6 2016年11月 石 油 规 划 设 计 第27卷 第6期
邹丹. 高压法低密度聚乙烯工艺技术现状及进展. 石油规划设计,2016,27(6):6~9
摘要 低密度聚乙烯是目前世界上产量大、用途广的通用塑料之一,多用于挤出涂覆、注塑、
关键词 低密度聚乙烯;高压法;工艺技术;现状进展
中图分类号:TQ325.1+2 文献标识码:A DOI :10.3969/j.issn.1004-2970.2016.06.002
低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)又称高压聚乙烯,是由聚合级乙烯为单体,在压力约300 MPa,温度150~330 ℃范围内发生聚合反应而生成的一种有韧性、有弹性、半透明的聚合物,其密度为0.910~0.935
另外,乙烯同其他极性单体(如醋酸乙烯)可产生共聚物,醋酸乙烯—乙烯共聚物(EVA乳液或EVA 树脂)是应用较多的品种。只需在低密度聚乙烯的高压聚合工艺装置中增加一些辅助设备,稍加改造即可生产EVA 树脂。
* 邹丹,女,工程师。2007年毕业于东北石油大学化学工程专业,获硕士学位。现在大庆石化工程有限公司,从事聚烯烃树脂的化工工艺设计工作。地址:黑龙江省大庆市卧里屯大街90号,163714。E-mail:[email protected]
1 高压聚乙烯生产工艺
1.1 管式法高压聚乙烯生产工艺
及德国巴塞尔公司的管式法工艺等。 1.1.1 荷兰国家矿业公司清洁管式反应技术
该工艺反应压力为250 MPa;初始反应温度为160 ℃,最高反应温度为290 ℃;转化率为28%~33.1%,最高可达38%。技术特点:
第27卷 第6期 石 油 规 划 设 计 2016年11月 7
四是,反应器夹套采用冷水冷却,可副产蒸汽。 五是,反应器结构简单、价格低廉,反应管不发生机械疲劳,流程简单,装置投资较低。
1.1.2 埃克森—美孚化学公司的管式法工艺
该工艺反应压力为260~300 MPa;初始反应温度为160~190 ℃,最高反应温度320 ℃;转化率为28%~33.1%,最高可达40%。技术特点:
二是,乙烯三点进料,一股从前端进入反应器预热至反应引发温度,另外两股分别进入侧线冷却器,冷却至15 ℃后进入反应器进行聚合反应,各段反应区使用急冷水冷却。引发剂五点注入,转化率高,操作灵活。
1.1.3 德国巴塞尔公司的管式法工艺
该工艺反应压力为260~310 MPa,反应温度为160~330 ℃,转化率为28%~34.1%。技术特点:
六是,可以生产高VA 含量(30%)共聚产品。 1.2 釜式法高压聚乙烯生产工艺
目前,釜式反应器容积多为0.75~3.00 m ,平均反应温度150~300 ℃,反应压力110~200 MPa,转化率为15%~21%。较成熟的釜式法工艺有德国巴塞尔公司釜式法工艺、美国埃克森—美孚化学公司釜式法工艺、意大利埃尼公司釜式法工艺等。 1.2.1 德国巴塞尔公司的釜式法工艺
该工艺最大反应压力为220 MPa,反应釜容积
为1.5 m。技术特点:
一是,采用丙烯做调节剂,在一次压缩机入口加入,有利于与乙烯进行更充分的混合,能更好地起到调整分子量的作用。注入压力较低,为2.5~3.5 MPa。
四是,产品范围宽,应用范围广,可生产VA 含量达40%的高EVA 产品,生产弹性更大,市场适应性更强。
1.2.2 埃克森—美孚化学公司的釜式法工艺
该工艺最大反应压力为200 MPa,反应釜容积
为1.5 m。技术特点:
8 2016年11月 邹丹:高压法低密度聚乙烯工艺技术现状及进展 第27卷 第6期 入,注入压力较高,约为30 MPa。
四是,高压气体循环系统前端设有废热锅炉,利用高压循环气的高温副产1 MPa的中压蒸汽,降低了能耗。
1.2.3 意大利埃尼公司的釜式法工艺
该工艺最大反应压力为200 MPa,反应釜容积
为1.5 m。技术特点:
一是,采用丙烯做调节剂,在二次压缩机入口加入,注入压力较高,约为30 MPa。
四是,高压循环系统前端设有锅炉水换热器,利用高压循环气的高温将热量传递给锅炉给水,副产0.3 MPa的低压蒸汽,降低了能耗。
五是,高压循环系统设计复杂,分高压、中压、低压三个循环系统,共有12台换热器和9台分离器,分三组,每组4台换热器和3台分离器,分离效果好,但设备台数较多,占地和投资较大。 1.3 管式法和釜式法高压聚乙烯生产工艺特点对比
表1 管式法和釜式法高压聚乙烯生产工艺特点对比
对比项目 建设情况
