

What Do People Do?


Many people around the world celebrate Christmas Eve in different ways. It is observed in many countries such as Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States. Workers in some countries get a day off or half-day off to prepare for Christmas Day, including last-minute shopping for presents, decorations or food. In some countries Christmas Eve is celebrated with large family meals featuring traditional Christmas dishes. In some cultures, presents are exchanged and opened on the night of Christmas Eve. Many homes have their Christmas trees lit up, mistletoes hung, and other Christmas decorations, such as holly and ivy, at this time of the year.


Some people organize groups of singers who go Christmas caroling from door to door, or sing Christmas carols in public venues. It is also a time for children in many countries around the world to hang their Christmas stockings (or pillow cases), hoping for a present to arrive from Santa Claus on Christmas Day, which is December 25 in the Gregorian calendar. Children in France set out their shoes near a fireplace on Christmas Eve because they believe that Father Christmas (Santa Claus), also known as le Père No?l (in French), will arrive before dawn and fill them with toys, nuts and sweets.

一些人还会组织一群歌手挨家挨户、或者在公共场所唱圣诞颂歌。这个时候全世界许多国家的孩子们还会挂起自己的圣诞袜子(或者枕头套子),希望在圣诞节(公历12月25日)那天收到一份来自圣诞老人的礼物。法国的孩子们在平安夜那天把他们的鞋子放在壁炉旁边,因为他们相信圣诞老人(法语为 le Père No?l)会在天亮前到来,在他们的鞋子里装满玩具、坚果和糖果。

Many churches hold special services during Christmas Eve, including midnight services. These services include special choirs and sermons to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Many churches also display a crèche or miniature Nativity scene. Christmas celebrations in different countries combine the country’s cultural traditions, beliefs and superstitions with more contemporary customs, such as Santa Claus and Christmas trees.

许多教堂也会在平安夜那天举行特别活动,包括午夜活动。这些活动包括特别的唱诗班和布道活动,以此来庆祝耶稣基督的诞辰。许多教堂还会上演一幕小耶稣诞生的教堂表演( 被称之为crèche)。不同国家的圣诞庆祝活动都将那个国家的文化传统、宗教信仰和迷信与更多现代习俗结合了起来,例如圣诞老人和圣诞树等。

Public Life


Christmas Eve is a public holiday in countries such as the Czech Republic and Estonia. Some banks and businesses are closed in some countries, including Austria and Germany, on Christmas Eve. Many people in countries such as Brazil have the afternoon off work on Christmas Eve.


Some stores are often open late to accommodate for last-minute Christmas shopping in some cities around the world. Schools and educational institutions are usually closed on Christmas Eve as it falls as part of either the winter (northern hemisphere) or summer (southern hemisphere) vacation period. Airports, bus stations and train stations may be busy as many people travel to visit their families around this time of the year.




Christmas Eve, also known as the Vigil of Christmas, is perceived as the culmination of the Advent season. Christmas Eve is the day before Christmas Day and is associated with celebrating Jesus Christ’s birth, although his actual birth date has been disputed among many scholars. However, many Christmas traditions that are around today have their roots in pre-Christian winter festivals. These include the importance of candles and decorations made from evergreen bushes and trees, symbolizing everlasting light and life.

平安夜也被称之为“圣诞守夜( Vigil of Christmas)”,被视为是基督降临节的高潮。平安夜是圣诞节前一天,和庆祝耶稣基督的诞辰有关--尽管他确切的生日日期在许多学者间一直存在争议。然而,今天的许多圣诞节传统都起源于耶稣之前的冬节。其中用常青树和树木制成的蜡烛和装饰物非常重要,象征着永恒的光和生命。

In Roman times, a mid-winter festival was held. This was a relaxing time with a lot of parties and merry making. It was also common to give other people small gifts, such as dolls for children and candles for adults. This festival culminated with the celebration of the winter solstice, which fell on December 25 in the Roman calendar.




Since pagan times, it was customary to decorate with greenery on festivals, especially with holly, ivy, and mistletoe. After some debate, the church authorities permitted it to be done on Christian festivals, at least from the early seventh century in England. Holly and ivy were associated with good and evil, or male and female, and so were often combined. Mistletoe has pagan associations. For example, the druids of Gaul regarded mistletoe growing on oak trees as sent from heaven.


Images of Santa Claus, also known as Father Christmas, snowmen, reindeer, and candy canes are seen in cards, posters, signs and other printed or marketing material associated with the Christmas celebrations. Images of baby Jesus, the Christmas star, and other symbols associated with the religious meaning of Christmas are also seen during Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.









What Do People Do?


Many people around the world celebrate Christmas Eve in different ways. It is observed in many countries such as Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States. Workers in some countries get a day off or half-day off to prepare for Christmas Day, including last-minute shopping for presents, decorations or food. In some countries Christmas Eve is celebrated with large family meals featuring traditional Christmas dishes. In some cultures, presents are exchanged and opened on the night of Christmas Eve. Many homes have their Christmas trees lit up, mistletoes hung, and other Christmas decorations, such as holly and ivy, at this time of the year.


Some people organize groups of singers who go Christmas caroling from door to door, or sing Christmas carols in public venues. It is also a time for children in many countries around the world to hang their Christmas stockings (or pillow cases), hoping for a present to arrive from Santa Claus on Christmas Day, which is December 25 in the Gregorian calendar. Children in France set out their shoes near a fireplace on Christmas Eve because they believe that Father Christmas (Santa Claus), also known as le Père No?l (in French), will arrive before dawn and fill them with toys, nuts and sweets.

