
Fig.2.1 shows an example about how the lap after the opening,cleaning and mixing processes is concerted into a card sliver. The lap wound on the lap rod is mounded on the lap holder and the rotation of the lap drum makes the lap unwind. When the lap reaches the feeding plate, the feeding roller pushes the lap towards the likier-in (or taker-in as it is also refered to) which is covered with metallic saw-toothed cloth. The licker-in rotates at high speed and pudds out small tufts of the mote knife, causes most of the impurities and very short fibers in the lap to separates and drop through the grids in the under-casing beneath the licker-in. The cylinder is also covered with metallic saw-toothed cloth and rotates at very high speed. The interaction between the teeth on the cylinder and the teeth on the revolving flats above the cylinder opens and separates the tufts of remaining impurities and short fibres are removed. Some of them drop through the grids in the cylinder under casing; some form strips of fibres on the flats. These flat strips are removee by a flat stripping comb and a flat stripping brush. The single fibres after carding are transferred from the cylinder to a slower rotating doffer covered also with metallic saw-toothed cloth. Stripping rollers remove the fibres in the form of a card web from the doffer. Two nip rollers crush any remaining impurities before the web enters a trumpet that condenses it into a card sliver. The sliver is then coiled into a can.


Fig.2.1 shows an example about how the lap after the opening,cleaning and mixing processes is concerted into a card sliver. The lap wound on the lap rod is mounded on the lap holder and the rotation of the lap drum makes the lap unwind. When the lap reaches the feeding plate, the feeding roller pushes the lap towards the likier-in (or taker-in as it is also refered to) which is covered with metallic saw-toothed cloth. The licker-in rotates at high speed and pudds out small tufts of the mote knife, causes most of the impurities and very short fibers in the lap to separates and drop through the grids in the under-casing beneath the licker-in. The cylinder is also covered with metallic saw-toothed cloth and rotates at very high speed. The interaction between the teeth on the cylinder and the teeth on the revolving flats above the cylinder opens and separates the tufts of remaining impurities and short fibres are removed. Some of them drop through the grids in the cylinder under casing; some form strips of fibres on the flats. These flat strips are removee by a flat stripping comb and a flat stripping brush. The single fibres after carding are transferred from the cylinder to a slower rotating doffer covered also with metallic saw-toothed cloth. Stripping rollers remove the fibres in the form of a card web from the doffer. Two nip rollers crush any remaining impurities before the web enters a trumpet that condenses it into a card sliver. The sliver is then coiled into a can.



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