
  When I was small, my mother always told me how much work she had contributed to raising me, so I was very afraid of making her angry. For parents, raising a kid indeed costs them a lot of money and spirit, they have to contribute physically and mentally. Being a parent is not easy.


  To raise a kid, the first thing is about money. The parents need to pay off the kids’ bill, including their daily diet and clothing, what’s more, some kids want to buy the expensive toys. When the kids grow up, the parents need to pay off their education, it is the most heavy burden.Parents have to give money to kids until they find a job.


  Besides the money, parents need to figure out a good way to educate their kids. The parents grow up with their kids growing up, they need to adjust their educational way to fit the children’s change. Most parents feel it hard to communicate with the kids, because they will go against you, how tired it is.


  The cost of raising a kid is physically and mentally, every child should be considerate to their parents.



  When I was small, my mother always told me how much work she had contributed to raising me, so I was very afraid of making her angry. For parents, raising a kid indeed costs them a lot of money and spirit, they have to contribute physically and mentally. Being a parent is not easy.


  To raise a kid, the first thing is about money. The parents need to pay off the kids’ bill, including their daily diet and clothing, what’s more, some kids want to buy the expensive toys. When the kids grow up, the parents need to pay off their education, it is the most heavy burden.Parents have to give money to kids until they find a job.


  Besides the money, parents need to figure out a good way to educate their kids. The parents grow up with their kids growing up, they need to adjust their educational way to fit the children’s change. Most parents feel it hard to communicate with the kids, because they will go against you, how tired it is.


  The cost of raising a kid is physically and mentally, every child should be considerate to their parents.




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