占世界LDPE 总产能的49%,占我国LDPE 总产能的33%,占世界LDPE 总产能的51%,占我国LDPE 总产能的67%,最
最大单线能力18×10 t/a 大单线能力32×10 t/a (1)反应温度、压力均匀,易形成有许多长支链的聚合(1)反应温度、压力沿反应管的长度逐渐降低,产品相对分物,冲击强度较好; 子质量分布较宽,支链较少,光学性好,适于加工成薄膜;(2)反应停留时间短,适于生产小批量牌号,过渡料少;(2)反应停留时间相对较长; (3)可生产高VA 含量的EVA,多用于热熔胶、挤出涂(3)共聚物中的VA 含量一般不大于20%,多用于农膜和收覆和掺混 缩包装膜 (1)长径比2∶1~20∶1; (1)反应管内径为25~64 mm,长0.5~1.5 km,长径比大于(2)反应器中有搅拌轴、挡板,搅拌马达一般也都安装12 000∶1; 于反应器内,维修、安装较困难 (2)反应器结构简单,制造和维修方便,能承受较高的压力反应压力为110~200 MPa;反应温度为150~300 ℃ 反应压力为250~310 MPa;反应温度为160~330 ℃ 近似完全混合 近似于柱塞流动 若操作失误,易发生分解反应;一旦发生分解反应,装
置须停车检修 有机过氧化物 氧气、有机过氧化物 采用进料冷却 夹套冷却和进料冷却 15%~21% 20%~35%(最高可达40%)
产品特点 反应器形式 反应条件 反应流体状态 反应控制 引发剂 聚合热散热方式 单程转化率 投资及操作费用 高
釜式法和管式法各有特点,釜式法适于生产小批量专用牌号及高含量EVA 等附加值较高的产品,
但单线能力较低,一般为10×10 t/a;管式法生产
规模较大,单线生产能力可达32×10 t/a,但共聚物中VA 含量较低。
2 高压法聚乙烯工艺的技术进展
生产密度为0.943 g/cm的中密度产品。同时,采用自由基聚合而成的含有极性单体结构单元的共聚物,克服了原非极性的限制,极大地扩展了产品的用途。由于聚合反应的温度峰值受分解温度限制,最高不能超过335 ℃,因此,目前对LDPE 的研究
第27卷 第6期 石 油 规 划 设 计 2016年11月 9
3 我国高压聚乙烯工艺现状及问题
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
上海石化股份有限公司塑料厂-1 燕山石化公司化工一厂-1 大庆石化公司
上海石化股份有限公司塑料厂-2 北京东方石油化工公司 茂名石化公司 齐鲁石化公司
燕山石化公司化工一厂-2 大庆石化公司 兰州石化公司 扬巴石化公司
中海—壳牌石化公司 茂名石化公司
北京华美聚合物有限公司 山东昊达化学有限公司 神华榆林化工分公司
规模/ 4-1
(10 t ·a )7.8 12.0 6.5 8.0 4.0 11.0 14.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 2×20.0 25.0 25.0 6.0 10.0 30.0
生产能力为259.3×10 t/a,具体详见表2。
近年来,由于EVA 的市场需求加大,我国各大生产厂家在生产LDPE 的同时,也兼顾生产EVA 的牌号,或采用单线专门生产EVA。但是,较高档透明薄膜的产量还远不能满足市场需求,另外,耐压等级大于35 kV的LDPE 的电缆料在我国尚为空白,需全部从国外进口。
表2 我国LDPE 生产装置情况
1976 1976 1986 1992 1995 1996 1998 2002 2005 2006 2006 2006 2007 2009 2015 2015
三菱油化高压管式法 住友化学高压釜式法
德国伊姆豪森高压管式法 三菱油化高压管式法
意大利埃尼公司技术生产EVA 美国匡藤化学公司管式法 荷兰国家矿业公司管式法
埃克森—美孚高压管式法(生产EVA)巴塞尔高压管式法 巴塞尔高压管式法
巴塞尔高压管式法(一条线生产EVA)巴塞尔高压管式法 巴塞尔高压管式法 美国杜邦釜式法
针对我国LDPE 生产现状和存在问题,建议有条件的企业,可通过装置局部改造,生产国内紧缺的产品牌号以应对市场需求。拟建装置的生产企业在设计产品分布上,应优先考虑需求量较大的产品牌号,并开发高端产品,以弥补国内产品空白,尽量减少对进口产品的依赖。
[2] 石油和化工工程设计工作手册编委会.石油和化工
工程设计工作手册(第十一册) ——化工装置工程设计[M].山东:中国石油大学出版社,2010:163-172.
