attention all the time.



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