
  The first day for me to go to high school, I felt so excited, because I came into the new stage of my life. The school asked the students to live in the dormitory, so I had to move out and left my parents. This was such a big challenge for me, because I never left home before. I needed to learn to be independent, what’s more, I also learned to get along with others. High school was like a little society for me and I handed the problems well. The other challenge was from study. I had to learn so many subjects and fought for my future college. I met difficulties and felt frustrated, but I told myself not to give up and I got over the difficulties. High school life is not easy, but we grow up quickly.



  The first day for me to go to high school, I felt so excited, because I came into the new stage of my life. The school asked the students to live in the dormitory, so I had to move out and left my parents. This was such a big challenge for me, because I never left home before. I needed to learn to be independent, what’s more, I also learned to get along with others. High school was like a little society for me and I handed the problems well. The other challenge was from study. I had to learn so many subjects and fought for my future college. I met difficulties and felt frustrated, but I told myself not to give up and I got over the difficulties. High school life is not easy, but we grow up quickly.



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