[3] 许淑丽,周和光.燕化新建管式法低密度聚乙烯装
置工艺探析[J].石油化工设计,2003,20(2): 24-27.
[4] 张德生.兰州石化分公司新建高压聚乙烯装置工艺
[5] 邓世强.茂名100kt/a低密度聚乙烯技术特点[J].
[6] 张英敏.国外LDPE 及高压乙烯共聚物的技术进展、
[7] 刘海燕.LDPE工艺路线评述[J].合成树脂及塑
[8] 徐青.低密度聚乙烯工艺的比较[J].合成树脂及塑
4 结论
低密度聚乙烯作为最重要的聚烯烃产品之一,一直保持着良好的市场前景。自20世纪90年代以来,世界LDPE 的需求量一直保持着稳步增长的趋势。目前,我国的聚乙烯生产虽已得到快速发展,但是,仍不能满足国内市场需求,对进口产品的依赖性较大。因此,随着消费的增长,我国应加快发展低密度聚乙烯产业。
[1] 黄道进,叶昕,王洪国.齐鲁高压聚乙烯现状及市场
Vol.27 No.6 Petroleum Planning & Engineering Nov. 2016 57
potential digging of high angle wells in the fault between narrow strip and implemented conventional measures are selected. After the implementation, good development effects have been achieved, and it provides important technical support for fine potential digging in fault zone.
Brief Study about Technological Design Optimization for the Big Drop Section of Oil Pipeline
Wu Hao, Wu Lianghong, Shen Juexin, et al.
Due to the existence of slack flow after turnover point in the long distance and
big drop oil transportation pipeline, it can bring out a series of technical and management problems for pipeline design and safe operation which are water hammer, vibration, cavitation and two phase flow. So, it’s necessary to correctly control the pressure of big drop pipeline after the pipeline turnover point. Based on a lot of surveys of typical big drop pipelines at home and abroad, the paper summarized the various process design measures of big drop pipelines, then proposed the optimal technological method for the long distance & big drop pipeline sections and put forward the optimization methods, steps and cases and finally give some suggestions about the filtering systems, safety relief systems, over pressure protection systems and selection of relief valves during the design of pressure reducing station.
Research on the Application of Digital Image Recognition Technology in Gas SCADA System
Gong Dali, Wang Xueli, Lei Fei
Many of the meters in city gas pipe network has no communication
capabilities to access the SCADA system. Therefore it brings a lot of security risk. A numeral recognition method was proposed in this paper to solve the problem. Firstly, meter dial image was obtained through the camera, eight neighborhood connected region growing method was applied to extract dial region automatically after canny edge detection, then numeral could be extracted through vertical and horizontal histogram, and further be recognized by structural characteristics of intersection method. The experimental results verify the effectiveness of the method. And the accurate and real-time performance can meet the requirements of the system. Therefore, the feasible method reduces the risk brought by those no communication capability meters.
Application of Production Dispatching Management in MES System
Wang Guangjie, Guo Andong, Li Xinlei, et al.
