职场实用英语口语:如何用英语讨论团队建设 via安格英语




At today’s teambuilding workshop, you’ll have lots of opportunities to get to know your

colleagues better. We hope you can learn to build on every one’s strengths and weakness, and jell together to create a seamless and efficient team. But first, we’re going to have an icebreaker to get everyone warm up.

Now, first, take a look at who is at your table with you. Do you see anyone you don’t know? Maybe one or two people you’ve never met? This is your chance. We’ll give you two minutes to mingle and find at least three new faces. Talk until you find something in common with each other, then move on. We’ll see who can find the most new friends in the least amount of time. Ready? GO!

通过上段我们了解到团队建设的英语即teambuilding ,在这段描述中用到了包括优势、劣势、建立无懈可击高效的队伍、缓和气氛等在组织团建活动中会用到的词汇,安格英语老师已用红色标出,方便大家学习。下面我们就来看看如何将团队建设活动运用在闲聊寒暄中:

A: What did you think of the teambuilding session this morning? Do you think it did much good?

B: Well, a lot of the games were pretty silly. I don’t know how much it helped us to be a better team, but I think everyone had a good time.

A: I think that’s an important part of it all… we’ve got to be able to see another side of our colleagues and boss… We can see what they’re like as real human beings, working together on some project, for fun. I really think it helped our team jell together better.

B: Yeah, I guess you’re right. I think the trust game was my favorite. I think in order to have a strong team, we’ve all got to learn how to trust each other more.

A: The trust game was your favorite, huh? My favorite part was the personality tests. I think to know more about what kind of personality type you are will tell you a lot about who you can fit into a team. Also, when you know the personality strengths of your colleagues, it helps you

understand them better.






At today’s teambuilding workshop, you’ll have lots of opportunities to get to know your

colleagues better. We hope you can learn to build on every one’s strengths and weakness, and jell together to create a seamless and efficient team. But first, we’re going to have an icebreaker to get everyone warm up.

Now, first, take a look at who is at your table with you. Do you see anyone you don’t know? Maybe one or two people you’ve never met? This is your chance. We’ll give you two minutes to mingle and find at least three new faces. Talk until you find something in common with each other, then move on. We’ll see who can find the most new friends in the least amount of time. Ready? GO!

通过上段我们了解到团队建设的英语即teambuilding ,在这段描述中用到了包括优势、劣势、建立无懈可击高效的队伍、缓和气氛等在组织团建活动中会用到的词汇,安格英语老师已用红色标出,方便大家学习。下面我们就来看看如何将团队建设活动运用在闲聊寒暄中:

A: What did you think of the teambuilding session this morning? Do you think it did much good?

B: Well, a lot of the games were pretty silly. I don’t know how much it helped us to be a better team, but I think everyone had a good time.

A: I think that’s an important part of it all… we’ve got to be able to see another side of our colleagues and boss… We can see what they’re like as real human beings, working together on some project, for fun. I really think it helped our team jell together better.

B: Yeah, I guess you’re right. I think the trust game was my favorite. I think in order to have a strong team, we’ve all got to learn how to trust each other more.

A: The trust game was your favorite, huh? My favorite part was the personality tests. I think to know more about what kind of personality type you are will tell you a lot about who you can fit into a team. Also, when you know the personality strengths of your colleagues, it helps you

understand them better.




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