圣诞歌曲:Jesus Born On This Day

  artist: carey mariah

  album: merry christmas

  title: jesus born on this d

  title: jesus born on this d

  today a child is born on earth

  (today a child is born on earth)

  today the glory of god shines everywhere

  for all the world

  oh jesus born on this day

  he is our light and salvation

  oh jesus born on this day

  he is the king of all nations

  behold the lamb of god has come

  (behold the lamb of god has come)

  behold the savior is born

  sing of his love to everyone

  oh jesus born on this day

  heavenly child in a manger

  oh jesus born on this day

  he is our lord and savior

  today our hearts rejoice in him

  (today our hearts rejoice in him)

  today the light of his birth

  fills us with hope and brings peace on earth

  oh jesus born on this day

  he is our light and salvation

  oh jesus born on this day

  he is the king of all nations

  today a child is born on earth

  (today a child is born on earth)

  he is light, he is love, he is grace

  born on christmas day

  he is light, he is love, he is grace

  born on christmas day

  he is light, he is love, he is grace

  born on christmas day

  artist: carey mariah

  album: merry christmas

  title: jesus born on this d

  title: jesus born on this d

  today a child is born on earth

  (today a child is born on earth)

  today the glory of god shines everywhere

  for all the world

  oh jesus born on this day

  he is our light and salvation

  oh jesus born on this day

  he is the king of all nations

  behold the lamb of god has come

  (behold the lamb of god has come)

  behold the savior is born

  sing of his love to everyone

  oh jesus born on this day

  heavenly child in a manger

  oh jesus born on this day

  he is our lord and savior

  today our hearts rejoice in him

  (today our hearts rejoice in him)

  today the light of his birth

  fills us with hope and brings peace on earth

  oh jesus born on this day

  he is our light and salvation

  oh jesus born on this day

  he is the king of all nations

  today a child is born on earth

  (today a child is born on earth)

  he is light, he is love, he is grace

  born on christmas day

  he is light, he is love, he is grace

  born on christmas day

  he is light, he is love, he is grace

  born on christmas day


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