英语手抄报:中国礼物Chinese Gifts

  There are many good Chinese gifts to give foreigners. The first one is Chinese knot. The Chinese knot is a symbol of peace and fortune. This artifact is beautiful and meaningful. And the china is also a good choice. The china was invented in China about 4000 years ago, its English name was named after our country, and the ones which made in China is much more exquisite than the other origins. And other Chinese gifts such as silks and painting and calligraphy. They are all Chinese characteristic, and are the works of art, so the foreign friends would like them very much.

英语手抄报:中国礼物Chinese Gifts


  There are many good Chinese gifts to give foreigners. The first one is Chinese knot. The Chinese knot is a symbol of peace and fortune. This artifact is beautiful and meaningful. And the china is also a good choice. The china was invented in China about 4000 years ago, its English name was named after our country, and the ones which made in China is much more exquisite than the other origins. And other Chinese gifts such as silks and painting and calligraphy. They are all Chinese characteristic, and are the works of art, so the foreign friends would like them very much.



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