











  I would like to send my warmest wishes to everyone celebrating Chinese New Year. As the celebrations get underway – and cities around the world are lit up with fireworks and firecrackers– this is an important moment to reflect on Britain’s deep and long standing relationship with China.

  One element of this relationship is of course economic - and last December I was pleased to lead this country’s biggest ever trade delegation to China. The Chinese economy is set to become the biggest in the world later this century: a position it has held for 18 of the past 20 centuries.

  Britain meanwhile is growing faster than almost any other country in the West and is more open to Chinese investment than any other. So in the years to come I want our two nations to continue working closely together for the mutual benefit of all our people - whether it’s great British firms like Jaguar Land Rover prospering in cities like Beijing and Shanghai, or Chinese companies creating more jobs here in Britain.

  But this relationship is about more than just business – it’s also about deep and enduring ties between our two countries. It is great, for example, that so many Chinese students have the opportunity to make the most of our world class universities.

  And these celebrations remind us too of the richness and vibrancy of Chinese culture here in the UK - from the family businesses providing amazing food to millions every week to the parents busy setting up bilingual academies for our children. I want to pay tribute to the enormous contribution that Britain’s Chinese community make to our national life.

  I hope you have a great celebration and – as we enter this year of the horse – wish you all a peaceful and successful twelve months. Xin nian kuai le.

  David Cameron

  Prime Minister












  I would like to send my warmest wishes to everyone celebrating Chinese New Year. As the celebrations get underway – and cities around the world are lit up with fireworks and firecrackers– this is an important moment to reflect on Britain’s deep and long standing relationship with China.

  One element of this relationship is of course economic - and last December I was pleased to lead this country’s biggest ever trade delegation to China. The Chinese economy is set to become the biggest in the world later this century: a position it has held for 18 of the past 20 centuries.

  Britain meanwhile is growing faster than almost any other country in the West and is more open to Chinese investment than any other. So in the years to come I want our two nations to continue working closely together for the mutual benefit of all our people - whether it’s great British firms like Jaguar Land Rover prospering in cities like Beijing and Shanghai, or Chinese companies creating more jobs here in Britain.

  But this relationship is about more than just business – it’s also about deep and enduring ties between our two countries. It is great, for example, that so many Chinese students have the opportunity to make the most of our world class universities.

  And these celebrations remind us too of the richness and vibrancy of Chinese culture here in the UK - from the family businesses providing amazing food to millions every week to the parents busy setting up bilingual academies for our children. I want to pay tribute to the enormous contribution that Britain’s Chinese community make to our national life.

  I hope you have a great celebration and – as we enter this year of the horse – wish you all a peaceful and successful twelve months. Xin nian kuai le.

  David Cameron

  Prime Minister


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