The equipment manufacturing enterprise business model mainly includes
mechanical machining and assembly. Jichai Power Equipment Company (referred to as JPEC) belongs to the typical discrete manufacturing industry. Its characteristics is the incoherence of the production process, complicated production links, scheduling and cooperative relations between the complex, and fast changing. Local delay affects the entire production plan, and enterprise of manufacturing cost and machining efficiency. The successful application of production dispatching management in MES system meets the need of Jichai production process of fine management, provides job allocation and scheduling process for JPEC, effectively improves the management decision-making ability and global analysis ability , and optimizes the management of the production process, reduces the production and operation cost, production data real-time collection and information sharing. Finally, it can provide effective support to enhance the market competitiveness of JPEC.
Application of IT Operation and Maintenance Management System based on ITIL Enterprise
Zhan Ying, Ren Lili, Zhou Zikun
With the development of enterprise information construction, the number of
enterprise information system is increasing rapidly. The relationship between information systems becomes more and more complicated. The dependence to information is enhanced continuously in production and management. More and more enterprises have brought in ITIL to improve IT service level. In this paper, based on the analysis of the disadvantages of traditional IT operation and maintenance, the model of IT operation and maintenance is built combined with enterprise’s requirement and real situation. IT operation and maintenance workflow is improved according to the disadvantages of traditional IT service model. Finally, ITIL conception is realized by information system. Deploying scheme and analyzing effects can make sure that flexible and high-efficient IT operation and maintenance workflow will come true. The system will show the ITIL conception and achieve the expected effect.
Status and Progress in Low Density Polyethylene Process Technology
Zou Dan
Low density polyethylene is one of the common plastics which have high
output and wide use in the world. It has excellent application in extrude-painting、molding 、film for farming and industry field etc. From technological characteristics, reaction condition and product features, this paper introduces the tubular progress for low density polyethylene technology which used by DSM, Exxon Mobil Corp. and Basell Company, and autoclave progress for low density polyethylene technology which used by Basell Company Exxon Mobil Corp. and Eni SpA. It also analyzes technical progress of low density polyethylene and application status of production technology in China. At last, the suggestions for the problem of production technology are given.
Practice of Integrated Optimization for Water and Polymer Flooding in the Surface System of Xingbei Oilfield
Wang Mingxin, Zhang Xingbo, Zhu Yuan
The exploration of polymer flooding in Xingbei oilfield began in 2001. With
the development, well spacing density is increasing year by year, field layout is becoming more and more intensive, and yield of some blocks is reducing year by year. As a result, the phenomenon of corrosion, aging, low load, running cost and energy consumption increase of the station has become increasingly prominent. In order to meet the need of development investment, reducing energy consumption and balancing the regional load, it is necessary to optimize the water flooding and polymer flooding surface system. To the polymer flooding block in the follow-up water drive stage, this paper analyzes the merger feasibility of water flooding and polymer flooding surface system, and discusses the timing and methods of optimization. Through the optimization and adjustment of the system, it can balance the regional load effectively, and realize the goal of resource complementation, saving-energy, reducing-consumption and integrating human resources.
Experiment Application of Pipeline External Inspection Technology at Dagang South Oilfield
Liu Bifeng, Liu Boyang
Based on the theory, characteristics, test application of four kinds of
non-contact pipeline inspection technology which are multiple frequency current, ultrasonic guided waves, transient electromagnetic and metal magnetic memory. The technologies are tested for applicability, accuracy and shortcomings combined with real situation of Dagang South Oilfield. Through experiment application of four kinds of inspection technology, the function characteristics of the inspection and evaluation technology are mastered, and the experience of integrity management of pipeline detection, defect assessment and life prediction are accumulated. In addition, through the inspection, evaluation and repair work, the pipeline risk is reduced, the pipeline intrinsically safe is improved, the life of the pipeline is extended, the pipeline failure rate is reduced, money is saved, and some technical Suggestions for improvement are put forward.
