幼儿园小班英语教案:Underwater World




  1. Help the kids to learn new words about sea creatures: shark and octopus

  2. Let the children learn to use the sentence: what can you see? I can see.....

  3. By using pictures, music and games to help children take part in the lesson and speak out actively and enhance their learning motivation in English.


  1. Pictures of underwater world

  2. Music

  3. Flash cards


  1. Lead in

  (1) Greeting: Good morning, children.

  How are you?

  What day is it today?

  (2) Review: Show kids background picture: What can you see?----boat,sea,sailor,fish

  Let's sing a sailor went to sea

  2. Presentation

  (1) Teacher tells kids today the sailor are going to explore the bottom of the sea, to find the treasure.during his way deep into the sea,what will he come across?

  (2) Move the sailor and show kids "shark". Ask the kids to read one by one follow the teacher. Word game: all kids divide to two group, the first go touching and reading the word,and the next one...

  (3) Move the sailor and show kids "octopus". Ask the kids to read one by one follow the teacher.

  (4) Word game: every five kids come and pick up the correct picture that the teacher said and stick it onto the wall.

  4. Consolidation

  (1) The teacher lead the kids to the question: baby baby what can you see? I can see...

  (2) Game: the teacher ask: XX XX what can you see? XX answer: I can see.....YY YY what can you see? YY answer: I can see...(teacher can help them and point the picture)

  5. Ending

  Ask the kids to go to the sea together.




  1. Help the kids to learn new words about sea creatures: shark and octopus

  2. Let the children learn to use the sentence: what can you see? I can see.....

  3. By using pictures, music and games to help children take part in the lesson and speak out actively and enhance their learning motivation in English.


  1. Pictures of underwater world

  2. Music

  3. Flash cards


  1. Lead in

  (1) Greeting: Good morning, children.

  How are you?

  What day is it today?

  (2) Review: Show kids background picture: What can you see?----boat,sea,sailor,fish

  Let's sing a sailor went to sea

  2. Presentation

  (1) Teacher tells kids today the sailor are going to explore the bottom of the sea, to find the treasure.during his way deep into the sea,what will he come across?

  (2) Move the sailor and show kids "shark". Ask the kids to read one by one follow the teacher. Word game: all kids divide to two group, the first go touching and reading the word,and the next one...

  (3) Move the sailor and show kids "octopus". Ask the kids to read one by one follow the teacher.

  (4) Word game: every five kids come and pick up the correct picture that the teacher said and stick it onto the wall.

  4. Consolidation

  (1) The teacher lead the kids to the question: baby baby what can you see? I can see...

  (2) Game: the teacher ask: XX XX what can you see? XX answer: I can see.....YY YY what can you see? YY answer: I can see...(teacher can help them and point the picture)

  5. Ending

  Ask the kids to go to the sea together.


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