
  Dear Li Hua,

  Glad to hear from you. How is everything going now? From your last letter, you said you were just home from a trip to Hawaii with your family. I am so happy for you to have such a great trip. From your description, I realize how a beautiful place Hawaii is. I hope I can travel there one day. I am a little stress now, because I am going to take my final exam for this term. I am confidence in English, Chinese and math, but I am afraid I can’t do well in chemistry. You know that I am always bad at chemistry. I am afraid I will screw the whole final exam. Oh, forget my trouble. Christmas day is coming. You must busy preparing for it. I wish you Merry Christmas in advance.






  Dear Li Hua,

  Glad to hear from you. How is everything going now? From your last letter, you said you were just home from a trip to Hawaii with your family. I am so happy for you to have such a great trip. From your description, I realize how a beautiful place Hawaii is. I hope I can travel there one day. I am a little stress now, because I am going to take my final exam for this term. I am confidence in English, Chinese and math, but I am afraid I can’t do well in chemistry. You know that I am always bad at chemistry. I am afraid I will screw the whole final exam. Oh, forget my trouble. Christmas day is coming. You must busy preparing for it. I wish you Merry Christmas in advance.






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