一些人还会组织一群歌手挨家挨户、或者在公共场所唱圣诞颂歌。这个时候全世界许多国家的孩子们还会挂起自己的圣诞袜子(或者枕头套子),希望在圣诞节(公历12月25日)那天收到一份来自圣诞老人的礼物。法国的孩子们在平安夜那天把他们的鞋子放在壁炉旁边,因为他们相信圣诞老人(法语为 le Père No?l)会在天亮前到来,在他们的鞋子里装满玩具、坚果和糖果。

Many churches hold special services during Christmas Eve, including midnight services. These services include special choirs and sermons to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Many churches also display a crèche or miniature Nativity scene. Christmas celebrations in different countries combine the country’s cultural traditions, beliefs and superstitions with more contemporary customs, such as Santa Claus and Christmas trees.

许多教堂也会在平安夜那天举行特别活动,包括午夜活动。这些活动包括特别的唱诗班和布道活动,以此来庆祝耶稣基督的诞辰。许多教堂还会上演一幕小耶稣诞生的教堂表演( 被称之为crèche)。不同国家的圣诞庆祝活动都将那个国家的文化传统、宗教信仰和迷信与更多现代习俗结合了起来,例如圣诞老人和圣诞树等。

Public Life


Christmas Eve is a public holiday in countries such as the Czech Republic and Estonia. Some banks and businesses are closed in some countries, including Austria and Germany, on Christmas Eve. Many people in countries such as Brazil have the afternoon off work on Christmas Eve.


Some stores are often open late to accommodate for last-minute Christmas shopping in some cities around the world. Schools and educational institutions are usually closed on Christmas Eve as it falls as part of either the winter (northern hemisphere) or summer (southern hemisphere) vacation period. Airports, bus stations and train stations may be busy as many people travel to visit their families around this time of the year.




Christmas Eve, also known as the Vigil of Christmas, is perceived as the culmination of the Advent season. Christmas Eve is the day before Christmas Day and is associated with celebrating Jesus Christ’s birth, although his actual birth date has been disputed among many scholars. However, many Christmas traditions that are around today have their roots in pre-Christian winter festivals. These include the importance of candles and decorations made from evergreen bushes and trees, symbolizing everlasting light and life.

平安夜也被称之为“圣诞守夜( Vigil of Christmas)”,被视为是基督降临节的高潮。平安夜是圣诞节前一天,和庆祝耶稣基督的诞辰有关--尽管他确切的生日日期在许多学者间一直存在争议。然而,今天的许多圣诞节传统都起源于耶稣之前的冬节。其中用常青树和树木制成的蜡烛和装饰物非常重要,象征着永恒的光和生命。

In Roman times, a mid-winter festival was held. This was a relaxing time with a lot of parties and merry making. It was also common to give other people small gifts, such as dolls for children and candles for adults. This festival culminated with the celebration of the winter solstice, which fell on December 25 in the Roman calendar.




Since pagan times, it was customary to decorate with greenery on festivals, especially with holly, ivy, and mistletoe. After some debate, the church authorities permitted it to be done on Christian festivals, at least from the early seventh century in England. Holly and ivy were associated with good and evil, or male and female, and so were often combined. Mistletoe has pagan associations. For example, the druids of Gaul regarded mistletoe growing on oak trees as sent from heaven.


Images of Santa Claus, also known as Father Christmas, snowmen, reindeer, and candy canes are seen in cards, posters, signs and other printed or marketing material associated with the Christmas celebrations. Images of baby Jesus, the Christmas star, and other symbols associated with the religious meaning of Christmas are also seen during Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.









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  • 平安夜活动:幼儿园小班平安夜主题活动
  • 一.晨间活动 1.热情接待幼儿及家长,并用Merry Christmas和小朋友问好! 2.请小朋友找到自己的口杯喝水. 3.早餐 4.入厕 二.英语活动<Merry Christmas> 活动目标:1.了解圣诞节的由来以及相关 ...查看

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  • 平安夜活动:英语活动[Merry Christmas]
  • 一.晨间活动 1.热情接待幼儿及家长,并用Merry Christmas和小朋友问好! 2.请小朋友找到自己的口杯喝水. 3.早餐 4.入厕 二.英语活动<Merry Christmas> 活动目标:1.了解圣诞节的由来以及相关 ...查看

  • 外国人平安夜吃什么
  • 意大利]Feast of the Seven Fishes(七鱼宴).这个可能是最有宗教传统的食物.食物应该简单.清淡,素食为主.吃鱼则是有清修的感觉,因为「鱼不算肉」--当然,现在做鱼,也和清淡不沾边了. [俄国.乌克兰等东正教国家]圣诞 ...查看

  • 平安夜的由来,平安夜怎么过?
  • 传说,把12月25日定为圣诞节是为了纪念耶稣的诞生.这一天,不论是否礼拜天,世界所有的基督教会都要举行特别的礼拜仪式.有些教会的庆祝活动从午夜零点就开始.除礼拜仪式外,还演出圣诞剧,表演耶稣降生的故事等. 平安夜,也即圣诞夜,是指12月24 ...查看

  • 中国年尾一大傻:平安夜过成了狂欢节!
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