Potential Digging Research of Well Seismic Combined with Fault Zone at Sabei Development Area
Zeng Xuemei
Due to the developed fault in the West of Sabei Development Area, local well
pattern is irregular, relationship between injection and production is imperfect, and the surplus potential is great. Since 2010, data acquisition about high density 3D seismic and seismic structural interpretation have been completed, the fault distribution, variation of injection production relationship and potential distribution were described. Based on this, a research of fine research on well seismic combined with fault zone is carried out. According to the distribution characteristics of residual oil in different regions, the system adjustment on injection and production system in complex fault zone, arrangement of the efficient vertical wells near the large fault, production
6 2016年11月 石 油 规 划 设 计 第27卷 第6期
邹丹. 高压法低密度聚乙烯工艺技术现状及进展. 石油规划设计,2016,27(6):6~9
摘要 低密度聚乙烯是目前世界上产量大、用途广的通用塑料之一,多用于挤出涂覆、注塑、
关键词 低密度聚乙烯;高压法;工艺技术;现状进展
中图分类号:TQ325.1+2 文献标识码:A DOI :10.3969/j.issn.1004-2970.2016.06.002
低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)又称高压聚乙烯,是由聚合级乙烯为单体,在压力约300 MPa,温度150~330 ℃范围内发生聚合反应而生成的一种有韧性、有弹性、半透明的聚合物,其密度为0.910~0.935
另外,乙烯同其他极性单体(如醋酸乙烯)可产生共聚物,醋酸乙烯—乙烯共聚物(EVA乳液或EVA 树脂)是应用较多的品种。只需在低密度聚乙烯的高压聚合工艺装置中增加一些辅助设备,稍加改造即可生产EVA 树脂。
* 邹丹,女,工程师。2007年毕业于东北石油大学化学工程专业,获硕士学位。现在大庆石化工程有限公司,从事聚烯烃树脂的化工工艺设计工作。地址:黑龙江省大庆市卧里屯大街90号,163714。E-mail:[email protected]
1 高压聚乙烯生产工艺
1.1 管式法高压聚乙烯生产工艺
及德国巴塞尔公司的管式法工艺等。 1.1.1 荷兰国家矿业公司清洁管式反应技术
该工艺反应压力为250 MPa;初始反应温度为160 ℃,最高反应温度为290 ℃;转化率为28%~33.1%,最高可达38%。技术特点:
第27卷 第6期 石 油 规 划 设 计 2016年11月 7
四是,反应器夹套采用冷水冷却,可副产蒸汽。 五是,反应器结构简单、价格低廉,反应管不发生机械疲劳,流程简单,装置投资较低。
1.1.2 埃克森—美孚化学公司的管式法工艺
该工艺反应压力为260~300 MPa;初始反应温度为160~190 ℃,最高反应温度320 ℃;转化率为28%~33.1%,最高可达40%。技术特点:
二是,乙烯三点进料,一股从前端进入反应器预热至反应引发温度,另外两股分别进入侧线冷却器,冷却至15 ℃后进入反应器进行聚合反应,各段反应区使用急冷水冷却。引发剂五点注入,转化率高,操作灵活。
1.1.3 德国巴塞尔公司的管式法工艺
该工艺反应压力为260~310 MPa,反应温度为160~330 ℃,转化率为28%~34.1%。技术特点:
六是,可以生产高VA 含量(30%)共聚产品。 1.2 釜式法高压聚乙烯生产工艺
目前,釜式反应器容积多为0.75~3.00 m ,平均反应温度150~300 ℃,反应压力110~200 MPa,转化率为15%~21%。较成熟的釜式法工艺有德国巴塞尔公司釜式法工艺、美国埃克森—美孚化学公司釜式法工艺、意大利埃尼公司釜式法工艺等。 1.2.1 德国巴塞尔公司的釜式法工艺
该工艺最大反应压力为220 MPa,反应釜容积
为1.5 m。技术特点:
一是,采用丙烯做调节剂,在一次压缩机入口加入,有利于与乙烯进行更充分的混合,能更好地起到调整分子量的作用。注入压力较低,为2.5~3.5 MPa。
四是,产品范围宽,应用范围广,可生产VA 含量达40%的高EVA 产品,生产弹性更大,市场适应性更强。
1.2.2 埃克森—美孚化学公司的釜式法工艺
该工艺最大反应压力为200 MPa,反应釜容积
