英语手抄报:我的笔友My Pen Friend

  Now it has come to the new age, the age belongs to the information world, everybody has access to high technology, they use computer and cell phone everywhere. But for me, I miss the original communication media, I still like to write to my friends. I have a pen friend, we have kept in touch with each other for many years, compare with the new high technology, such as cell phone and computer, I would rather to write. My pen friend also like to write, we share happiness and sorrow by the letter. I enjoy writing, I put much emotion in it, the letter makes me feel the real world. Though the communication tool improves, I still love writing.

英语手抄报:我的笔友My Pen Friend


  Now it has come to the new age, the age belongs to the information world, everybody has access to high technology, they use computer and cell phone everywhere. But for me, I miss the original communication media, I still like to write to my friends. I have a pen friend, we have kept in touch with each other for many years, compare with the new high technology, such as cell phone and computer, I would rather to write. My pen friend also like to write, we share happiness and sorrow by the letter. I enjoy writing, I put much emotion in it, the letter makes me feel the real world. Though the communication tool improves, I still love writing.



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