
Li Xian spring the pharmaceutical industry limited liability company introduces

Li Xian spring the pharmaceutical industry limited liability company's predecessor for the Li Xian medicine company, in 1995 People's Republic of China domestic Ministry of Trade awarded the company is “the Chinese old shop” the enterprise, some more than 50 year drugs management history, in 2004 May changes the system the stock-company type enterprise.The company existing staff 186 people, have each kind of professionals more than 80 people, mainly manages the traditional Chinese medicine, the Chinese native medicine tablets ready for decoction, the traditional Chinese medicine, the chemicals, the biological preparations medicine, two kind of energetic drugs, the medical instrument and the healthy product more than 3000 varieties, realized the wholesale, retail chain, the warehousing physical distribution allocation, has planted the base construction, the traditional Chinese medicine production processing and the export trade is a body formalization management pattern.

Li Xian spring the pharmaceutical industry limited liability company scrupulously follows “as starts a career the foundation take the good faith, take the quality as the origin of life” the management idea, relies on the marketing pattern which own modernized the information resource and innovates unceasingly, in the intense market competition, has maintained the situation which develops with steady steps, the company year sales volume is amounting to more than 2000 ten thousand Yuan, the gross asset amounts to more than 4000 ten thousand Yuan, the company for many years and the domestic multitudinous well-known production enterprise and the management enterprise is maintaining the good service cooperation, has formed the stable drugs supply network system, guarantees provides the high quality at low price for the general customers the drugs.

Not only Li Xian spring the pharmaceutical industry limited liability company is south the Gansu Gansu the city drugs management backbone commercial interchange enterprise, moreover also is the Li Xian agriculture industrial production main item enterprise, the company further displays the Li Xian Chinese rhubarb the habitat superiority and the product superiority, established 5000 Chinese acre green non-environmental damage Chinese rhubarb exportation according to the GAP standard to plant the base, guaranteed the product quality from the source.The company in order to establish the integrity the traditional Chinese medicine industrial production economical chain, walks pathway which the processing rises in value, founded the export trade primarily traditional Chinese medicine processing factory, the company has produced “Mt. Qi” the sign Chinese rhubarb, the product quality excellent, deeply domestic and foreign merchant's favor.The company exports the Chinese rhubarb the specification mainly to have “the egg piece lucky” the top-quality product, “Soviet lucky” top-quality product, year volume of exports more than 200 tons, mainly exports countries and the area and so on the Italy, Holland, Canada, Japan and Southeast Asia. The Li Xian element negative "south Gansu the medicine township" thegreat reputation, traditional Chinese medicine Chinese rhubarb "Bookon Chinese medicine after" records from the Han Dynasty had more than1,700 years history. Li Xian Chinese rhubarb because of its quality of material solid, the smell delicate fragrance, Spanish red obvious, thebrocade grain clear but is not chaotic and so on the characteristicbut the element has "the Chinese Chinese rhubarb armor world, 铨 thewater emodin great reputation" the laudatory name, the Li Xian Chineserhubarb accounts for our country Chinese rhubarb total export quantityabove 60%, has the broad market development prospect. The our companywholeheartedly welcome the domestic and foreign merchants to come toinspect the cooperation, the discussion service, altogether seeks thedevelopment important matter, altogether will create the gloriousfuture.

Address: Li Xian big west street Telephone: 0939-4481536

zip code: 742200 Facsimile: 0939-4421344

website: www://gslhjt.com/ Mailbox: [email protected]

Li Xian spring the pharmaceutical industry limited liability company introduces

Li Xian spring the pharmaceutical industry limited liability company's predecessor for the Li Xian medicine company, in 1995 People's Republic of China domestic Ministry of Trade awarded the company is “the Chinese old shop” the enterprise, some more than 50 year drugs management history, in 2004 May changes the system the stock-company type enterprise.The company existing staff 186 people, have each kind of professionals more than 80 people, mainly manages the traditional Chinese medicine, the Chinese native medicine tablets ready for decoction, the traditional Chinese medicine, the chemicals, the biological preparations medicine, two kind of energetic drugs, the medical instrument and the healthy product more than 3000 varieties, realized the wholesale, retail chain, the warehousing physical distribution allocation, has planted the base construction, the traditional Chinese medicine production processing and the export trade is a body formalization management pattern.

Li Xian spring the pharmaceutical industry limited liability company scrupulously follows “as starts a career the foundation take the good faith, take the quality as the origin of life” the management idea, relies on the marketing pattern which own modernized the information resource and innovates unceasingly, in the intense market competition, has maintained the situation which develops with steady steps, the company year sales volume is amounting to more than 2000 ten thousand Yuan, the gross asset amounts to more than 4000 ten thousand Yuan, the company for many years and the domestic multitudinous well-known production enterprise and the management enterprise is maintaining the good service cooperation, has formed the stable drugs supply network system, guarantees provides the high quality at low price for the general customers the drugs.

Not only Li Xian spring the pharmaceutical industry limited liability company is south the Gansu Gansu the city drugs management backbone commercial interchange enterprise, moreover also is the Li Xian agriculture industrial production main item enterprise, the company further displays the Li Xian Chinese rhubarb the habitat superiority and the product superiority, established 5000 Chinese acre green non-environmental damage Chinese rhubarb exportation according to the GAP standard to plant the base, guaranteed the product quality from the source.The company in order to establish the integrity the traditional Chinese medicine industrial production economical chain, walks pathway which the processing rises in value, founded the export trade primarily traditional Chinese medicine processing factory, the company has produced “Mt. Qi” the sign Chinese rhubarb, the product quality excellent, deeply domestic and foreign merchant's favor.The company exports the Chinese rhubarb the specification mainly to have “the egg piece lucky” the top-quality product, “Soviet lucky” top-quality product, year volume of exports more than 200 tons, mainly exports countries and the area and so on the Italy, Holland, Canada, Japan and Southeast Asia. The Li Xian element negative "south Gansu the medicine township" thegreat reputation, traditional Chinese medicine Chinese rhubarb "Bookon Chinese medicine after" records from the Han Dynasty had more than1,700 years history. Li Xian Chinese rhubarb because of its quality of material solid, the smell delicate fragrance, Spanish red obvious, thebrocade grain clear but is not chaotic and so on the characteristicbut the element has "the Chinese Chinese rhubarb armor world, 铨 thewater emodin great reputation" the laudatory name, the Li Xian Chineserhubarb accounts for our country Chinese rhubarb total export quantityabove 60%, has the broad market development prospect. The our companywholeheartedly welcome the domestic and foreign merchants to come toinspect the cooperation, the discussion service, altogether seeks thedevelopment important matter, altogether will create the gloriousfuture.

Address: Li Xian big west street Telephone: 0939-4481536

zip code: 742200 Facsimile: 0939-4421344

website: www://gslhjt.com/ Mailbox: [email protected]


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