为1.5 m。技术特点:
8 2016年11月 邹丹:高压法低密度聚乙烯工艺技术现状及进展 第27卷 第6期 入,注入压力较高,约为30 MPa。
四是,高压气体循环系统前端设有废热锅炉,利用高压循环气的高温副产1 MPa的中压蒸汽,降低了能耗。
1.2.3 意大利埃尼公司的釜式法工艺
该工艺最大反应压力为200 MPa,反应釜容积
为1.5 m。技术特点:
一是,采用丙烯做调节剂,在二次压缩机入口加入,注入压力较高,约为30 MPa。
四是,高压循环系统前端设有锅炉水换热器,利用高压循环气的高温将热量传递给锅炉给水,副产0.3 MPa的低压蒸汽,降低了能耗。
五是,高压循环系统设计复杂,分高压、中压、低压三个循环系统,共有12台换热器和9台分离器,分三组,每组4台换热器和3台分离器,分离效果好,但设备台数较多,占地和投资较大。 1.3 管式法和釜式法高压聚乙烯生产工艺特点对比
表1 管式法和釜式法高压聚乙烯生产工艺特点对比
对比项目 建设情况
占世界LDPE 总产能的49%,占我国LDPE 总产能的33%,占世界LDPE 总产能的51%,占我国LDPE 总产能的67%,最
最大单线能力18×10 t/a 大单线能力32×10 t/a (1)反应温度、压力均匀,易形成有许多长支链的聚合(1)反应温度、压力沿反应管的长度逐渐降低,产品相对分物,冲击强度较好; 子质量分布较宽,支链较少,光学性好,适于加工成薄膜;(2)反应停留时间短,适于生产小批量牌号,过渡料少;(2)反应停留时间相对较长; (3)可生产高VA 含量的EVA,多用于热熔胶、挤出涂(3)共聚物中的VA 含量一般不大于20%,多用于农膜和收覆和掺混 缩包装膜 (1)长径比2∶1~20∶1; (1)反应管内径为25~64 mm,长0.5~1.5 km,长径比大于(2)反应器中有搅拌轴、挡板,搅拌马达一般也都安装12 000∶1; 于反应器内,维修、安装较困难 (2)反应器结构简单,制造和维修方便,能承受较高的压力反应压力为110~200 MPa;反应温度为150~300 ℃ 反应压力为250~310 MPa;反应温度为160~330 ℃ 近似完全混合 近似于柱塞流动 若操作失误,易发生分解反应;一旦发生分解反应,装
置须停车检修 有机过氧化物 氧气、有机过氧化物 采用进料冷却 夹套冷却和进料冷却 15%~21% 20%~35%(最高可达40%)
产品特点 反应器形式 反应条件 反应流体状态 反应控制 引发剂 聚合热散热方式 单程转化率 投资及操作费用 高
釜式法和管式法各有特点,釜式法适于生产小批量专用牌号及高含量EVA 等附加值较高的产品,
但单线能力较低,一般为10×10 t/a;管式法生产
规模较大,单线生产能力可达32×10 t/a,但共聚物中VA 含量较低。
2 高压法聚乙烯工艺的技术进展
生产密度为0.943 g/cm的中密度产品。同时,采用自由基聚合而成的含有极性单体结构单元的共聚物,克服了原非极性的限制,极大地扩展了产品的用途。由于聚合反应的温度峰值受分解温度限制,最高不能超过335 ℃,因此,目前对LDPE 的研究
第27卷 第6期 石 油 规 划 设 计 2016年11月 9
3 我国高压聚乙烯工艺现状及问题
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
上海石化股份有限公司塑料厂-1 燕山石化公司化工一厂-1 大庆石化公司
上海石化股份有限公司塑料厂-2 北京东方石油化工公司 茂名石化公司 齐鲁石化公司
燕山石化公司化工一厂-2 大庆石化公司 兰州石化公司 扬巴石化公司
中海—壳牌石化公司 茂名石化公司
北京华美聚合物有限公司 山东昊达化学有限公司 神华榆林化工分公司
规模/ 4-1
(10 t ·a )7.8 12.0 6.5 8.0 4.0 11.0 14.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 2×20.0 25.0 25.0 6.0 10.0 30.0
生产能力为259.3×10 t/a,具体详见表2。
近年来,由于EVA 的市场需求加大,我国各大生产厂家在生产LDPE 的同时,也兼顾生产EVA 的牌号,或采用单线专门生产EVA。但是,较高档透明薄膜的产量还远不能满足市场需求,另外,耐压等级大于35 kV的LDPE 的电缆料在我国尚为空白,需全部从国外进口。
表2 我国LDPE 生产装置情况
1976 1976 1986 1992 1995 1996 1998 2002 2005 2006 2006 2006 2007 2009 2015 2015
三菱油化高压管式法 住友化学高压釜式法
德国伊姆豪森高压管式法 三菱油化高压管式法
意大利埃尼公司技术生产EVA 美国匡藤化学公司管式法 荷兰国家矿业公司管式法
埃克森—美孚高压管式法(生产EVA)巴塞尔高压管式法 巴塞尔高压管式法
巴塞尔高压管式法(一条线生产EVA)巴塞尔高压管式法 巴塞尔高压管式法 美国杜邦釜式法
针对我国LDPE 生产现状和存在问题,建议有条件的企业,可通过装置局部改造,生产国内紧缺的产品牌号以应对市场需求。拟建装置的生产企业在设计产品分布上,应优先考虑需求量较大的产品牌号,并开发高端产品,以弥补国内产品空白,尽量减少对进口产品的依赖。
[2] 石油和化工工程设计工作手册编委会.石油和化工
工程设计工作手册(第十一册) ——化工装置工程设计[M].山东:中国石油大学出版社,2010:163-172.
