


Your smile across my heart, my life’s love. I, only to meet you, Yue Ying, just waiting for your return. Star turn bucket shift, several times the Spring and Autumn Period, long-awaited, when are you coming out?


Scant, I would like to hold your hand and walk through the tree-lined; blue skies, I would like to accompany your travels to see all the mountains and rivers beautiful; regardless of seasons, regardless of the weather, only you are happy give! I love you!


Gas you, tease you, because like you; learn you, with you, because love with you; hurt you, shun you, just because pursue you; want you, love you, just want to kiss you; hurt you, know you just want to ask you, the possibility of life with me.


Love is a battle, love when your opponent is the man; broke up, the opponent is yourself. Conquers himself, his information by deleting, re-start their lives, you are the winner.


Y is the happiest in the world of letters, because never separate the two lines intersect. X is the saddest in the world of letters, because their happiness after each other further and further away.


Left women Heart Sutra: I love flew away, he has not come to love me, so the love birds love the word not only bird; I actually ask for much, you appear in the same finding love The revelation on hand to the old.


I love you, the sea becomes dry stone become rotten; Heaven and I love your mount

tain ridge; I love you, day plowing may be covered; still in my love for you, News Feeds ending; I love your house, in your heart forever.


What is love? Love is two people from the unfamiliar becomes familiar, the familiar becomes unfamiliar process. Love is a part of our lives, love, let us learn to cherish and to let go. Sweet


Love is great. It makes the laws of mathematics and lost his balance. Two people share the pain, only half the pain; happiness, there are two people sharing two happy!


Regardless of the flowers, you have a better life; to see Yunjuanyunshu, you is the happiness of my life. Crushing time, long years, love, such as the towering tree, out of sweet flowers.


In some way, can only be a person walking. Green dill wind blowing through the skirts, Albatron wet promise. Mountains and water Forgotten past, day, month, no relation. At that time, the only one of the Ukiyo Qing Huan.



Your smile across my heart, my life’s love. I, only to meet you, Yue Ying, just waiting for your return. Star turn bucket shift, several times the Spring and Autumn Period, long-awaited, when are you coming out?


Scant, I would like to hold your hand and walk through the tree-lined; blue skies, I would like to accompany your travels to see all the mountains and rivers beautiful; regardless of seasons, regardless of the weather, only you are happy give! I love you!


Gas you, tease you, because like you; learn you, with you, because love with you; hurt you, shun you, just because pursue you; want you, love you, just want to kiss you; hurt you, know you just want to ask you, the possibility of life with me.


Love is a battle, love when your opponent is the man; broke up, the opponent is yourself. Conquers himself, his information by deleting, re-start their lives, you are the winner.


Y is the happiest in the world of letters, because never separate the two lines intersect. X is the saddest in the world of letters, because their happiness after each other further and further away.


Left women Heart Sutra: I love flew away, he has not come to love me, so the love birds love the word not only bird; I actually ask for much, you appear in the same finding love The revelation on hand to the old.


I love you, the sea becomes dry stone become rotten; Heaven and I love your mount

tain ridge; I love you, day plowing may be covered; still in my love for you, News Feeds ending; I love your house, in your heart forever.


What is love? Love is two people from the unfamiliar becomes familiar, the familiar becomes unfamiliar process. Love is a part of our lives, love, let us learn to cherish and to let go. Sweet


Love is great. It makes the laws of mathematics and lost his balance. Two people share the pain, only half the pain; happiness, there are two people sharing two happy!


Regardless of the flowers, you have a better life; to see Yunjuanyunshu, you is the happiness of my life. Crushing time, long years, love, such as the towering tree, out of sweet flowers.


In some way, can only be a person walking. Green dill wind blowing through the skirts, Albatron wet promise. Mountains and water Forgotten past, day, month, no relation. At that time, the only one of the Ukiyo Qing Huan.


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