
  One night Big Bird sees something glowing in the dark. “Look!” he says. “A little bug!” The little bug goes twinkle, twinkle, twinkle.

  一天晚上,大鸟看到黑暗的夜里有闪闪发亮的东西。“看啊!”他说,“小飞虫!” 小飞虫闪啊,闪啊,闪的。

  “Come here, little bug! I won’t hurt you,” says Big Bird. He puts the bug in a jar.


  “Bert, look at my bug,” says Big Bird. “Twinkle for Bert, little bug.” But the bug doesn’t twinkle.

  “伯特,看看我的小飞虫。”大鸟说道。“小飞虫,给伯特闪一下。” 小飞虫没有闪。

  “Why won’t you twinkle, little bug? Maybe you are lonely.” Big Bird talks to the little bug. But the bug doesn’t twinkle.


  “Maybe you are tired.” Big Bird gives the bug a pillow so he can take a nap . But the bug doesn’t twinkle.



  “Maybe you are hungry.” Big Bird gives the bug a cookie to eat. He still doesn’t twinkle.


  “Grover, why doesn’t my little bug twinkle?” asks Big Bird. “Will you twinkle in a jar?” asks Grover. “I guess not.”

  “格鲁夫,为什么我的小飞虫不闪了啊?” 大鸟问道。“你会在一个瓶子里闪光吗?” 格鲁夫问到。“我想不会的。”

  Big Bird opens the jar and sets the little bug free. “Twinkle, twinkle, little bug,” he says. And the bug does twinkle, twinkle, twinkle!


  One night Big Bird sees something glowing in the dark. “Look!” he says. “A little bug!” The little bug goes twinkle, twinkle, twinkle.

  一天晚上,大鸟看到黑暗的夜里有闪闪发亮的东西。“看啊!”他说,“小飞虫!” 小飞虫闪啊,闪啊,闪的。

  “Come here, little bug! I won’t hurt you,” says Big Bird. He puts the bug in a jar.


  “Bert, look at my bug,” says Big Bird. “Twinkle for Bert, little bug.” But the bug doesn’t twinkle.

  “伯特,看看我的小飞虫。”大鸟说道。“小飞虫,给伯特闪一下。” 小飞虫没有闪。

  “Why won’t you twinkle, little bug? Maybe you are lonely.” Big Bird talks to the little bug. But the bug doesn’t twinkle.


  “Maybe you are tired.” Big Bird gives the bug a pillow so he can take a nap . But the bug doesn’t twinkle.


  “Maybe you are hungry.” Big Bird gives the bug a cookie to eat. He still doesn’t twinkle.


  “Grover, why doesn’t my little bug twinkle?” asks Big Bird. “Will you twinkle in a jar?” asks Grover. “I guess not.”

  “格鲁夫,为什么我的小飞虫不闪了啊?” 大鸟问道。“你会在一个瓶子里闪光吗?” 格鲁夫问到。“我想不会的。”

  Big Bird opens the jar and sets the little bug free. “Twinkle, twinkle, little bug,” he says. And the bug does twinkle, twinkle, twinkle!



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