[3] 许淑丽,周和光.燕化新建管式法低密度聚乙烯装
置工艺探析[J].石油化工设计,2003,20(2): 24-27.
[4] 张德生.兰州石化分公司新建高压聚乙烯装置工艺
[5] 邓世强.茂名100kt/a低密度聚乙烯技术特点[J].
[6] 张英敏.国外LDPE 及高压乙烯共聚物的技术进展、
[7] 刘海燕.LDPE工艺路线评述[J].合成树脂及塑
[8] 徐青.低密度聚乙烯工艺的比较[J].合成树脂及塑
4 结论
低密度聚乙烯作为最重要的聚烯烃产品之一,一直保持着良好的市场前景。自20世纪90年代以来,世界LDPE 的需求量一直保持着稳步增长的趋势。目前,我国的聚乙烯生产虽已得到快速发展,但是,仍不能满足国内市场需求,对进口产品的依赖性较大。因此,随着消费的增长,我国应加快发展低密度聚乙烯产业。
[1] 黄道进,叶昕,王洪国.齐鲁高压聚乙烯现状及市场
Vol.27 No.6 Petroleum Planning & Engineering Nov. 2016 57
potential digging of high angle wells in the fault between narrow strip and implemented conventional measures are selected. After the implementation, good development effects have been achieved, and it provides important technical support for fine potential digging in fault zone.
Brief Study about Technological Design Optimization for the Big Drop Section of Oil Pipeline
Wu Hao, Wu Lianghong, Shen Juexin, et al.
Due to the existence of slack flow after turnover point in the long distance and
big drop oil transportation pipeline, it can bring out a series of technical and management problems for pipeline design and safe operation which are water hammer, vibration, cavitation and two phase flow. So, it’s necessary to correctly control the pressure of big drop pipeline after the pipeline turnover point. Based on a lot of surveys of typical big drop pipelines at home and abroad, the paper summarized the various process design measures of big drop pipelines, then proposed the optimal technological method for the long distance & big drop pipeline sections and put forward the optimization methods, steps and cases and finally give some suggestions about the filtering systems, safety relief systems, over pressure protection systems and selection of relief valves during the design of pressure reducing station.
Research on the Application of Digital Image Recognition Technology in Gas SCADA System
Gong Dali, Wang Xueli, Lei Fei
Many of the meters in city gas pipe network has no communication
capabilities to access the SCADA system. Therefore it brings a lot of security risk. A numeral recognition method was proposed in this paper to solve the problem. Firstly, meter dial image was obtained through the camera, eight neighborhood connected region growing method was applied to extract dial region automatically after canny edge detection, then numeral could be extracted through vertical and horizontal histogram, and further be recognized by structural characteristics of intersection method. The experimental results verify the effectiveness of the method. And the accurate and real-time performance can meet the requirements of the system. Therefore, the feasible method reduces the risk brought by those no communication capability meters.
Application of Production Dispatching Management in MES System
Wang Guangjie, Guo Andong, Li Xinlei, et al.
