



Reason of the Chain Retail Enterprises Self-build Distribution Center

Wang Guiduo

(Henan Business College)

Abstract: With the expanding of chain enterprises sales-scale, the distribution, as a basis for the development ofenterprise, becomes a major bottleneck of the development of enterprise. At present, there are four modes about thedistribution, that is the chain retail enterprises build distribution center by themselves, the suppliers distribute logisticsdirectly, the chain retail enterprises build distribution center with the suppliers, and the enterprises commit a third-partylogistics enterprises on distribution. Two years ago, theorists have advocated enterprises should strip out the logisticsbusiness, achieving its main advantage through outsourcing in the form of third-party logistics. So as to logistics outsourcingbecome the main theme of development of the logistics enterprises. However, after a period of practice, outsourcing marketdevelopment of enterprise logistics is not satisfactory, and then the retail chain enterprises build logistics distribution centersby themselves for the needs of business.

Key Words: chain retail enterprises; self-built distribution center; reasons





Reason of the Chain Retail Enterprises Self-build Distribution Center

Wang Guiduo

(Henan Business College)

Abstract: With the expanding of chain enterprises sales-scale, the distribution, as a basis for the development ofenterprise, becomes a major bottleneck of the development of enterprise. At present, there are four modes about thedistribution, that is the chain retail enterprises build distribution center by themselves, the suppliers distribute logisticsdirectly, the chain retail enterprises build distribution center with the suppliers, and the enterprises commit a third-partylogistics enterprises on distribution. Two years ago, theorists have advocated enterprises should strip out the logisticsbusiness, achieving its main advantage through outsourcing in the form of third-party logistics. So as to logistics outsourcingbecome the main theme of development of the logistics enterprises. However, after a period of practice, outsourcing marketdevelopment of enterprise logistics is not satisfactory, and then the retail chain enterprises build logistics distribution centersby themselves for the needs of business.

Key Words: chain retail enterprises; self-built distribution center; reasons



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