

  Christmas is a holiday for friends,

  However they may be, or not, related.

  Remember that the three wise kings were strangers

  In search of one remote, uncanny dream.

  So may we all be far more than we seem,

  Together bound for dark and haunting changes,

  More lovely for the loves we have created

  Along the lonely paths from means to ends,

  Stumbling towards that star of Bethlehem.


  when Christmas comes to town

  I'm wishing on a star

  And trying to believe

  That even though it's far

  He'll find me at Christmas Eve

  I guess Santa is busy

  Cause he never comes around

  I think of him when Christmas comes to town

  The best time of the year

  When everyone comes home

  With all this Christmas tear

  It's hard to be alone

  Putting up the Christmas tree

  With friends you come around

  It's so much fun when Christmas comes to town

  When Santa's sleigh bells ring

  I listen all around

  The herald angels sing

  I never hear a sound

  And all the dreams of children

  Once lies will all be found

  That's all I want when Christmas comes to town


  Christmas is a holiday for friends,

  However they may be, or not, related.

  Remember that the three wise kings were strangers

  In search of one remote, uncanny dream.

  So may we all be far more than we seem,

  Together bound for dark and haunting changes,

  More lovely for the loves we have created

  Along the lonely paths from means to ends,

  Stumbling towards that star of Bethlehem.


  when Christmas comes to town

  I'm wishing on a star

  And trying to believe

  That even though it's far

  He'll find me at Christmas Eve

  I guess Santa is busy

  Cause he never comes around

  I think of him when Christmas comes to town

  The best time of the year

  When everyone comes home

  With all this Christmas tear

  It's hard to be alone

  Putting up the Christmas tree

  With friends you come around

  It's so much fun when Christmas comes to town

  When Santa's sleigh bells ring

  I listen all around

  The herald angels sing

  I never hear a sound

  And all the dreams of children

  Once lies will all be found

  That's all I want when Christmas comes to town


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