The equipment manufacturing enterprise business model mainly includes
mechanical machining and assembly. Jichai Power Equipment Company (referred to as JPEC) belongs to the typical discrete manufacturing industry. Its characteristics is the incoherence of the production process, complicated production links, scheduling and cooperative relations between the complex, and fast changing. Local delay affects the entire production plan, and enterprise of manufacturing cost and machining efficiency. The successful application of production dispatching management in MES system meets the need of Jichai production process of fine management, provides job allocation and scheduling process for JPEC, effectively improves the management decision-making ability and global analysis ability , and optimizes the management of the production process, reduces the production and operation cost, production data real-time collection and information sharing. Finally, it can provide effective support to enhance the market competitiveness of JPEC.
Application of IT Operation and Maintenance Management System based on ITIL Enterprise
Zhan Ying, Ren Lili, Zhou Zikun
With the development of enterprise information construction, the number of
enterprise information system is increasing rapidly. The relationship between information systems becomes more and more complicated. The dependence to information is enhanced continuously in production and management. More and more enterprises have brought in ITIL to improve IT service level. In this paper, based on the analysis of the disadvantages of traditional IT operation and maintenance, the model of IT operation and maintenance is built combined with enterprise’s requirement and real situation. IT operation and maintenance workflow is improved according to the disadvantages of traditional IT service model. Finally, ITIL conception is realized by information system. Deploying scheme and analyzing effects can make sure that flexible and high-efficient IT operation and maintenance workflow will come true. The system will show the ITIL conception and achieve the expected effect.
Status and Progress in Low Density Polyethylene Process Technology
Zou Dan
Low density polyethylene is one of the common plastics which have high
output and wide use in the world. It has excellent application in extrude-painting、molding 、film for farming and industry field etc. From technological characteristics, reaction condition and product features, this paper introduces the tubular progress for low density polyethylene technology which used by DSM, Exxon Mobil Corp. and Basell Company, and autoclave progress for low density polyethylene technology which used by Basell Company Exxon Mobil Corp. and Eni SpA. It also analyzes technical progress of low density polyethylene and application status of production technology in China. At last, the suggestions for the problem of production technology are given.
Practice of Integrated Optimization for Water and Polymer Flooding in the Surface System of Xingbei Oilfield
Wang Mingxin, Zhang Xingbo, Zhu Yuan
The exploration of polymer flooding in Xingbei oilfield began in 2001. With
the development, well spacing density is increasing year by year, field layout is becoming more and more intensive, and yield of some blocks is reducing year by year. As a result, the phenomenon of corrosion, aging, low load, running cost and energy consumption increase of the station has become increasingly prominent. In order to meet the need of development investment, reducing energy consumption and balancing the regional load, it is necessary to optimize the water flooding and polymer flooding surface system. To the polymer flooding block in the follow-up water drive stage, this paper analyzes the merger feasibility of water flooding and polymer flooding surface system, and discusses the timing and methods of optimization. Through the optimization and adjustment of the system, it can balance the regional load effectively, and realize the goal of resource complementation, saving-energy, reducing-consumption and integrating human resources.
Experiment Application of Pipeline External Inspection Technology at Dagang South Oilfield
Liu Bifeng, Liu Boyang
Based on the theory, characteristics, test application of four kinds of
non-contact pipeline inspection technology which are multiple frequency current, ultrasonic guided waves, transient electromagnetic and metal magnetic memory. The technologies are tested for applicability, accuracy and shortcomings combined with real situation of Dagang South Oilfield. Through experiment application of four kinds of inspection technology, the function characteristics of the inspection and evaluation technology are mastered, and the experience of integrity management of pipeline detection, defect assessment and life prediction are accumulated. In addition, through the inspection, evaluation and repair work, the pipeline risk is reduced, the pipeline intrinsically safe is improved, the life of the pipeline is extended, the pipeline failure rate is reduced, money is saved, and some technical Suggestions for improvement are put forward.
Potential Digging Research of Well Seismic Combined with Fault Zone at Sabei Development Area
Zeng Xuemei
Due to the developed fault in the West of Sabei Development Area, local well
pattern is irregular, relationship between injection and production is imperfect, and the surplus potential is great. Since 2010, data acquisition about high density 3D seismic and seismic structural interpretation have been completed, the fault distribution, variation of injection production relationship and potential distribution were described. Based on this, a research of fine research on well seismic combined with fault zone is carried out. According to the distribution characteristics of residual oil in different regions, the system adjustment on injection and production system in complex fault zone, arrangement of the efficient vertical wells near the large fault, production